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Dear readers,

For about five years I have been suffering from different forms of depression, anxiety, paranoia, and now suicidal thoughts. It had became worse over the years and I'm finally done with it. I have been battling with myself for years and have never told anyone till now. I will not go into detail because I don't like to talk about myself like this. But I'm going to be getting help for my mental illness, I don't know how long I will be getting help but while I'm getting help I will not be writing.

This DOESN'T mean I'm stopping with the story it means I need a little break. Hopefully I will publish chapters soon but for now I'm spending my time recovering and getting help for my problems. I hope you understand. I hope to write more in the future and its not the last you will see of me I promise,  just give me some time off and I will write when I can. Stay strong to anyone who is like me and also thank you for reading my stories. I love you all to bits. Bye for now and hello for future.

Love you guys, Sierra Boo x.

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