Chapter 33 - I Love You

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Songs for this chapter:

 Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran

Zoe's POV:

Dear Princess,

Please meet me at 23rd N Grand and say your reservation is under the name Horan. Can't wait to see your beautiful face.

                                                                                       - N

My heart flutters reading the card, I couldn't wait to see him after a week of not. I have Harry drive me to the address, it ended up being a expensive restaurant on the north side of London. I thank Harry for the drive and get out of the car and into the restaurant. I tell the waitress the reservation name and tells me to take their elevator up to the roof. I was confused but went along with it. When I get to the top and the doors of the elevator open I'm greeted with a line of candles that illuminate the night by forming a heart in the middle of the roof top, around a table set for two and Niall.

He was in black slacks, a white button up, and a black blazer. His lilac hair was up in a quiff and he was giving me a sincere smile. I was utterly shocked that he would put all of this together, but my body finds the strength to move closer to him.

"I'm so glad you came." He takes hold of my hands and stares deeply into my eyes.

"I can't believe you did all of this Ni." I tell him, he blushes and looks down.

"Come on, I made your favorite." Niall scoots my chair in for my when I sit down then sits across from me. He lifts the silver tops from the platters to reveal long noodles mixed in with Alfredo sauce, my favorite dish. I take my fork and swirl the pasta around and take a bite out of the delicious food. Niall was such a good cook. Niall coughs awkwardly getting my attention.

"So, uh, I wanted you here to apologize for everything." He starts, I could tell he was a little nervous. He was fidgeting but his eyes never left mine. "I know I've been hiding a lot from you, and know I'm ready to tell you. When I was ten my family died in a fire and I was given to my aunt but she didn't  want  the responsibility of taking care of me so I was dumped at a poor orphanage. That's where I met the lads, we were taken care of a nice elderly woman,Evelyn, till she died from cancer. She never left anyone in charge of us after she died so the abandon house was all we had. Luckily she gave us a very large amount of money she never told anyone about but we still worked. Louis and Zayn at the time  worked at a auto shop, Liam worked as an intern for a business man to learn how to manage money, Harry swept up after hours at a tattoo parlor, and I worked at a guitar store. It wasn't until I was in college that Louis and Zayn informed the rest of us about street racing." I was shocked, I can't believe Niall had to go through all of that, they all did and I can see why Niall hid it from me. It is very personal but I wouldn't think differently of him.

"I think they heard about it through one of their friends at the auto shop. But we decided we needed the extra money and we started to race in Bradford. It was fun, at that time Bentley even raced a bit. Can you believe she was a preppy blond brat before she joined us." His seriousness faded and turned to amusement talking about how Bentley used to be. "Anyway, after Harry and I graduated we moved to London, got a nice house with the money we saved up from our jobs and racing, then used some of our inheritance money Evelyn gave us for our nice cars. We then made our famous racing kingdom, but we decided to give it away." I furry my eyebrows in confusion making Niall sigh. "The boys and I decided to give our power to Danny and his crew-" He smirks evilly, "But we called the police on them saying they have been apart of it the whole time, of course the police are not going to believe anything they say because they are crack addicts and heroin junkies. Zayn and I strongly thought giving racing up for good would keep you, Bentley, and the babies safe." I smile at him, he was doing the right thing. Yes, it was kind of wrong to frame Danny and his crew but they were also threatening to kill me. This was so much to take in that all I did was sit there, Niall sits up from his seat and walks over to the edge of the roof pulling at his hair.

"I don't think I can take it any longer Zoe, I miss you. I miss your smile, your laugh, your big brown eyes, the softness of your hair, I miss your smooth skin, I miss your kisses the most. You are all I've been thinking about, all I've deamt about, I can't stand another day without you Zoe." He turns around once he hears the sound of my heels quickly running to his side, I grab onto his arms and look deeply into his ocean blue eyes. The truth is that I've missed him too, I've missed everything about him.

"Niall, I've felt the same. I've been crying and waiting for when I would see you again, I thought you died in your room or something." We both laugh at my joke. "But seriously, I miss waking up next to you and having you kiss me until I start giggling. I miss when we have tickle fights and when we have arguments about Harry Potter. I miss you calling me a nerd and me calling you a dork. I miss being your princess and I miss being with my fugitive." I say all in one breath, I had to let all my  emotions out. All the pain and suffering had to be let out and this was the only way I knew how to. By now Niall's eyes were glossy and tears were dripping down my face. Niall pulls me by the waist making no space between us.

"I love you Zoe."

"And I love you." He leans in the same time I do to connect our lips. The fire and ice sensation between us increased the longer we kissed. Niall bites down in my bottom lip, I gasp letting him enter my mouth, he moves on of his hands to my neck pulling my closer. It was just me and him in our own paradise.


Hey everyone, so I'm out of school. I'm so sorry I haven't wrote, I've had major writer's block and I'm just not happy about the outcome of this story. I hasn't had as many reads as my first one had and there are too many punk stories :( this story just sucks period. I'm going to write an epilogue then I'm finishing it. I'm going to be writing over the summer but I still don't know which story I'm going to write . It's such a hard decision

Love you guys, Sierra Boo x.

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