Chapter 17 - Lilac

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Songs for this chapter:

I don't really have a song for this chapter :(


Zoe's POV:

We made our way to the beauty supply store, me dragging Niall towards the hair dye. We stopped in front of the multi-color section. I let go of Niall's arm and tap my index finger on my chin, hum what color? I look down at my long hair and recognize the deep purple blended into my brunette hair that when I had an idea. I look across the section until I see the lilac color. I swiftly grab the dye box and put it up to Niall's head. He looked at me questionably then looked at the box. I smirked at the petrified, Irish lad and walked past him towards the mixing bowls and brushes.

"You want to dye my hair purple?" he asked following me

"Not purple, lilac." I correct him while grabbing a mixing bowl, a brush, some developer, and safety gloves. We walk up to the check-out counter, the employee rings up the stuff and I pay her. Niall tries to pay but I told him I would shave off his hair instead of dying it if he did pay. We walk out of the supply store and back on his bike to go by my dorm. Once were there I ask Niall to come up with me to help me get my stuff, he agrees and follows me to my dorm room. I open the door to my room, when we came in we saw Bentley and Zayn talking to each other. Bentley's hair was a bit messy and she was trying to fix the arrangement of her clothes while Zayn was trying to fix his quiff; well I'm glad we wern't here earlier if you know what I mean.

"Yeah guys." I say getting there attention, their heads snapped to us.

"Hey mate, what are you doing here?" Zayn asked his mate Niall. Niall plopped down on my bed and started to play with my perfume bottle, oh if he breaks it I will kill him.

"Zoe is dying my hair purple at the flat then we are watching her girly movies. It was a bet we made, I obviously lost." he said with sarcasm.

"It's lilac!" I yell from the closet, I could picture him rolling his eyes. I grab my duffle bag and put some yoga pants, a V-neck,  and a hoodie in it followed by going into the bathroom and getting my hair brush, toothbrush, and some other necessaries. I put in Mean Girls, She's the Man, and John Tucker Must Die. Before walking out of the bathroom I took my beanie off and put my hair in a messy bun. I grab my duffle bag and walk out.

"I swear to God Niall Horan, if you don't put my perfume bottle down I will personally gouge your eyes out and shove them up your ass!" I yell at him. His eyes widen with fright and he quickly puts my perfume bottle down. I give him a award winning smile and say 'thank you' like nothing even happened. Bentley and Zayn bust out laughing, Bentley was in tears and clutching her stomach. Niall got off my bed and stud in front of me.

"Princess remember what I said about relaxing." Niall have me a pointed look while putting his hands on my shoulder. I couldn't help but laugh, I shoved his arms away and walked pass him.

"Wait, did you guys make up?" I ask after I the laughter settled down. Bentley and Zayn looked at each other before smiling. Zayn nodded and looked back at Bentley.

"Looks like I was overreacting after all." Bentley chuckled holding onto Zayn's hand. I was happy for them, I knew Zayn would never do something so mean to Bentley. But I'm going to have to talk to Zayn and ask why he was acting so different.

"Okay well were going to go back to the flat, hey man who is racing tonight?" Niall asked Zayn as we are walking out the door.

"Uh I am and so is Liam, I think we are versing Alex and Danny." I saw disappointment flash through Bentley's face as she looked down. I just stood there kind of awkwardly not really liking the conversation. Niall noticed my discomfort and said bye to Zayn and Bentley, I say my byes as well and walk with Niall to his bike.


"Okay so the instructions say that we have to wait 30 minutes then you can wash it out." I tell Niall while putting a shower cap on his head. We were currently in his kitchen, he was in a chair with dye in his hair while I had safety gloves on that were covered with gooey dye. Niall was shirtless so he wouldn't get any dye on his shirt, it was pretty hard not to stare at his abs.

"Okie dokki." he told me, I cleaned up the mess in the kitchen and went into the bathroom I remember from the first time I was here and change into my yoga pants and hoddie. I went back into the kitchen were Niall sat and played some stupid game on his phone. I took out my phone and went to Instagram and snapped a picture on the charming lad in front of me. My phone made a snap sound making Niall's head snap towards me. I caption the picture as "Lilac mohawk  suits you Horan." I click the green checkmark before Niall could protest. I laugh and turn my phone to show the picture of Niall and his hair dye mohawk. He chuckled and shook his head me.

"Your something else Princess."


Hey so I said I would do a triple update, you can thank my best friend and co-writer to this story Niallsotherprincess aka Brittany Bear. Brittany plays a big part in all my stories, she helped come up with most of the ideas while I wrote it. We are like a package deal like Sam and Cat from well Sam and Cat. I'm the innocent one that is clueless and confused all the time and Brittany is the smart food lover, lol.

Oh and I FINALLY put LILAC Niall in my story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Raise your hand if you get the lilac Niall feels too!!!!!!!!!!! *raises both hands*

Love you guys,

Sierra Boo x.

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