Chapter 18

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I just stood there watching the two of them just stare at each other. I decided to just sit down at the table and wait for them to snap out of it. I looked at Jahaan, he was just looking at Ian with a blank look on his face. I looked at Ian and saw that he was glaring at Jahaan, probably because he was shirtless. 

My stomach growled, F them I'm finna eat. I got up and started finishing my food. When I was done fixing my food, I turned to look at them and guess what. They were still standing there staring at each other. To be honest it's actually kind of funny when you look at them. Like how long can you stand there looking at each other without blinking. I would've been done lost due to the fact that I find staring annoying and I would end up rolling my eyes at the other person. 

"So when are you guys gonna stop staring at each other? Hmm?" I still got no response. "So you gon wait till the other person dies for you to stop?" No response. I looked down at my food and shrugged and began to eat.

 When I looked up Jahaan wasn't looking at Ian anymore, but at my plate. He was looking at it like he hadn't seen food for years. I rolled my eyes, "Oh you don't acknowledge me but you acknowledge my food." He nodded. I moved my plate over a little and watched his eyes follow it.

"If you sit down Jahaan, I may just share with you." He moved so fast that his figure was a blur and he grabbed my plate. I had never seen him move so fast before in my life. I looked behind me to see Ian still staring at Jahaan. 

Jahaan saw and said," Why are you still staring at me bro? You already won the staring contest." "I'll stop staring when you go upstairs and put on a shirt. You shouldn't be walking around without one on," Ian said with a glare.

"Why? One when this is my house so I can wear whatever I want and two Rose has already seen my in much less before. Haven't you Rose," he said and winked at me. I felt my face go hot and turned to see Ian's now black eyes looking at me. "Have you Rose?" he said cocking his head to the side," Seen him in much less?" 

I put my head back down and nodded. I turned around to look at him to see his whole face red and his claws starting to extend. "But it was when we were younger, like four or five. I don't know what he looks like down there anymore," I said in a rush. I saw his face slowly go back to his regular skin color. Is it bad that he gets even more attractive when he gets angry? He nodded and sat down beside me. 

"What are you even doing here anyway?" Jahaan asked. Ian rolled his eyes," I'm here to take Rose back home with me, where she belongs." 

"Well last I checked Rose didn't want to be there. I thought that would be obvious given that she ran away from you," Jahaan said with a mouth full of eggs. "Well that's where you need to check again because that was just a misunderstanding  between me and Rose and now she's coming back with me."

Jahaan laughed," Well from what I was told you were paid to kidnap her an you are holding her hostage because she's your 'mate'. But last I checked mate meant she's your friend. So if she's your friend why are you holding her hostage? Do you do that with all of your friends? Cause if you do, I wouldn't want to be your friend." I could tell Ian was getting angry so I decided their conversation was over. "How about me and Ian go in the living room and you stay here and finish my breakfast?" Ian nodded and headed to the living room while Jahaan just sat there and finished eating the breakfast.

I walked into the living room and saw that Ian was sitting on the coffee table. Out of all the couches in this room he decided to sit there.

"I sat here because I wanted to be sitting in front of you so I could see your face fully, without having to turn my body." He said. Oh shit I forgot he could read my mind.

"Yes I can read your mind. I especially loved when you said I looked more attractive when I get mad. I'll try to get mad more often then." I felt my face heat up again. 

I sat down across from him and said," OK we need to set some boundaries or rules ," he nodded," One- no one  likes it when you get mad, so don't purposely try to get mad just to get a reaction out of me. Two- no reading my mind without my permission or really at all, unless it's absolutely necessary for you to.

 Third- about what you said in there about me going back with you, who said anything about me going back with you? Lastly, if I do go back with you, I want my own room. I don't want to be sharing a bed with you, especially since you're handsy." 

He laughed," OK, to your first 'boundary' I'll do whatever I can to get a reaction out of you, as long as it's a positive one. Two- I'll try to stop reading your mind. I know that's an invasion of your privacy and I'll only do it if necessary. 

Your third one- there's nothing really to discuss about that. You are coming with me whether you want to or not. Rose if you didn't noticed I need you, and it's not only me that needs you. The pack needs you too." 

He looked really serious when he finished. "You forgot the fourth one I said," he looked confused. I rolled my eyes," The one I said about sleeping in different rooms," I said using my hands to help get my point across. 

He laughed," Oh I didn't forget it. I ignored it. Rose you don't really think that I'd let you sleep in a room by yourself. Did you?" I nodded. "Well that's not gonna happen. That's something I won't compromise." 

I looked at him with anger in my eyes. "And no it's not because I want to be able to touch when I want, which is a perk," I rolled my eyes yet again, "it's because I care about your safety. What if there was a fire in our house. I wouldn't be able to get to you right away, and it's not like you would notice the fire anyway. Given how heavy of a sleeper you are. But we can discuss the living arrangements when we get home."

 I started to consider going back to his place. I know, I know. 'Why would she go back to the person who kidnapped her? And not only did he kidnap her, he was paid to kidnap her. And he has barely met any of her demands.' But when you think about, he took me away from two people who never wanted me anyway. A mom who hated me, and a father who would follow behind my mother even if she was leading him to hell and still have no problem with it. 

I finally came to a decision. "OK, so I......"


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