Chapter 17

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I woke up to find Jahaan's leg wrapped around my leg and all the cover off of me. Talking bout me with kicking him, I should've talked to him about stealing all the cover. I turned my head and looked at the clock and saw that it said 11:30 a.m. I decided it was too late to go back to sleep, so I got up and went into the bathroom to shower.

This time I remembered to take his phone and turned on some music. The song that came on was Grass Ain't Greener by Chris Brown. I don't even listen to him like that but i like this song. While I was showering i started to think about Ian.

Is he still looking for me? Does he know that I'm here and just waiting to pounce? Or did he finally give up on me? If he does come back for me, what's going to happen then?

I got out the shower and went to my room and got dressed. I decided to dress lazy so I put on some grey sweatpants, black tank, my fuzzy black house shoes, and Jahaan's black sweater. I meant it when I said I practically already lived here. I went over to my dresser and put my hair up into a messy bun. Being lazy includes no makeup so i just left my room and headed to Jahaan's to see what he wanted for breakfast. he was still sleeping so i decided to just make something and if he didn't want to eat it that was on him.

I opened the fridge and pulled out the eggs, ham, and butter. I had just finished making the eggs when someone knocked on the door. I made sure the eye was off and I went to open the door, which was a mistake. Idiot should have looked through the eye hole.

Ian was standing there with a smile on his face. "Well. I guess your little friend lied to me. You are here. Are you going to let me in Rose? Or do I have to move you out of the way?" I looked at him in awe. How could he have gotten better looking already and we haven't even been apart for a week.

I moved out of the way and let him in, deciding it wasn't worth the fight. I led him to the living room and set him on the couch. I sat on the coffee table and just stared at him.

"Well, are you going to speak or do you want me to just kick you out now?" I asked him. He smiled, "I'd love to see you try and do that, sweetheart." I rolled my eyes and headed to the kitchen to continue making our food. I turned on the eye and sprayed the pan and placed the ham in it.

I felt him enter the kitchen. i turned to find him lean against the wall with his arms crossed. "How did you know where my friend lived?" He just stared at me and then started to laugh. "What's funny?" I asked him getting irritated.

He walked over to me and said," You're whats funny. When your parents hired me that they included everything about you; including all of your friends addresses." So that is true. I looked down at the ground," So is that what you do go around and kidnap people. Do you get some kind of cheap thrill out of it?"

"No Rose, I don't go around kidnapping people. Only you," he said and started to laugh. I looked up and mugged him. He saw that I wasn't in a playful mood because he stopped laughing and said," Sorry. But i really don't kidnap people for a living. You might want to take a seat for what I'm about to tell you." I pulled out a chair from the table and sat down. I nodded for him to continue.

"Your parents owed a debt to my father and instead of paying them paying him with money they paid him with you. This all happened before you were born though." I sat there processing it all. "How did they come into debt with your father?" I asked, my voice just above a whisper. "OK so all I know is that your parents stole from my father, but I don't what because he never told me. He just said that they were in debt to him because he spared their lives. He told them that he wanted all of their money for the next four years and then the would be out of debt with him. But your mother said they couldn't do that and still survive, so she suggested you," Wow she hated me even before I was born," He at first denied her because he didn't believe, and still doesn't believe, in ripping children from their parents. But your mom was pretty persistent and asked what if he got you after you turned 18. She said that he could use you in anyway he wanted as long as after he took you their debt would be clear.

He eventually said yes to her, but I think it was because he wanted to get you away from her. Seeing that she was content in you being taken from them and that the possibility of you being abused didn't seem to phase her." "Do you know if my father did anything to change her mind?" I asked him.

"From what my father told me, all your father did was stand there and that he didn't even try to fight against your mother when she gave you up. He said that your father was a worthless human being along with your mother for giving you up just to save their asses." "You said that I was supposed to be taken when I turned 18 right?" He nodded. "But I'm not 18 yet. I'm only 17. I don't turn 18 until next month. Why did you take me a month early?"

"My father thought it would be best if you were taken right away because he realized his mistake with leaving you with them. Can I ask you a question?" I nodded. "Why did you say that your mother died of cancer when she's really alive?" Wow he remembered that I said that.

"She is dead. As you can tell I have a really good reason to dislike my mother so I always called my aunt my mother and she took care of me. She died of cancer so I was left with my actual parents. Can you believe that she was blood related to my actual mother?" We sat in silence for a minute before I smelt something burning. Oh shit the ham. I went over to the stove and turned it off and ran it over to the sink. The ham was pitch black so I threw it in the trash. I leaned against the sink and put my head down.

Ian came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, setting his chin on my shoulder. "Now that I have told you everything you're gonna have to come back with me." Before I could respond I heard, "Rose! I know yo ass ain't down here burning my kitchen down!"

Jahaan walked in the kitchen just wearing sweatpants. I heard a growl come from behind me and I saw Jahaan stiffen. Uh oh.

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