Chapter 28 - Revenge

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Songs for this chapter :

Shut up and Drive by Rihanna

Niall's POV :

Yes, that was the word that has ran through my head for hours. The word 'yes' and a smile that was from the most beautiful girl in the world. I can't believe she actually said yes to being my girlfriend, I really thought she would say no but that's just my inicurites talking. There was just this burning lust in me every time I see her, it's like lighting dynamite; you light the end of the string and watch it turn to black ash till it hits the explosive and makes it burst. That burning lust was like dynamite in my gut and it wss hard to get rid of once it's there.

We had made it home safely and I took Zoe back to her dorm. It was really late, too late to check up on Zayn so we were going to do that tomorrow. Zoe..... I bet she is fast asleep by now in her cute messy bun and damn yoga shorts. God those things make her heart shaped bum look nice, not that I stare or anything. I shake my head from my dirty thoughts and focus on my driving, tonight I was going to get revenge. Fucking Alex is going to regret shooting Zayn. I pull into the street everyone feared, Willow Street.

So much work has been put into this game of ours. It has taken up my life, like I had one. Street racing was my addiction, the feeling of adrenaline building up in your system right before the flag is down and your free to slam on the gas pedal. The risk of it all was a bonus, 6 months ago I wouldn't cared if I died in a race but there is something or someone that is making me rethink that statement, Princess. She wouldn't like it if she knew how bad this addiction was, I guess what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

I get out of my green sports car to see the cold but smug face of Alex. His brown hair messy and wearing his grey hoodie with a leather jacket over it.

"How's your mate? Heard he's in a coma, I guess I didn't aim his heart close enough." I clench my jaw.

"Your going to pay for what you did to Zayn." He snickers evilly.

" Lets see what you got scáth." With that said, I got into my green vehicle and got ready to race. I fired up the engine, pushing on the gas pedal roaring it to life. The slutty girl in jean shorts that barely covered her came in between mine and Alex's vehicles, pulling out a black and white checkered cloth. I lock my hands on the steering wheel making my knuckles white,  waiting for the cloth to fall until it does. I step off the break and on keep my foot on the gas. Speeding off from the start line and tailing Alex's car. l make the first sharp turn and accelerate on the gas to finally past Alex. We were about half way through the race when Alex passes me in a sonic speed of about 150 mph, how the hell did he get that? He was about five car spaces ahead of me, winning until the sound of flying bolts and washers are made. His car was literally falling apart as he used some kind of Nitrous installment. Steam came from underneath his sports car before coming to a slower pace. I take this opportunity to speed ahead of him and finishing the rest of the race. I finally pass the finishing line that had been filled with reguars and other watchers making bets. I get out of the car and watch as my opponent slowly rolls to the finish. I chuckle at the stupid man. The look on his face looked like he was going to murder someone and I had a feeling I knew who was first on his hit list.

"You piece of shit, this is bull crap! I should of won!" He throws a tantrum pounding his fist on his car. It's not my fault he doesn't know how to control his car.

"You tryed your best mate, sorry. " I say sarcastically. Basking the glory of winning again. This was one of the best parts of racing, winning.

"Your dead lonely boy." Before I could react a strong fist hits my right cheekbone causing tender pain that was going to leave a bruise. I grab him by the neck, strangling him against the wall. I was about to punch him until I hear a clicking noise of a gun and feel the barrel against the back of my head.

"I would put my brother down before this bullet goes through your skull." I let go of a choking Alex who was gasping for air and turn around slowly to see Alex's brother, Danny. He looked like a older version of Alex but wasn't a wimp like his brother, Alex is just second in command in their gang, Danny was way worse.

"Danny, so great to see you. Haven't seen you in ages." I try relieving the tension that could kill me but it didn't work.

"So, are you interested in handing over your this street yet?" He asked even though I would never say yes.

" In your wildest dreams." I spit at him. He comes closer to me wanting to whisper something in my ear.

" What would you do if Zoe got involved in this? " How did he know about her? He has been watching us.

"If you touch my girlfriend your dead." I speak lowly, mentally thinking about him trying to do something with her.

He laughed, "Does she even know about you? Where you come from? What this business of yours has done to you? Just think about that and get back to me when you finally say yes." With that Danny and Alex leave. The only thing on my mind was what Danny said. I can't let anyone harm Zoe, she means too much to me already. And she doesn't know the secrets I've keep in the back of my mind for years, she needs to know them.  I get back in my car before heading to Zoe's dorm, I had to see if she was okay. I open her room and see her peacefully sleeping, snuggled up to her koala that I got her. He said she named it Nialler after me, she is just so cute.  I cares her cheek as she shifts her sleeping position slightly.

" Ni..." Was she dreaming about me? I hope they are nice dreams and not nightmares. I lean down to kiss her forehead "Night baby girl. " With that I leave to go back to the house to think. ..


Hey guys, sorry its crappie. I am literally writing this witg only two hours of sleep and some Starbucks double shot coffee. Like I said in my broadcast announcement I changed my username just because I wanted to. And that oral surgery I told you guys about went well. Okay I'm getting off I'm tired.

Love you guys, Sierra Boo x. 

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