Chapter 7 - Protecting

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Songs for this chapter:

 Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran (I don't know of any other songs)


Niall's POV:

"N-Niall?" I hear the soft, angelic, yet cracked from shock. I turn to her small body, her eyes widen when she sees it's really me.

"Come on lets get out of here." I say grabbing her small hand and pull her towards my Range Rover, I let go of her hand and open the the drivers side to get in. I shut the door and start the car as Zoe buckles in.

"W-what about Bentley?" She asks looking at me, I pull out of the club and drive towards the house.

"Zayn can take her back, you can stay the night I guess." I tell her, glancing at her from the corner of my eye.

"Oh no no, it's okay you can just take me to my dorm." She says, I chuckle.

"It's okay, I can take you home tomorrow." I tell her, she relaxes a bit.

I pull into the driveway of mine and the boys' house. I turn the vehicle off and step out, I open the door that leads into the house letting Zoe go on first. I jog up the stairs and walk into my room to my dresser. I grab some boxer shorts and a old rock tee shirt out of the dresser for Zoe to wear. When I turn around she is in the doorway looking shyly at me.

"Here you. Can wear these tonight." I put the clothes in her hands and show her wear my bathroom was, she nodded her head and walked into the bathroom closing the door behind her. I change into my sweats and t-shirt and walk over to the end of my bed. I took this time to think of what just happened. I knew something wasn't right with that guy and the way he was touching her. I followed them just to make sure nothing was going to happen, I lost them for a moment because of the sea of people in the club but I found them outside. Right when I heard her say ''Please stop'' I was ragging. I don't really know why I saved her really. She needed help, hell she was going to get rapped if I wasn't there to save her. But there was just something about her that made me want to protect her some way.

But on the other hand she is a uptight, rich, bitch who has had everything she ever wanted. She gets annoyed easily and can never have fun. But god she is so innocent and angelic it's explainable. Ugh she is so difficult.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the bathroom door open. Zoe turns the light off and walks out with her dress folded perfectly in her hands with her heels on top. She sets them on the corner of my nightstand and turns around to face me. The black boxers were like shorts on her ending at her mid thigh, my 'Pink Floyd' shirt ended were the boxers did. My clothes were gigantic on her.

"You can sleep in my room tonight, I'm going to sleep on the couch." I tell her, her eyes widen and she starts to protest.

"No, no, no. This is your house and your room, you have done enough for me just sleep in here and I will go out there." she tries to reason.

"No Zoe, sleep in here you need your sleep." I tell her in a little more stern voice but not to much.

She is about to say something but then slumps in defeated, I smirk at this. I grab one of my black pillows and a blankets then walk into the living room and plop down on the couch. God I'm knackered, within minutes I'm fast asleep.





"NIALL!" I jolt up hearing the sound of my name being yelled. I rub my tired eyes and look to see Zoe looking down at me with a blank expression.

"Are you okay Zo, whats wrong?" I ask her.

"I can't sleep, I'm still a little shook up." She looks down at her lap not meeting my gaze.

"What do you want me to do about it?" I ask sitting up.

"Could you sleep with me tonight?" Her voice is barely audible but I'm hear it. I would probably make a joke about how she asked it. But I'm too tired.

"Yeah, come on lets go into my room." I tell her, grabbing my pillow and going back to my room. I drop the pillow on the vacant side of the bed and slide under the duvet. Zoe does the same, I was about to go back to sleep until Zoe spoke.

"Niall?" She whispered.

"Yeah?" I groan opening my eyes.

"Thank you for saving me tonight" she said. At this time I thought back to hours ago when I felt the need to protect her. Her words made feel like I'm not always the bad guy. I shake my head of the stupid thoughts and close my eyes.

"Goodnight Niall." She said before closing her eyes.

"Goodnight Princess."


Hey guys, so this is a little bit shorter than what I thought it was, sorry. So I forgot to tell you about my reaction to Story of My Life, yeah I know I'm really behind. Well I was pretty excited the day it came out, when I saw the whole video I cried. It is probably my favorite video from them, I love how there family was in it. I don't have a favorite part to I thought I think all of it was amazing. Oh and I absolutely LOVE Little Mix's new album!!!!! My favorite song from their new album "Salute" is probably "Little Me" or "Salute" ugh but I love "Move". Its so hard to choose!

Comment what your favorite Little Mix song is from either album! 

Please vote and comment!!!!!

Love you guys, Sierra Boo x.

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