Chapter 21 - This Can't Be Happening

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Songs for this chapter:

I'm Just a Kid by: Simple Plan

READ A/N AT THE BOTTOM!!!!!!!!! Very Important!


Zoe's POV:

I woke up feeling extremely unconformable, the only thing that was conformable was what ever my head was laying on. I lift my head up and look to see I was sleeping on Niall's shoulder, I look around and we were all in a waiting room at the hospital. I soon remember why I was here, Zayn was in the hospital because he was shot and the hospital needed more blood. And Karen that Phlebotomist told me I was related to Zayn, but I was probably thinking I heard that because I was pretty loopy after having a pint of blood get drained from my body. I hear the rustling of Niall, he opened his eyes and smiles when he sees me. "Hey." he says to me, I say hey back but I had to ask him if what I thought was true or not.

"I remember that lady telling me I'm related to Zayn, is that true?" I ask him, he gave me a confused expression.

"Yeah she did say that but I think she was just messing with us." he says, stretching in his seat. But if she was messing with us why would she tell me to talk to Dr. Reese about it? I hear the stomach growling of Niall, typical. "Hey how about we go to the cafeteria, yeah?" I nod my head and get up and follow him to the cafeteria. We walk down to the cafeteria and I make myself a salad and pay, we sit down and Niall has a little bit of everything. We eat in silence till Niall takes a bite out of his cake, he makes a very displeasing face and drops his fork on the plate. "Okay, I hate hospital food." I laugh at this comment and nod my head in agreement. We finish up and make our way back of to the waiting room.

I hadn't noticed till now that everyone wasn't in the waiting room, I walk up to the nurse's desk and ask one of the nurses at the computer, "Do you know where that group of people from last night are?" She nods her head and tells me they all were in room 375, I thank her and grab Niall's hand and make my way to room 375.

"Where are we going?" Niall asks me, I tell him that the boys and Bentley were in one of the patient rooms, that only meant that Zayn was in there. 372, 373, 374, I finally find room 375 and open the door. There was Liam, Louis, and Harry sitting on the blocky, flat couch and Bentley in a chair that was next to Zayn's bed. Zayn looked asleep and he was hooked up to several monitors, including a heart monitor. I look at Zayn a different way now knowing what Karen told me, I can see the things we have in common like our hair color, eye color. Bentley had her head down on the bed and she was holding Zayn's hand waiting for him to wake up. Liam sits up and approaches us, I let go of Niall's hand and cross my arm.

"So the surgery went well but I guess Zayn is in a induce coma because it would be easier for him to recover like that." Liam informs us, so he is in a coma not just sleeping. Who knows when he is going to wake up.

"How is Bentley taking it?" I asked, he shrugged.

"She hasn't really slept at all and has been in that chair since we were able to go into the room." he tells me, I sigh knowing it would be like that. All three of us walk into the room, I walk over to Bentley and lay my hand on her shoulder. She looks up at me will a tear stained face.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask her, I knew she wasn't okay obviously but I wanted to know what I could do. Her eyes narrow at me and she stands up to meet me height.

"Does it look like I'm okay? My boyfriend is in the hospital because he was shot, he almost didn't make it through surgery and he is in a coma. A fucking coma Zoe, I can't even talk to him. What if he dies suddenly and I will never be able to talk to him ever again. Do you know how that feels? No you don't, so how about you leave with Niall or just go back to campus." She yelled at me, I wasn't expecting that at all. It was pretty hurtful too, I wouldn't think my friend would say that to me. I blink my eyes so tear don't fall and back away from her. Her eyes flash with gilt and she takes a step towards me.

"I'm so sorry Zoe, I-I didn't mean it." she stumbles over her words. I knew she was just angry because her soul mate was momentarily lifeless and she probably haven't slept at all since she go here. I nod to her and start walking towards the door.

"I'm just going to get some air." I announce, Niall tries to follow but I stop him and tell him I needed to be alone for a moment. I pace slowly in front of the door getting a few weird looks from some people, I ignore them and try to clear my brain. I look up and see Dr. Reese walking down the hall, this was my chance to ask him about the blood test. I know Niall told me it was probably a misunderstanding but I was to curious to find out the truth. I walk up to Dr. Reese, he smiles at me and greets me.

"Oh hello Ms. Kingston, how may I help you?" he says while putting away some clipboards.

"The lady that took my blood said I was biologically related to your patient Mr. Malik, is that true?" I ask him in the most formal way I could not wanting to sound stupid, but asking someone if you are related to someone is kind of stupid I mean your suppose to know those things. He tell me to follow him to his office, I obey his instructions and walk behind him until we come to a sleek looking office. He lets me walk in first and tells me to take a seat. He sits behind his dark wood desk and pulls out some records from a filing cabinet.

"So when we ran your blood we found a lot of similarities in yours and Mr. Malik's DNA. We also found records of your birth certificate, it said that your were born January 12 in Bradford just like Mr. Malik. We also found the mother on both certificates is Amelia Malik. " he told me, this can't be.

"How can that be, I was born in Chester, England. I'm the daughter of Daniel Kingston and Amelia Vincent  Kingston, I have a brother and a sister and that's it." I tell him, this can't be happening. I don't understand how this could of happened.

Dr. Reese sighs, "This doesn't happen a lot but Mr. Malik could very be your twin brother, maybe your mother didn't want you to know but I do know that the father was not included in ether birth certificates. You will have to discus this with your mother but DNA proves that you are Mr. Malik's twin sister." I couldn't believe this. DNA is DNA and it can't lie, I wasn't angry that I was Zayn's sister, twin sister. I was furious that my parents never told me about this, I've been living a lie my whole life.

I get up from my chair and go to open the door before asking Dr. Reese one of my most curious questions, "Dr. Reese, if Zayn wasn't raised with me then where did he go?" Where could he of gone, he was raised basically on the other side of the ocean from me.

"The records show that Mr. Malik was put up for adoption a day after he or I guess you and him were born." I thank Dr. Reese and leave his room. Adoption? Why would my mother do that? Keep one of us and put one in adoption, it seems very wrong and unfair.

I walk back to Zayn's room and open the door, I tap on Niall's shoulder and motion him to come out side into the hall way. He nods and follows me outside.

"We're going on a small trip."


Hey guys, I bet you didn't see that coming. Zayn and Zoe are twins? Yeah they are, and I know that Zayn is 21 and Zoe is 19. Just go with its a fan fiction and think of Zayn as a 19 year old who just looks like a fucking god. If you were confused by this chapter just read below.

Zoe has been told her whole life that she was born in Chester (Chester not Cheshire as Holmes Chapel, Cheshire) on January 12th. She was told that her father is Daniel Kingston and her mother is Amelia (Vincent) Kingston.

Dr. Reese informed Zoe that Zayn was born on January 12th in Bradford. The mother's name was Amelia Malik and the father's was unknown. After birth Zayn was put up for adoption. Why would Amelia their mother do this, well you have to wait and see.

Dr. Reese also informed Zoe that her birth certificate said she was born in Bradford just like Zayn. He also said Amelia Malik was listed as the mother on her certificate and there wasn't a father on it not even her father  Daniel.  So there is a big possibility that Zoe has been lied to all her life by her mother and has been split from her twin brother for her whole life.

I hoped that cleared some things up.

Remember to see the Midnight Memories gifs at 4 GMT!

Love you guys,  Sierra Boo x.

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