Chapter 22 - Small Trip

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Songs for this Chapter:

Story of My Life by One Direction (I chose this song because all I could think of when writing this chapter was "The story of my life, I take her home. I drive all night to keep her warm, and time... is frozen.)

Zoe's POV:

"We're going on a small trip." I tell him, confusion flashes over his face.

"Like to the grocery store or something? I hope we are the cafeteria food tastes like shit." I shake my head at his idiotic answer.

"No, you and me are going to Seattle." I tell him, he still looked confused, I guess I will have to explain. "I'll explain later but I talked to Dr. Reese and well I have to have a talk with my mother." I lower my head, I know what's going to happen. Her and I will fight and she will probably kill me.

"Wait why do you need me?" Niall asked crossing his arms, why did he need to come? We'll for one I need a ride to the airport, two if my mom kills me I have someone to give me a proper funeral *hint sarcasm*, and he is like my comfort blanket.

"I just need you." I tell him, it was all I could really tell him without making myself look like a complete fool. "How about Zayn? What if he wakes up and we aren't there?" He asked making creases in his forehead.

"Don't worry Zayn won't wake up for another week or so and if he does wake up then the boys can explain where we are." Niall takes a moment to think about it, it was almost like you could see him weigh out the pros and cons on going to Seattle with me. He looks back up at me and slowly nods his head and says "Only because you asked", I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tight. He immediately wraps his strong arms around me and nuzzles his face into my neck giving me a source of comfort.  He pulls back and tells me he is going to go back inside the room and tell the guys and Bentley where were going. I feel the buzzing of my phone in my hand, I look at the caller I.D. and see my mom's face on the screen. I click the answer button and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hey Mom." I greet, I can hear the faint noise of her heavy breathing.

"Zoella Anne Kingston, I checked your Instagram and saw you with a boy. Why the hell were you with a boy, especially him?" I have to pull the phone away from me so I don't rupture my eardrums.

"Why were you on my Instagram, are you spying on me or something?" I ask her anger fueling through my veins, I try to keep my voice as low as possible since I was still in a hospital with hundreds of people.

"Your my daughter, I have to keep an eye on you." I thought she stopped this, I remember her checking on my Facebook and Twitter pages every hour when I was sixteen, it's fucking ridiculous.

"No, you are watching me. There is nothing to worry about, your doing the same thing you did when I was sixteen!" I rise my voice a bit getting a few weary eyes from people.

"Yes I do have things to worry about, you have pictures of you and some punk kid plastered on your page!" She screams, she is so judgmental.

"See you later Mom." I tell her before hanging up, I didn't want to fight with her in a hospital over the phone, I'm going to see her for answers and we can fight then. I angrily turn my phone on sleep mode and see Niall leaning against the door with his arms crossed and with raised eyebrows.

"How much did you hear?" I ask sighing, he unfolds his arms and starts walking. I follow him as we exit the hospital.

"Well I know your mum must be pissed off about something, is that why were going to see her?" he asks as we walk over to his car. He must of had one of the boys or himself went to get his Range Rover last night cause I remember coming here in Harry's Audi. Niall unlocks the door and opens the passanger seat for me. I get in and thank him, he shuts the door and gets in the driver's seat and starts the car.

"That's part of it." I answer his question clicking the seatbelt and looking out the window. We drive to my dorm and Niall tells me he will get the tickets and that he was going to pick me back up in an hour. I wave bye to him and walk up to my dorm room. I first make sure to email all my teachers that a family emergancy happened and I would be gone for a week. Now of course I won't be in Seattle for a week but Zayn is in the hospital and he's family. I grab my small suitcase and pack it with some skinny jeans, oversized sweaters, some pajamas, shoes, and a dress just in case I need it. I take a quick shower and change into some skinny jeans and a Vans sweatshirt, I slip on my socks and black Vans before blow drying my hair and putting it in a messy ponytail. I pack my makeup and hair products in my pink suitcase and finally close it. (Picture of Zoe and Niall's outfits on the side)

By the time I had finished putting all the stuff I needed in my suitcase I had gotten a text probably from Niall.

From: Niall

I'm out front, do you need help with your luggage? xx.

To: Niall

Ok, and no I'm fine.

I quickly text back and grab my suitcase and head down stairs to the lobby and to Niall's vehicle. He's already out there when I get there and helps me put my suitcase in the back. I get in the front and buckle my seatbelt. Niall gets in and we leave.

"Ready?" He asked, am I ready to go back to Seattle? Yeah I am, am I ready to face my mother? No.


Hey guys so this was just a filler :\ I feel like I have been doing a lot of them at the moment, the good parts are coming I promise. SO WHO WATCHED MIDNIGHT MEMORIES! I WATCHED YESTERDAY AND OMG IT WAS SO FUNNY AND BAD ASS! My favorite was basically all of it, I can't decide what part I like most. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HARRY!  I love all the boys equally but if I married one of them it would be Harry, I'm just a Hazza gal. I can't believe that life ruining cupcake is freaking 20 years old, I can't take this.

Love you guys, Sierra Boo x.

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