Chapter 12

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"Rose, open the door!" he said pounding on the door. "Rose, open the door. I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean that. You know that they care about you, I care about. It was my lycan speaking, ok. You just made him upset when you said that. So please open the door."

I laid there quietly waiting for him to go away and leave me alone. I don't care if his lycan didn't like what I had to say, there was still no need for him to say all that to me.

"Ok, how about you come out and we go and get you some clothes and get something to eat. You must be hungry at least." I heard him sigh.

"Please Rose come on at least say something."

Even if I wanted to I had nothing to say. Nothing can take back what he said. No amount of food or clothes can take back what he said.

He may be blaming his lycan for what he said, but I blame him. He should've had more control over him. I wish only that I had the courage to say this out loud.

I heard him sit on the ground with a thump. "Before I found you I didn't care about anything or anyone. The only I cared about was power, but ever since I met you I started to think less about that and more about you.

I know it's been only a few days but I really care about you Rose. I can't help, no we can't help but get angry when you threaten to leave me. Guys have always been protective over their mates, but with me being an alpha king that's only heighten. I can't help but get angry when you say stuff like that.

The thought of you leaving me kills me inside and I'll do anything to prevent it from happening. Even if that means holding you against your will. I care about you a lot and I don't want to lose you."

I just laid there taking in everything he said, trying to understand it all.

He started to pound on the door again but this time even harder; I could hear his heavy breathing through the door.

"So even after I open my heart up a little to you, you still have nothing to say. There you go being a little bitch again." This time I knew it was his lycan talking because his voice had gotten deeper.

I got up off the bed and swung open the door. He was standing there with his fists clenched and his chest was pumping up and down.

"You say that you care for me but how is this caring for me. You steady calling me out of my name, catching attitudes out of nowhere, and on top of that you're holding me against my will. You want to talk about feelings. Well let's talk about mine. I don't want to be here. I don't to see you.

Hell, I don't want anything to do with you. And about my family you are so wrong. They care about me in a way you never will. They would never call me out my name like you have. Calling me bitches and shit. Power and yourself are the two things you always care about.

Yeah right like you'll care about me. Then you didn't take full responsibility for the things that you say. First, you blame on your lycan and now you're blaming it on us being mates and you being an alpha king," I said rolling my eyes," and you can't help but to be over-protective. Well the only thing I need protecting from is you and the only way you can do that is to let me go."

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at him. During the middle of my rant his eyes turned back to their normal color and his breathing calmed down.

He looked at me with hunger in his eyes and then smirked. He started walking forward only for me to start walking back until my legs hit the bed.

"I don't think you know how fucking sexy that just was. You getting all hot and fired up about something. But I hope you now next time kissing you isn't the only thing I'm going to do you.

He grabbed my face and kissed me. I felt my lips start to tingle and my eyes close. He licked my lips for entrance and I opened my mouth to let him in. Our tongues fought but his eventually won.

My eyes opened when I felt him lower me to the bed and that's when I pushed him back. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled.

"I meant it next time, next time we are doing so much more than just kissing."

He got off me and headed to the bathroom. "You're gonna take another shower?"

"Yeah, a cold one unless of course you wanna continue what we started," he started to walk back towards me but stopped when I held my hands up.

"No, you can go and take your shower. I'm fine." "Only if you're sure," he said smiling.

"I'm sure."

He walked back to the bathroom and closed the door. I waited until I heard him get into the shower before I ran out the room. Thankfully his room locked from the outside so I looked for the key and locked him inside. I ran downstairs and looked for his car keys.

Kitchen? Nope. Living room? Nope. Flower vase? Yep.

I grabbed them and opened the door that led to the garage. I clicked the unlock button and one of the many cars chirped. I got in, started it, opened the garage, and sped out.

While I was driving I swear I heard a howl in the distance, but I just ignored it and kept driving. I seen plenty of movies to know not to look back, get scared, get in a car accident, and end up back in captivity.

I was going to drive until I got to the nearest bus station and ditch the car, so he couldn't track me. Thankfully I still had money in my jacket pocket. Hopefully he didn't find me before then.

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