Chapter 31 - Secret Is Out

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Songs for this chapter : Starring Role by Marina and the Diamonds (Absolutely love this song, it is the song for this and more chapters on)


Zoe's POV:

I had to go see what Niall was doing, he was obviously lying to me when he said he had to run some errands. It frustrates me that he is keeping something from me, I'm not nosy girlfriend but I'm concerned about him. I was currently in my black mustang I bought a week ago, following Niall in his green sports car. I still can't believe he has such a expensive car, not to mention his Range Rover and motorbike. Was he cheating on me? Was the first question that popped into my head, it does to every girl who is in this situation. Was he racing? He knows how I feel about it so of course he isn't doing that, Zayn almost died from being involved with racing so I would think he wouldn't race again.

I follow him for another few minutes until I start to see girls in tight dresses with purses and drug dealers walking along one side of the road, one I know well. Niall turns into the street, parking next to another car. I didn't dare walk into the disgusting street that was called Willow. Too much shit happens there, I watch as Niall makes a starting noise with his engine telling his opponent he is ready to race. I see a girl with greasy blonde hair and in tight shorts hold up a flag, she gives Niall a wink before shaking the flag down signaling the racers to start. Both cars speed down the street, turning around corners passing me but not noticing my car at all. Both cars going extremely fast. Niall's opponent winning with only a few seconds in front of Niall. The man getting out of his car cheering in victory. Niall slams his door angrily and approaching the man I knew was Alex. Words are exchanged between Niall is reaching behind his back and grabbing a gun and aiming it at Alex. Panic rushes through me as I step out of my car and run towards them and the large crowd around them.

"Your died Peter's." Niall was ready to pull the trigger before I push his hand out of the way. Shock runs through Niall's eyes as he sees me here.

"Zoe what the fuck are you doing her, leave now!" Niall yelled at me, I refuse his order and take the gun out of his hand and dropping it on the floor.

"No I will not, you were going to shoot him." I yell at him, his face turns a shade of red from embarrassment and anger.

"What are you defending this cunt?" He asked pointing to Alex who was smiling evilly.

"Aww, your little girlfriend wants to protect me now." Alex wraps his arm around my waist my I hit his arm out of the was and turn around to kick him were the sun doesn't shine.

" I'm not protecting him Ni, I'm protecting you from yourself. "

"I don't need your help Zoe, go home." Pain struck through me as I heard that he didn't need me. Was I just another girl?

" No Ni, you need help. Don't you see what your becoming?  You are going to end up dead from this racing crap." I lecture him, hoping that he will listen to me.

" I don't need it, I don't want help, I don't want you." Tears brim my eyes at his words making Niall realize what he said. "Zoe I-"

"No, you don't want me, I get it." I back away from what I saw was Niall but was turning into a monster. I turn around and walk back to my car even though I could hear the call of my name behind me. My mind and vision were fuzzy as I drove back to the boys' house. Of course I wasn't going to be sleeping in Niall's room like I usually do. I get to the house, Bentley in the kitchen, finding me first. 

"Zoe, what's wrong?" I explain to her the situation, her telling me all the boys swore to give up racing but I guess Niall broke that promise. More tears rush down my cheeks as I tell about him not wanting me anymore. Bentley tells me I could sleep in the spare bedroom and that they would let Niall in until I was ready. I was scared about what Niall was becoming.  Just this morning we were painting and messing with each other and now he's pointing guns at people he doesn't like. It was like he was addicted to the dark persona that racing gave him, it was his heroine.

Niall's POV :

What is wrong with me? I'm so fucked up. I didn't mean to say those things to Zoe. She means so much to me but it's the dark side of me that wants only racing apart of my life. I needed to quit before I get her or myself hurt.


Hey guys, so sorry this is a short chapter, I'm having fucking computer problems.  And I'm on a busy schedule this weekend.  But look at all the drama! So much!

Love you guys, Sierra Boo x.

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