Chapter 18 - I'm Friends with the Monster

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Songs for the chapter:

 Monster by Eminem ft. Rihanna


Niall's POV: (yay!)

"Your something else Princess." I chuckle shaking my head at the peppy girl. I look at the clock and see that it was about time wash out the gooey, smelly crap in my hair.

"Hey babe I'm going to take a shower." I tell her grabbing my shirt that was on the counter. She nods her head but I notice her cheeks are a bit pinker, aw she's so cute. I love calling her 'babe' so I can just see her pink cheeks. I jog upstairs to my bedroom then my bathroom and turn on the water. I turn on some music from my phone before jumping in the shower. I did the usual stuff you do in the shower then got out. Once I was done I changed into my boxers and some black sweatpants that hung below my boxers. I went back into the bathroom and saw the top of my head completely purple. Or lilac is how Zoe would put it, she is so specific with her colors. I decide to blow dry my hair since I didn't like wet hair, once I'm done I take another look in the mirror. The lilac color was lighter closer to the top and darker in the roots, I have to say it didn't look too bad. I jog down stairs and see Zoe on the couch looking at her phone, when she heard me come in she looked up at me. A smile sketched across her face. She truly had a amazing smile.

"Lilac doesn't look to bad on you Horan." she poked my chest making a tingly feeling where she poked.

"I have a feeling we are going on last name basis now Kingston." I smirk down at her moving closer to her. Her breath hitched at the decrease in distance. Her big brown eyes looked up at me giving me the most innocent look ever like always. Her black eyelashes batted at me and her pink, plump lips were in a natural pout. Man I really I mean really wanted to kiss those pouty lips of hers.

Stop it Niall, you don't think of girls like that! You don't fall in love, it just leads to trouble and you are already trouble.

"Come on, you still need to watch my movies with me." She pulled back pulling at my arm, I love how she does that its like she is a little kid. I follow her into the living room and sit down on the couch next to her, she presses play on the telly and Mean Girls plays.

"Oh my god, are we really watching this movie?" I ask turning to look at her, she says yep and looks back at the screen.

"WAIT! I have an idea!" she says suddenly pausing the movie, she takes her hair out of her bun and brushes through it before grabbing her phone and goes to camera. She switches the lenses to face us.

"Say PURPLE!" she says before snapping a picture of us. I laugh and decide to play along, I took the camera from her and pulled her to my lap I count to three before snapping another picture of us.

"Now silly face." I say crossing my eyes and sticking out my tong, Zoe scrunched up her nose and made a kissy face and the camera. The next picture I kissed her cheek and she made a surprised face. We took a few more before she took her phone back and posted them on Instagram.

"Let me guess, you chose lilac so we could match." I ask smirking down at her, The brunette girl with purple tips grins and nods her head shyly and rests her head on my shoulder. She presses the play button and we start to watch Mean Girls.


"You go Glen Coco!" Zoe said in unison with the telly, I laugh at her quirkiness.

"Your so weird." I say, she looked up at me and put her hand over her heart. I thought she was going to say 'hurtful' or something like that it was the exact opposite.

"I'm flattered." she said in a posh accent, god she will be the death of me. She laid her head back down on my shoulder.

"I'm bored." she said suddenly, I'm telling you she had the attention span of a gold fish some times.

"Well what do you want to do?" I ask, she shrugs her shoulder as a response.

"I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed. Get along with the voices inside of my head. You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath. And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy" I hear the soft voice coming from Zoe. She truly had a lovely voice.

I wonder why she chose to sing that song, I mean yeah it probably just came to her but I wonder why she likes that song.

"I love that song, it reminds me of you." she says answering my question, I guess I said it out loud.

"Yeah, why's that?" I ask, running my hand through her soft hair.

"Because your-" I cut her off as soon as it comes to me.

"A monster." I say in a more harsher voice then intended, it wasn't that I was mad at Zoe I could never be mad at her. It was because we both knew I was a monster, my past is horrible. Even though Zoe doesn't know all my past she can just look at me and know I'm a monster. That's how everyone else thinks of me.

"No, no Ni. Your not a monster, I would never think of you as one. When I mean monster I think of things that has happen to you. I know I don't know all of it but I know your not a monster. I'm friends with you for a reason and I know I'm crazy for being friends with a criminal and you probably think I'm crazy but I care about you Niall and I don't want you to think of yourself of a monster anymore, I need you to promise me that." She took my hand and intertwined our fingers together and looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

"But-" I try to protest but she moves to sit on my lap like she was straddling me and points at me, looking at me like a mother would do.

"Fine, I promise." I say with a huff, Zoe smiles and hugs me. I never would of thought Zoe would hug me, we kind of hate each other still. Well except from times like this when she is on my lap and we are watching movies and dying each other's hair. Wow that sounded girly. She pulls back and looks at me, I look back. Her hair was dark and wavy and so soft. Her natural tan skin was pale due to the weather but her lip color contrasted. Her lips were always this bubblegum pink that made you wonder if they tasted like sweet bubblegum. And her eyes, oh her eyes. They were so big and full of curiosity, which always made her adorable. And don't get me started about her outfits she teases me with. The first time she wore those yoga pant of hers I wanted to rip them off, they made her bum look fantastic. And the oversized sweaters on her made her look like a child in there dad's shirt, it made you wonder what was under there. I needed her, I just wanted to feel those soft lips of hers. I was about to move closer to her before the front door busted open revealing a restless Harry and Louis.

"Zayn is in the hospital."


Oh nooooooo!!!!!!!! Don't die Zayn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No he's not going to die if that is what you were thinking, speaking of Zaynpoo his birthday is tomorrow....... I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OUR BABIES ARE GROWING UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Niall and Zoe were soooo cute in this chapter, what do you think will happen between them? Well I hope you like this chapter and I'm sorry for the cliff hanger :/

Love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sierra Boo x.

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