Chapter 13 - Adventure

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Songs for this chapter:

 Can't Hold Us by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis


Zoe's POV:

"Where are we going?" I ask, turning to him.

He smirks, "An adventure." Speeding off out of the alley and onto the street roads. I was so confused why Niall would want to take me on an adventure, little lone anywhere. I stay silent looking out my window. Since it was night out all the lights from buildings were lit making it a magical view. I'm never out at night and when I am I never take time to look at everything. The London Eye was the most intriguing, it looked almost blue with all the lights.

"Wow." I say in awe, I hear a chuckle bring me back to my senses. I look back at Niall, he glances at me and then back to the road.

"Never seen the city at night have you?" he asked smirking.

"No, I never have time to." I say looking to the front.

"You have a live time to see it, its when you choose not to see it and you miss out on an amazing experience." he comments, for a fugitive he says the best and inspiring things. That just one thing I have noticed since I met him.

"Inspiring words coming from a 'fugitive'." I say in a posh and flowing accent almost singing the words.

"You don't know half of what I can do with my mouth." he jokes, I blush intensively at his comment that was intending to be dirty.

"Oh God." I say rolling my eyes and sinking into my seat.

"A fugitive and a princess, I like the sound of that." He chuckles, it was kind of strange to be semi-conformable around a fugitive.

"Why do you call me that?" I ask, why does he? I'm ugly.

"Call you what?" he asked back acting like he didn't know what the hell I was talking about.

"Princess, why do you call me that?" I cross my arms looking at him.

"Well you come from a rich family that act like royalty. You are proper but not snooty, very preppy. Your very independent like me, I admire that." he says, no one has really told me that before. It also surprised me that he admired me.

"Plus you look exactly like a princess, princess." he finishes, I blush at his complement. Why am I bushing? It was just polite of him to say that, he doesn't like me. And why would I fancy a fugitive.

The car halts to a stop, I look out the window and see a lake. The moonlight glistened against the water making it stand out beautifully. Water weaved thought each other making small waves, it was dark blue the type of blue that is clean and healthy. There was also a sign that said "No swimming in the Taney Lake'', obviously you couldn't swim in it. Niall gets out of the car and I follow in suit, getting out on my side and following him. He stops in front of the lake and pulls his shirt off. His pasty skin was chiseled and inked making him look like a god. He starts to unbuckle his belt till I stopped him.

"What are you doing?" I ask furring my eyebrows.

"Going for a swim." He stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Pulling down his jeans, his Calvin Klein boxers hugged his hips perfectly, it was hard not to stare.

"But it's freezing out here and what if someone catches us?"

"That's the adventure." He smirked before jumping into the freezing lake, his head popped up a few seconds after.

"Well, are you coming?" He asked sweeping his hair out of his face.

"What? Are you crazy? Its freezing cold in there and I don't have my bikini." I say crossing my arms, the wind getting to me.

"Its not that bad, and you can just go in your bra and knickers." he says, smirking suggestively. There is no way in hell I'm going into that lake with my undergarments in front of Niall fucking Horan.

"No." I state blankly, shaking my head. He sighs then swims over to where I was and stud up. In one swift move he held me up in his arms bridal style. I squeal and lock my arms around his neck.

"Its either you get in the lake yourself or I drop you in." he says with amusement laced in with it.

"Fine, put me down." I say, I really didn't want to get me clothes wet.

"Okay." he says, I'm dropped and landed in the shallow part of the lake. The back of my clothes drenched in water.

"NIALL!" I yell, getting up from my laying position. I turn to see him sniffling a laugh, when he sees how angry I am he bursts out in laughter.

"What? You. Said. To. Put. You. Down." he says in between laughs, I slap him on the arm and roll my eyes. He jumps back into the lake and waits for me to get in. I grunt in frustration then strip myself from my yoga pants and sweater and pulled my hair out of it's messy bun. I was now only in my lavender-blue bra and panties.

"Now were talkin'." Niall smirked drinking me in. I fought with myself from putting everything back on.

"Don't be a pervert Horan." I tell him, sending a glare his way. He raises his hands in surrender, water droplets falling from his arms. I tip toe over to the water and make my way to Niall who was in the deeper part of the lake. It was freezing just as I predicted, my skin formed goose bumps and my teeth were chattering.

"It's fucking freezing in here." I say, hugging my arms around myself. Niall chuckles and swims over to were I was, he took my hands into his.

"It isn't that bad, you just have to get used to it." he said before lifting my hands up to his lips. Hot air came from his parted lips as he warmed up my hands, but from when his first breath hit my skin the weird electrics sensation came back and warmed up my whole body instantly. I look up at him but he already had his eyes on me, he lowered our hands into the water and came closer to me. My breath hitched as I saw how close our faces were to each other. He glances at me lips for a moment and he was about to kiss me until there was a bright and shining like coming from the top of the hill.


Hey guys so I decided to do a double update since I have nothing else to do since I'm sick. And sorry for the cliffhanger.

(Picture of Niall swimming, since it was a picture of when him and Harry were at the pool a few months ago I tried editing it to make it look like it was night time but it just made weird, idk I doesn't look like true night time but yeah.)

Love you guys, Sierra Boo x. 

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