Chapter 9 - Go

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Songs for this chapter:

 Ignorance by Paramore  


Zoe's POV:

Bentley tugged my arm making me follow her into her room, well I think its actually Zayn's room. The room was about the same size as Niall's. It had a bed with a black duvet, flat screen, closet, and bathroom. The walls were painted graffiti making the room seem more vivid and alive, I'm guessing Zayn is very artistic like myself. I never really use my artistic gift, my mother never wanted me to do anything that had to do with art, she made me read science books instead. But once in awhile I would find some paper and just go wild with my imagination; I would draw roses, landscapes, people. I guess that's why I'm a good photographer, I take in detail.

"Here this would look great on you." Bentley comes out of the closet with some clothes tossing half of them to me to wear. I swiftly catch them and hold them out to see what it was. Some black, tattered jeans and a Nirvana jumper. I walk into the bathroom and change. I slip on the jeans and baggy jumper, it looked very nice on me I thought to myself. I walk out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. Bentley had on black, studded, skinny jeans with a red jumper that said 'I'm Not Sorry', and white Doc Martens.

"Here you can wear my black boots, you can also use some of my makeup if you wan't to." Bentley said putting here black Doc Martens by my feet.

"Thanks Bentley." I thank her, she nods while brushing her beachy, wavy, pink/blue hair. I slip the boots on and walk back into the bathroom and use a bit of her makeup. I only used some mascara and pink lipstick, god I wish i had my lip blam with me. I brush my hair with the extra brush I found under the sink and walk out turning the bathroom light off. Bentley was texting someone when I came out, she her phone and grabbed her red beanie to put on.

"El and Dani will be here soon, Dani had to pick El up from the university." she informs me, I nod and follow her down stairs grabbing my cluch and phone on the way. We were going to walk into the large garage and walk out though the garage door. I look around and see many vehicles. In the back was a black, Range Rover that I knew was Niall's, next to it was a black Ducati. A sliver Audi and red Ferrari were parked next to each other on the left and Bentley's Mustang and a black Harley Davidson were on the right. How many cars did they have.

"Wow, there's a lot of cars." I comment, Bentley turns to face me.

"Oh yeah, the Rover and Ducati is Niall's, the Audi is Harry's, Ferrari is Lou's, you have mine, Zayn's is the Harley, and the boys probably took Liam's white, Cadillac." she says looking around at all the vehicles. "Oh and Eleanor has a Mercedes Benz and Danielle has a silver Cadillac." she finishes. These vehicles cost a fortune, how can they afford all of these cars? What do they even do job wise to afford this big house and all of these vehicles?

"What do the boys do for a living anyway?" I ask Bentley, she tenses once I ask.

"Oh they are... they work in the marketing and stockbroking." she says not meeting my eyes, she was either lying or not telling me something.

"Oh look they're here." she says pointing to them, she closes the garage door as we walk out. We both get into the back of the grey 2014 CTS-V COUPE that I suppose was Danielle's.

"Hey guys, this is my roommate Zoe. Zoe this is Danielle, Liam's girlfriend, and you know El." Bentley introduces me.

"Hey." I chirp from the back, they smile and say I to me from the front.

"So where should be go first girls?" Danielle asks. She had tan skin that went perfect with her dark, curly, hair.

"Lets go to the mall first, I want to go to Forever 21. We also need to go to Little Mix!" Eleanor says with excitement. We start heading to the mall listening to 'My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark' by Fall Out Boy. We arrive at the mall and head straight to Forever 21. I walk towards some jumpers they had, I love there jumpers! I end up buying three jumpers from Forever 21, two beanies from Zumiez, and some cute tops from Jack Wills.

After shopping the girls and I went to Little Mix, Perrie this girl from when we were there was there she greeted us with a smile and hugged Eleanor. Apparently they are close friends. I end up buying two cute dresses, one floral and one black with a pink bow. Your probably wondering how I have all of this money, well my parents gave me a savings account a few years ago filled quite a bit of money for when I start uni and I have worked at different stores and cafes since I was 15.

We get back to the house at 4:00, Eleanor and Danielle say there goodbyes and head back to El's dorm room. We get into the house through the garage again, I put my stuff in Bentley's car for when I go back home. We walk into the house and plob down on the couch, Bentley turns the telly on.

"We should watch "the Heat" I heard it's a good movie." Bentley comments, I agree with her. She rents the movie for us to watch. It was about halfway into the movie a loud slam came from the door. The boys come into the living room looking exhausted and beat up. Harry had a black eye, Louis had a bruised cheek, Zayn and Liam were unharmed, and Niall had a cut across his cheek and bruises on his knuckles. Just seeing him like this made me feel something, I don't know what it was maybe worry? What the hell happened?

"Oh my god, what happened?" Bentley says running to Zayn and checking to see if he was okay.

"I think it's time for Zoe to go now." Niall says in a stern voice that I had never heard before. He looked angry, was he angry at me?

"But we we-" Bentley says before Niall cuts her off.

"Now." he says with a dead look.

She nods and looks at me mentally telling me to come with her. I look over at Niall before even moving.

"Are you deaf, you need to leave now Zoella." he says, what's his problem? and how did he know my full name? I look down and walk towards Bentley, we climb into her car and drive off to our dorm in silence. We get to the dorm, she helps me with my bags and follows me upstairs to our room.

"I'm sorry, Niall is just mad you didn't do anything wrong." she says giving me a sympathetic smile before leaving. What she said reminded me of when I first met him, saying I didn't do anything wrong. I must of did something but I havn't, ugh this is just so confusing. I changed into confortable clothes and went to bed, class is tomorrow.


Hey guys! So I updated this a day early because I am super busy tomorrow. I have to go to a birthday party, get my hair done, and most importantly...... 1D DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! It starts at 1 pm where I live and I'm sooooo excited!!!!

(Zoe & Bentley's outfit on the side)

Love you guys!!!!

Sierra Boo x.

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