Chapter 11 - Willow Street

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Songs for this chapter:

 Shut up and Drive by Rihanna


Zoe's POV:

A week has past since my encounter with Niall. Bentley has at the boys' house most of times, I only see her when she needs stuff from our room. We exchange 'hi's and 'bye's and that's it, we just haven't had time to talk to each other I guess. It was really lonely without Bentley, we had grown a true friendship these few weeks, she was starting to become a sister to me. Hell I think I even missed Niall.

Wow, did you just say that?

No, I'm just alone and would have anyone be with me right now.

Sure you are. I end the discussion I had with myself then and there. 

I was currently at the café that was by the book store that I bought my books at. It was on the other side of London, the side with homeless people, muggers, and alley fights.

I was quite nervous to be on this side but I needed to buy a new book for psychology and this was the best book store. I decided to get a warm, hot chocolate since it was cold out. I step out of the café with books hugged against my chest and a paper cup with a black lid close to my lips.

It was about 8:30 pm and cold outside; I had on skinny jeans, a black, long sleeve, Uggs, and my black pea coat. I was across  Willow Street, I hear bad things about that street. Robs, drug dealing, some murders, and prostitution, these were the things that happened on this street. And I hear the biggest illegal car racing is here, that's what started all of it. Before I moved here for school I did some research, so I know what parts of the city to stay out off.

About four years ago a gang held illegal car racing, many people joined even if the consequences were horrible. Where trouble was more followed; drug dealing played a huge factor and still does, people would deal while watching the races. Robbing came with the bad people that were in the street, so did the rest of the crimes. More deaths come from the street races here than drug addiction or texting while driving. Police haven't been able to catch the gang that created the industry in London, plus they are scared to even walk in the streets. People on the fire escapes guard the street with guns while the races are going, so if anyone with a badge saw it they would surely die. The gang was like shadows. Something you could see but not touch.

Why would someone want to race? Its dangerous and illegal, you could seriously get injured or die. And if your caught the punishment is jail time, heavy fines, and it goes on your driving record. Anyone who would do it would be crazy. And why would people want to cause problems in a once beautiful street?

I look to the left and see bunch of people on both sides of the street, cheering. Many people were giving others money for bids, drinking from beer bottles, or smoking pot. I look up slightly to see big men with guns scanning the area. One man on the first, right fire escape gave me a stern and deadly look causing me to step back and slowly walk forward down my street. I hear screeching of tires and see smoke making my head wipe up and out to see where it was coming from. I see the head lights of a car as it's turning the corner. The classic mustang was racing down the street to the finish line. The mustang didn't get to far away when the neon Lamborghini passed him winning the race. The expensive sports car was a mesmerizing sight. The neon green paint contrasted perfectly with the dark moonlight sky. The driver's door opened from the mustang, a guy about my age came out. He had brown hair that matched his eyes, by his facial features and the way he flexed his muscles he was angry. The  driver that won came out of his car, my eyes widen.


What the hell was he doing here? Why was he in that race, and god how many vehicles does this guy have? I watch as he slams the door shut and strut towards the angry guy.

"See I can beat you at a race, now where is my money?" Niall says to him extending his hand out greedily. I watch carefully not getting caught.

"Yeah, yeah here your money." The 'loser' handed over two thousand pounds, so this is how he gets all the money, by racing?

"Now tell your lousy excuse of a brother and your guy's posy to stay off our turf." Niall demanded, if looks could kill this guy would be die by now.

"Well see about that scáth." the guy threatened, he walked out of the street and into the darkness. Niall stood there for a moment in deep thought. It looked like he was contemplating on letting the comment slide or to go and kill the guy. I really hope he doesn't choose the second choice. What the hell is a scáth anyway? I remind myself to look the word up when I get to my dorm. I see Niall slump in defeat with himself, he looks like he is just tired of it all. He had his skinny jeans on, a red shirt, his high tops, and a navy blue hoodie; how does he always look so attractive? He ignores the people cheering him for his win and walks down the sidewalk and way from the street. I decide to follow him but on my sidewalk on the other side of the street. With his head hung low and his hands in his pockets he looked so alone. Just seeing him made me want to hug him and tell him it was okay, it was just something about me that wanted to make everyone happy. We walked down  the sidewalks in unison, me observing every step he took and him in deep thought. Police cars with sirens going off went passed us and to the alley of Willow St. I guess they got a call about the race. Niall looks over his shoulder and looks at the police officers that were arresting and questioning about who was involved in the race; they were probably going to arrest one of the gang members. I look at Niall, he smirks in victory observing the officers. He turns his head back to in front of him till he spots me. Confusion spreads across his face then frustration; that when I dropped my paper cup and ran.


Hey guys, I hope you had a wonderful turkey day!!!!! So this chapter is a little intense I guess, and I'm sorry it's a chiffhanger. Oh fact of the day: the term 'chiffhanger' came from the book 'A Pair of Blue Eyes' by Thomas Hardy. But if you have seen Perks of Being a Wallflower (the movie), Mr. Anderson says its Charles Dickens. It was a movie mistake.

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Love you guys, Sierra Boo x.

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