Chapter 32 - Let It Go

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Songs for this chapter:

Painkiller by Three Days Grace (This song is about the drug we are addicted to; tattoos, alcohol, heroin, racing, hate, love.) 

Let Me Go by Avril Lavigne ft. Chad Kroeger (Letting go of past reunites a relationship)

Niall's POV:

Isolation, it was the only thing I had. I was locked up in my room, never going out to eat with everyone else or anything like that. Bentley had to come in and give me my food because I refused to socialize with anyone else. I was so distraught, I haven't showered in days and all I can think about is Zoe. She was so mad and hurt, and I caused it. I caused her pain and frustration just because of a stupid, illegal sport that was pointless to me now. How could I be so stupid, I was just so competitive when I came to this stuff. I remember in primary school when I was on the football team I would get so aggressive because I wanted to win, I even sent two kids to the hospital for broken ribs and a dislocated jaw. It wasn't my fault I put all my anger into sports, I was letting all my anger from my past get to me. The past was eating me alive.

When I was ten my family died in a house fire, I was the only survivor because I was angry that day and ran from home to go to the park to clear my mind. My ten year old self came back home to see every family member burned and police officers telling me I was going to be sent to my aunt Tracy in England.  I remember her clearly, she was the only one in my family still alive. Her ginger hair always pinned in her tight bun and her red lipstick was printed on her thin lips daily. I remember the day she told me to get in the car for 'an adventure', she took me hours away from our house to Bradford. She dumped me on the sidewalk, her blue piercing eyes that held disgust was the last thing I saw of her when she left me with my luggage by the small building that was on the verge of collapsing. I went inside the house not knowing where to go. A kind woman with warm, honey eyes took my luggage and put them in a room with two beds. I remember clearly seeing a little boy about a year younger than me in the room, my roommate. He was playing with an action figure, his hair was dark like mine except his had a natural curl to it that was starting to form. He looks up hearing the sweet voice of the woman.

"Harry, we have a new friend that's staying with us." He smiles and stands up with two action figures now, handing me one.

"I'm Harry and I like toys and cats." I giggle and held out my hand.

"I'm Niall and I like hugs." He smiles wider and slaps my hand and shakes it. He then takes me into the living room where three other boys were and this was the start of my new family.

Anger from my aunt leaving me and from myself leaving the house during the fire, I could of stopped the fire or something and I wouldn't of have to be raised in a broken orphanage with four other boys. But, I wouldn't of met the boys without the mistake but it still bothered me massively; it's why I never talk about my family. I was so caught up in the past to realize the present which is Zoe. She is my life now, she is putting a light in my future and I'm scared of loosing her. I have to do something for her but I don't know what. This is the time I wish I had a mum to talk to, she would know what to do. I sit in my bed strumming on my acoustic until an idea pops into my head.

Zoe's POV:

I felt so alone in the cold bed I was in, it was nothing compared to Niall's bed. My anger had disappeared almost completely and what was left was loneliness and sadness. I haven't seen Niall at all, he has been locked up in his room like I have except being out to eat dinner with everyone minus him. Bentley has tried to cheer me up but it hasn't worked and Zayn has been giving me brotherly love talks that involved the occasional "would you like me to kick his arse?" question, making me crack a small smile. I wonder what Niall is doing? Whenever I pass our I mean his room I hear the strumming of his guitar or soft sobs, but I think the sobs were just apart of my imagination.

Niall has became the only thing I have left, he is becoming my everything and I don't know how to respond to that. He makes me so happy, the gentle kisses and the sleepless nights of us just talking to each other makes my heart do flips. On the other hand his selfishness and love for secrets burns holes in my skin. I hear a nock at my door, the thumping noise annoying me. Bentley comes in giving me a nice smile. The pink haired girl comes over to stand by my bed which I was laying down in.

"No, I will not paint your toe nails." I say assuming what she's been asking for a week now since she can't reach them with her growing stomach. She scoffs and pulls the duvet from my body, I whimper from the coldness that has blanketed over me.

"No, your going on a date and I am helping you get ready." She says excitedly, I grown and roll over falling out of bed making Bentley laugh.

"No." I say clearly, crossing my arms. Bentley walks over to me across the bed, putting her hands on her hips.

"Yes, Niall has been dying to see you, he has been really upset." I didn't expect him to be effected by the situation we were in, we were I don't know were we stand right now. We were still together but we were separate from each other, it was heart retching.

"Okay." I say reluctantly, getting up from the floor and walking towards my closet which was filled with all my clothes since we took everything of mine out of Niall's to in here. Bentley pushes me out of the way and scans through the closet for me, not letting me see what she has picked out. She finally turns around and throws me a short but beautiful dress I haven't worn in forever. It was one of my favorites; black dress that stopped at mid thigh, with sleeves that ended at my elbows and showed in the back. I never wear it because I don't ever have a occasion to wear it, till now. Bentley insisted on straightening my hair and doing my makeup.

"What do you think he has in mind?" I ask, knowing we both know what I was talking about. We were talking about Niall and our date. She smiles like she knew what was going to happen.

"Well lets just say your going to love it." She tells me putting on the last bit of lipstick on me, "It's going to be so romantic." She giggles. "There, finished." She turns me around in the chair that was in front of the vanity. She gave me a light yet smoky eye with red lips which would compliment the dress once I put it on. When I'm finished getting dressed in the black dress and matching heels I turn to Bentley. She rubs her stomach like she is hungry but in reality twins were inside. I smile back at her, she was already a mum. She tells me to go down stairs were I am met with a bouquet of literally a hundred roses. The bouquet must of weighed a lot in the medium size vase. Next to the roses was a card, I open it up to see what was inside.

Dear Princess,

Please meet me at 23rd N Grand and say your reservation is under the name Horan. Can't wait to see your beautiful face.

                                                                                       - N

My heart flutters reading the card, I couldn't wait to see him after a week of not. I have Harry drive me to the address, it ended up being a expensive restaurant on the north side of London. I thank Hazza for the drive and get out of the car and into the restaurant. I tell the waitress the reservation name and tells me to take their elevator up to the roof. I was confused but went along with it. When I get to the top and the doors of the elevator open I'm greeted with a line of candles that elluminate the night by forming a heart in the middle of the roof top, around a table set for two and Niall.


Hey guys,  I'm sorry I didn't update last week, I was at my grandmother,'s again and I didn't have time plus I was having writer's block. Now I'm sick and I have finals or EOI's coming up    :( But hopefully I can write next week, yay!

The WWA Tour has begun ladies, the feels are on!

edits on the side!

Vote and Comment!

Love you guys, Sierra Boo x.


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