Chapter 6 - Dark Eyes

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Songs for this chapter:

Up All Night by Hinder


Zoe's POV:

Since the club was a few miles from the campus we decided to drive in Niall's Range Rover. The whole ride consisted on Niall and Bentley slightly rocking their heads to the sound of 'Up All Night' by Hinder. Then you have me in the back fully disgusted by the lyric choice. The song was about getting drunk and having sex with some random slut, I mean girl. And of course the song choice was Niall's, I bet that is all he does at parties. We finally come to a halt in front of the club, it was a dark building with neon lights that read 'The Lust Lumière' which meant 'The Lust Light' in French. Yeah I can speak French and I know BSL (British Sign Language, I took lessons so I could communicate with my deaf cousin). Niall turns the vehicle off and I'm the first one to get out, I shut the door and flatten out my dress before entering the drunken horror I call nightclubs. We spot Zayn leaning against the side of the club smoking while talking to three other guys. I stay close to Bentley since she was the only one I trusted, but once Bentley attached to Zayn I knew I was alone, crap.

"Boys this is my roommate Zoe." Bentley introduces guiding her hand to me.

"Hi I'm Louis, I bet Eleanor has told you about me." The guy closest to Zayn spoke. I expected his voice to be a bit deeper since he looked a bit older than me; but Louis had a rather high voice but it was nice. He had black skinny jeans on with a 'The Who' shirt, white vans, and his hair was styled messy.

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you." I smile to him, the guy next to him was taller. He had blue jeans on with a white tee, white high tops, and a plaid shirt tied around his hips. He smiled kindly at me before speaking.

"Hi, I'm Liam", I smile at him and wave.

"Zoe" I say even though they know my name.

"It's nice to meet you Zoe, I'm Harry." The tallest guy comes closer to me, I have to look up just to see him and man did he have a deep voice. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a white shirt layered with a plaid one and brown boots. His curly brown hair was styled in a guiff and he had a smirk on his face, flirt.

"Umm...hi" I give a short smile then back away a bit which made him chuckle, they seemed nice but intimidation was high cause of there tattoos and piercings.

"Alright, lets go in before I die of boredom." Niall huffs and passes through us, into the club. dick. I roll my eyes and start walking into the black lit hell. We sit at a 'U' shape booth close to the bar. Zayn was at one end of the booth, then Bentley, me, Liam, Louis, Harry, and on the other end was Niall. Zayn ordered a round of tequila shots for us, I had only had a sip of my mother's wine before when I was like 16 so I was a bit nervous. Everyone was already swallowing their shots so I tilt my head back and hit the shot. I'm a bit taken back by the burning of the alcohol but soon get used to it.

After five more shots I'm buzzed, considering how small I am. Louis and Liam were having some conversation about Batman and Superman, Harry was snogging with some chick, Zayn and Bentley were dancing, and Niall was at the bar.

'Lose Yourself to Dance' by Draft Punk came on and I decided to get on the dance floor. I walk/slightly stumble to the pumping crowd of people that were grinding on each other. I sway my hips to the beat, the rhythm bouncing through my veins. I soon feel a pair of hands pull my hips to a rather hard body.

"Hey love, lets dance." I hear the guy whisper in my ear, from the corner of my eye I could see he was tan, had black hair, and dark eyes; but he did look a little hot. With the alcohol still in my system I nod and start dancing with him.

After the song ends the guy wraps his arms around me and says "Lets go to my place", my eyes widen and I try to squirm out of his grip.

"Sorry I can't I'm here with friends." I try to make an excuse, I really didn't want to go to his house and have sex with him. I don't know him and I just don't hand over my 'v' card to a stranger, I'm not a whore.

"They won't miss you babe, come on were leaving." his voice sounds darker as he drags me away from the dance floor and out the back door.

Once were out I start squirming even more and start yelling 'no'. The man spins me around and back hands me making me cry out in pain.

"Shut up, you slut." he yells, he grips my arm and pushes me against the brick wall of the building. He shh's me while stroking his index finger against my burning cheek. By now I'm to the point of sobbing, tears streaming down my face. The horrid man moves his fingers slowly down to the bottom of my dress, I try to move his body away but it only makes him push his more on me.

"P-pl-please stop, w-why are y-you d-doing this?" I stutter, he chuckles.

"Because you look so fun, though it will be ashame to see that pretty face of yours get ruined." he purrs as he ducks his head in the crook of my neck leaving snobbery kisses.

"Please stop." I say a bit more sternly over my silent sobs. I get a punch in the gut for that one and another 'shut up'.

He was about to punch me again till someone forcefully pulls him off of me and starts punching him repeatedly. I stood there in shock not knowing what to do. The person that from my view was a man stopped seeing that my almost rapist was now unconscious.

I got a better view of my savior, the Grim Reaper and Irish flag tattoos made my eyes go wide. And I knew the blond hair anywhere.



Wow!!!! DRAMA!!!! Hey everyone, so I hope you guys liked this chapter. Thanksgiving break is coming up, I'm so excided to see my family that are coming down and I can't wait to eat the food!!!!!! Wow now you guys think I'm a cow, I'm actually the shortest freshman at my high school. Yeah I don't like it. Please comment and vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you guys!!!! Sierra Boo .x

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