Chapter 30 - Twenty Weeks Later

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Songs for this chapter:

I don't have a song for this chapter but have you guys heard 'What I Like About You' by 5SOS, the song is literally radiating hotness! Ashton's solo is amazing!

20 weeks later

Bentley's POV:

It has been 20 since we told everyone about the pregnancy. Everyone is pretty excited, especially Zayn. He has been my rock the whole entire time, he even stopped racing because of it, Liam did too. I was currently sitting in the doctor's office with Zayn and Zoe. We were going to find out the gender of the baby, Zayn was nervously tapping his foot like he does every appointment and Zoe was texting Niall. It was obvious that they loved each other already. I look down at me small bump, rubbing it gently not wanting to disrupt the baby's sleeping. 

"Mrs. Malik?" I hear the nurse say, Zayn has had my name under 'Malik' since he proposed the night of the dinner.  I look up at the elderly nurse with her clipboard and smile, getting up from my seat and following her to the little room with Zayn and Zoe following. Zayn and I had also decided to make Niall and Zoe the godparents so it was one of the reason Zoe had came along. Once the nurse weighed me and took my vitals the three of us sit patiently in the small room that was the ultrasound room.

"Hello, how is everyone doing?" Dr. Clove asked as she came into the room, she was going to be the doctor who delivers my baby in a five months. A chain of 'goods' echo in the room as she instructs me to lay down and lift up my shirt. I obey and lift up my Asking Alexandria t-shirt for her to pour the blue gel on my stomach. The sound of the machine makes me look at the screen, hearing the soft heartbeat of the baby. I calm myself to the baby's heartbeat till I hear a off beat rhythm with the first sound.

"Well would you look at that, congratulations your having twin boys!" A smile comes to my face, twins? I was having twin boys, it  made joyful tears brim my eyes until I hear a thunk. I swiftly turn my head to see Zayn passed out on the floor and Zoe laughing at his passed out body.

"He was so shocked he fainted." Zoe says between laughs, I chuckle and wipe the gel from my stomach.

"He will get better, it was just shock that got to him. We see it all the time." Dr. Clove tells me, I sign some forms and we leave, Zoe and I having to drag Zayn out. We put him in the back of my mustang and we go home to drop him off. Zoe and I were planning on going shopping for the babies. I was just over joyed with happiness that I was not just having one but two babies, this has been one of the best days of my life.

Zoe's POV:

I was over joyed that Bentley was twins, she seemed really excited by the way she smiled. There was this spark in her eyes to that made her look happy. I look down seeing my purple hair was faded and there was now ink on my arm. I decided to get a tattoo when Harry and Louis went, they couldn't believe how calm I was, they expected me to be weak. It was a feather with birds coming out of the feather strokes. It was unbelievably beautiful, and it held the meaning that I was free of my old life and I'm flying to a new. I decided to quit uni because I realized it wasn't right for me, plus I was cut off by my mum. I now have a job as a studio assistant to a famous photographer, Rosemary. She's from France and has psychotic ideas for photography but they always turn out amazing. I was brought out of my thinking when we park outside of a baby store. 

The inside was filled with everything you would need to decorate a nursery. Cribs, rocking chairs, etc. Bentley was practically running through the store, picking out everything we would need for the twins. First it was the cribs, picking out two white cribs with green and blue sheets to go on the beds. A white rocking chair, monkey and elephant pillows, and about anything jungle themed in the store she bought. Bentley has been planning on a jungle theme for weeks now, she said if it was a boy it would be jungle and if it was a girl it would be pink and ponies. 

"Oh my, look at these monkeys Zoe there so cute!" She squealed looking at the baby toys, I giggle at her enthusiasm. She was putting too much into this. We pay for her things and we leave to go back to the boys' house, well I lived there too but I still feel like it's the boys' house. We have Liam and Harry help us unload everything and carry them upstairs to the bedroom the nursery was going to be in. Bentley tells the boys were to put everything, instructing them like a captain, I help add cute touches but I didn't do much. I haven't felt myself lately, I believe it's the dramatic change I'm going through. I start to paint a cute giraffe on the wall, Bentley wanting me to make the walls look like the decor. Adding yellows and browns to create the tall animal, I get halfway done when I feel two hands grasp my waist. Biting my lip to suppress a smile I continue to paint, pretending to not feel anything. 

"I know you know I'm here." I hear Niall growl in my ear, I let out a small giggle before composing myself and adding more paint to my brush.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you." I say jokingly, he lets out a chuckle wrapping his arms around me.

"Of course you do, I'm the guy you dream about every night." I blush because it was true, I did dream about him even day dreamed about him. I turn around and plant a kiss on him before making a streak of yellow on his cheek. His mouth drops into a 'o' in surprise and he dips his finger in the brown paint before sweeping it across my nose then dashes across the room. I  laugh mischievously and cover my hands in paint and run to Niall, slapping my hands on his back creating hand prints on his white t-shirt. He grabs me and spins me until were on the ground with him on top of me. His goofy smile on his lips as he leans down to kiss me, licking my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gladly did. We lip lock for a while until his phone beeps meaning he was getting a text message. He groans before getting his phone and looking at it. He sighs and gets off me. 

"I've got to go."

"Where are you going?" I ask wanting to know why he is so agitated and leaving.

"Just to run some errands, it won't take to long." He says kissing my forehead before leaving.

Running some errands, bullshit.


Hey everyone, so this chapter was suckish. If you are wondering, I'm doing semi better. It is taking it's time but my demons are finally going to sleep, but I'm going to be writing again so YAY!!!! 

What do you think Niall is going?

(Zoe's tattoo on the side)

Oh and I have a purple ombre now so I look like Zoe, or well what she looked like before it faded :(

Love you guys, Sierra Boo x.

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