Chapter 8 - The Jerk That Saved Your Life

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Songs for this chapter:

 I don't have one for this chapter :(


Zoe's POV:

I was woken up by the bright light that was shining from the curtains. I tried to get out of bed but there was a weight on my lower waist. I look down to see Niall's tattooed arm on me. I look to see his lips parted slightly and his hair in different directions. I let out a small giggle at his sight and try getting out of bed without waking him. I walk out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. I didn't realize how big this place was; the whole house was so modern. It reminded me on the Cullen's house in Twilight. The living room was quite big with a 'U' shaped couch, a flat screen, and some side tables. The kitchen was black and white with some orange accents. Niall's bedroom was back and white with some green accents and he had some guitars in it, I wander what the other boy's rooms look like. I walk into the kitchen and open the refrigerator, I decide to make breakfast for everyone. The least I could do for letting me stay here. I pull out the eggs, bacon, and milk out of the refrigerator and open the pantry to get the bread, flour, and other things I needed to make breakfast. I end up making a total of 14 eggs over easy, 14 pancakes (2 for each person), 21 pieces of bacon, and 7 pieces of toast. I was making fruit salad when a voice was heard behind me.

"Oh hey, I was wander where you went to last night." Bentley's voice spooked me making me turn around to face her. She had her hair in a messy bun and had on one of Zayn's t-shirts on.

"Oh yeah, I was here." I tell her looking down. I decided to tell her what happened last night cause I didn't want her to think anything happened between Niall and I. After telling her everything that happened her eyes widen.

"Oh my god Zoe, I can't believe that happened. I have to thank my douche of a friend for saving your life later." she joked at the end making me laugh.

"Yeah, hey can you help me get some stuff out of the oven?" I ask politely, she nods her head and follows me to the oven. I open it and start handing stuff to her, I close the open with my foot and walk over to the dining table and set stuff down.

"Holy shit, how much food did you make?" Bentley asks astonished.

"Lets see... enough for each of us to have.... 2 eggs, 2 pancakes, 3 pieces of bacon, one piece of toast, and some fruit salad. So not that much." I tell her, I kind of have a thing for cooking as you can tell.

"I would of burned it all if I tried making any of this." she laughs sitting down. Rustling is heard from the hallway, one by one the boys came out. Louis first came out, then Harry, Liam, Zayn, and lastly Niall.

"Good god who made all of this?" Louis practically yelled, I awkwardly raise my hand then drop it. All five boys tackle me to the ground with hugs and thank yous. I laugh at their childish behavior, they get off me and take their seats at the table. I take a seat between Niall and Bentley and start eating. I glance at the amazement the six of them have on their faces when they try the food. They all seem to like it.

"This is amazing Zoe, thank you." Liam thanks me, the others follow making a chain of thank you's.

"Oh your welcome guys." I say taking another bite of the buttery pancake. Once we were all done eating I grabbed the plates and put them in the dish washer with all of the pans that I use the cook breakfast earlier. The ringing of someone's phone interrupts our peaceful silence, Niall got up from his seat and went to pick up the phone.

"What?" He said after looking at the caller ID, he had a blank expression for awhile then replied to who ever he was on the phone with.

"Yeah, we'll be there in ten" Niall hung up the phone and came to the table he glanced at me before looking towards the guys. "We have to be at the house in ten, get goin'" he said before help adding upstairs. Why were they going to a house?

The boys head the same direction to get ready to go, I look back at Bentley. She had a worried look on her face but soon replaced it with a happy one.

"How about we have a girl's day! You, me, El, and Danielle, that would be amazing!" She said clapping her hands together. Well I have nothing else to do.

"Okay." I say, she squeals in excitement, taking my hand she drags me upstairs. When we reach the top the boys are coming out of there rooms dresses all in black. Louis had black, skinny, jeans, a dark grey shirt with a jean jacket, and black Vans. Liam had on dark wash jeans, a black t- shirt, and black nike high tops. Harry had on black, skinny, jean (and I mean skinny!), black shirt with a leather jacket, and brown boots. Zayn was wearing dark jeans, a white t-shirt with a leather jacket, and white high tops that I think were Niall's. Lastly, Niall was wearing black, skinny jeans, a Judas Priest shirt with a leather jacket, and black Converse. Zayn kisses Bentley goodbye and they rush downstairs, Niall glances at me for a moment before his expression hardens as he walks downstairs. What the hell? This was all confusing, where were they going and why did Niall look at me that way? He didn't even talk to me today, it was like last night never happened. Did something happen that I'm not aware of? Why am I so emotional about this anyway? I don't have any feelings towards the jerk.

The jerk that saved your life Zoe, remember that. The voice in the back of my mind tells me.

The jerk who absolutely hates me. He was just doing something nice, doesn't mean he is God. I sass back to myself, wow I'm having an argument with myself. I push all the thoughts out of my head when Bentley tugs my arm making me go into her room.


Double update!!!!!!! I decided to do a double update because my last chapter was short, enjoy!

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