Chapter 27 - Koalas

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Songs for this Chapter:

 Unpredictable by 5 Seconds of Summer (I just thought of this song when writing this chapter, I absolutely love 5SOS and I thought the ending of this chapter was unprepared for, lol cute chapter. )

Zoe's POV:

We arrived at the zoo and bought our tickets, Niall insisted on buying mine because he called this our first date. I grab a map from the front and open it up to find a pathway. I spot the silhouette shape of  a koala.

"Ni, look they have koalas! We have to go." I grab his hand and sprint towards the path that led to the koala habitat that wasn't too far from the front of the zoo. I let go of his hand once we are there, putting my hands on the glass that separated me from the fluffy animals. They were my favorite animal, they reminded me of the little creatures from Gremlins in a way. I hate the fact though that they are trapped inside a glass exhibit. They should at least be in a habitat that is more free to move in. I feel warm arms wrap around my waist and minty breath brush against my neck.

"You really like koalas don't you?" Niall joked, I nod my head vigorously smiling at the cuties.

"Yeah, I've loved them since I saw them in Australia when I was six." I share my smile slightly fading, looking back now it is like that wasn't even my family. That family looked like us but they were not us. I'm guessing Niall saw my melancholy expression because he tugged my arm to walk over to the kangaroos. There was a mother kangaroo that had her small offspring in her pouch, the little joey exploring the world in a large pocket.  We watch them for a few more minutes before walking over to the giraffes.

"Hi, would you like to feed one of the giraffes?" A girl with ginger hair and a name tag labeled "Fiana" asked, handing us honey, graham crackers. I take one of the crackers and let go of Niall's hand to feed the long necked mammal. He gladly takes it, wrapping his purple-grey tongue around the cracker and swallowing it in seconds. I turn my head and see Niall and the giraffe that he just fed, smiling at the beautiful animal. He looked so cute next to the animal, almost like he was five again. He moves his stare from the giraffe to me and his smile grows. That smile was soon wiped off his face when the giraffe licks the whole half side of Niall's face. Niall made a unpleasing, disgusted noise as the giraffe pulls away moving on to someone else with food. I couldn't help but giggle as he wipes the slobber with his shirt.

"You think this is funny?" He asked pointing to his face, a smirk playing on his lips. I teasingly nod fighting another fit of giggles. "Yeah I do." 

"Well lets see how you like it." He threatens, what is he talking about? I was going to question him but my thoughts were interrupted when I feel a wet tongue slide across my left cheek. Why did giraffes have to have such long tongues? I laugh anyway and clean my face with some hand sanitizer that was there for after feeding. I look at Niall who looks like he could pass out from laughing, a huge smile showing his white teeth and his face was as red as a freshly picked tomato. I roll my eyes and take his hand, forcing us away from the giraffes and to the lions.


We stop at one of the zoo cafes and order some food, we were absolutely starving since we didn't eat breakfast. I was eating a salad as Niall was eating a club sandwich, the cafe was so cute and forest themed.

"So, are you liking this date so far?" Niall asked suddenly.

"Of course, it is so sweet." It was amazing to me. Yeah I liked cliche dates like going to nice restaurants but I loved laid back dates more. It made me feel care free and not as nervous. 

"Good because there will be more to come." I smile and look down so he doesn't see the redness forming on my cheeks. Niall's hand reaches over and lifts my chin up so I can see him. "Don't ever hide your beautiful face, it's too gorgeous to be hidden." He leans his body over the small table and gives me a kiss on my hot cheek. "Now come on, we still have a lot more to see."

I grab my trash and drop it in the bin before following Niall, he takes my hand into his lacing them together and swinging them between us.  We end up visiting the penguins, seals, snakes, and some more fluffy animals before leaving. I was currently waiting for Niall at the exit, he said he had to go the bathroom. He comes back with his signature smirk and his hands behind his back.

"I got something for you." He teases, he really didn't have to buy something for me.

"You didn't have to Ni." I tell him, still a little curious what's behind his back.

"But I wanted too." He tells me. I let out a sigh before peering behind his back, but Niall retracts and blocks my sight.

"Niall let me see." I whine, wanting to know what was behind his back.

"What's the magic word?" He asks grinning at my pouty state.

"Please?" I guess, he shakes his head.


"What is it?" I pout, what was it?

"Look in your back pocket." I scrunch my eyebrows and reach in my back pocket to see a small piece of paper in it.  How did that get in there?

"Read it out loud, it's the magic word- erm phrase." He tells me, I unfold the piece of paper and read it out loud as I was told.

"Kiss me." I say reading the slightly sloppy handwriting. Before I could think about what I had just said Niall bends down and gives me a sweet, gentle kiss. I don't do anything still surprised until I close my eyes and slowly kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck. Niall retracts and pulls out a koala plush animal from behind his back. It was so sweet of him, he was just the cutest guy ever. I look down at the koala, it's grey fur matching the real animal I saw today. It even had a little pouch like real koalas have. I see a small piece of white sticking out of the pouch, curiously I pull it out. It was a piece of paper that was like the one from my pocket. I unfold it and read the familiar handwriting out loud.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


Hey guys, so sorry I was just a little late on the update, but it was still on my regular Saturday. This chapter was sooooo cute! Announcement time, I will not update next week. I am having my wisdom teeth removed Monday and I'm going to be in so much pain and I'm missing about four days of school and I have to make up that work. So sorry about that, but I hope you like this chapter.

Love you guys, Sierra Boo x.

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