Chapter 10 - I'm Often Silent When I'm Screaming Inside

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Songs for this chapter:

What It's Like by Everlast


Zoe's POV:

I woke up with a headache from last night. I couldn't sleep with the thought of whatever happened with last night, with the boys, with Niall. I mean what was that? Was he bipolar? Did he have anger issues? Or was he just mad at me for something I had no clue in doing? These thoughts ran through my mind all night. I grown in frustration and get out of bed, I walk over to my closet and puck out what I want to wear than walk into to bathroom to shower. I turn on the water not even waiting for it to warm up. I was soon engulfed with the smell of strawberries from my shampoo. I wash my body and shave before stepping out. I dry off and slip on my blue undergarments and outfit. I wasn't in the mood to dress up to I decided on wearing. I put on dark, skinny, jeans, a black, jumper that had '13' on it (13 was my favorite number ever since I was little, I don't know why but I just like the number), and my black Uggs. I blow dry my naturally beachy, wavy hair and put my black beanie on. I put on my wing eyeliner, mascara, and my mix berry lip balm. Since my headache hasn't gone away I decide to wear my reading glasses.

I walk out of dorm room with my backpack and phone, I take the stairs down and walk out the lobby door. I head to my physiology class grabbing a Starbucks along the way. I take my seat towards the front, getting my notebook and pen out. Eleanor wasn't in class today, where is she? She's probably with Louis, hell I know she's with Louis. Did she know what happened? Was she involved in whatever was happening? What were they doing at the 'house' they say they were going to?

Are they like drug lords or something?

No Zoe, don't think those things you are not that judgmental. I scolded myself.

"Miss. Kingston?" I hear my professor Mr. Yikes say my name bringing me out of my thoughts. Mr. Yikes was your stereotypical professor, he wore glasses, sweater vest, tie, slacks, and an ugly green blazer.

"Yes Sir?" I ask sounding like I was paying attention, I'm never like this but the whole thing last night had distracted me.

"Please tell the class the seven main perspectives in psychology are." he instructed walking closer and looking down at me.

I clear my throat before answering, "There is biological, evolutionary, cognitive, psychodynamic, behavioral, and sociocultural."

"Correct, Mr. Reed tell me what biological psychology is." Mr. Yikes said moving from me to another student, I let out of sigh of relief. That was the first time I was distracted in class, I didn't like it at all. I finish my assignment for the day and leave when class in over.

I went to the rest of my classes which were sociology, biomedical science, and general education. I leave my last class which was college Algebra, I was exhausted but the headache finally stopped about an hour ago.

As on cue my headache grew stronger at the sight in front of me.


"Hey princess, have you seen Bentley, its urgent?" he said walking closer to me, he was in dark jeans, tank top, high tops, and a snapback. His snakebite piercings were visible, it was the first time I have seen them and well, they were hot. You could see all of his tattoos clearly. His right arm had a Grim Reaper with a scythe, a hourglass was dangling down from the scythe symbolizing something with time. Below that was a rose, withered like it's life was on a thin string. A Irish flag was inked on his right forearm, ripped skin was on top of the flag making it look like the Irish flag was inside him. On his left arm were playing cards, king, queen and jack; I was still confused on what it meant though. Another rose was on his bicep but his one was full bloom on one side and dead on another symbolizing a past life. And a quote was on his left forearm, I knew it exact because it was my favorite quote "I'm often silent when I'm screaming inside". Why did he have that tattoo? Was he like me, someone who is trapped within themselves?

"No I haven't seen her, Niall what was that yesterday?" I say, my anger starting to boil over my head. All my anger and frustration I'm had all day thinking about yesterday finally spilling out.

"What about yesterday?" he asked annoyed, he really knows how to make people angry.

"You tell me to leave and you were a complete dick about it! What did I do to you to hate me so much?" I yell at him, why did he hate me so much?

"You want to know why I hate you Zoe? You are this spoiled brat that has gotten everything she has ever wanted. You have had millions of friends that just want your money and wouldn't give a shit about you. You never had to work a day in your life and always had a fucking maid do everything for you. I don't know why you are even here, Daddy could just give you everything you would need to survive and you would be okay. You would have no clue what reality is even if it hit you in the fucking face." he finished, fire in his eyes. By the time he was done I was blinking away tears, he had no idea what it was like. He was so stereotypical.

"I'm a spoiled brat?" I scream at him, "I was raised by a nanny while my parents were on business and would rather work than raise me and my siblings. I never had friends, no one ever wanted to talk to the girl who was quiet and read books all day. And I have worked a day in my life, I have worked ever since I was fifteen just so I could prove I didn't need my family's wealth. Oh and I do know what reality is, reality sucks. I have spent my whole life alone. I'm silent when I'm screaming on the inside!" Once I'm finished I feel my cheeks wet from tears but some weight lifted from my shoulders. I look at Niall, he just stud there in a daze. It was like he was seeing the real me for the first time, I bet it also shocked him that I used the same words that were inked on his skin.

"I-I- I got to go." he stutters turning his back to me and walking away from me. A part of me was disappointed that he left. He couldn't say sorry or anything? Another part of me just didn't care, to tired to even care about what happened.


Hey guys! So I decided to do an update early because it's Thanksgiving break were I'm at and it's also my birthday today! YAY!!!!!!!! So obviously you all watched 1D Day, the AMA's, and Good Morning America; the boys are on fire, amazayn work! And let's not forget Midnight Memories, an extraordinary album! My top 3 favorites from the album is: Diana, Strong, and You & I.

Comment your top three favorites from Midnight Memories!

And Happy B-Day to me!!!!

Oh and I'm so excited that the boys are going to be touring North America!!!!!

Love you guys, Sierra Boo x.

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