Chapter 26

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He placed me in front of his mirror. "Look at yourself and tell me what you see?"

I looked at my reflection and concluded that I looked exactly like I did before we left.

"Why don't you tell me what you see?" I said knowing whatever I told him would only make things worse if I got it wrong.

And boy was that the wrong thing to say.


His eyes narrowed on me. "You really don't see it."

I shook my head no.

He twisted my head to the side and I finally saw what he was talking about. On the side of my neck was a big purple mark forming. "Oh," I said. 

"Yeah. Oh," he said turning my face back to its previous position. "Now you want to know what I find incredible?" he asked.


"How you completely forgot about me giving you this mark when we were on the dance floor." He shook his head back and forth," Rose. Rose. Rose. I guess that what I should've expected from someone like you. 

A sad little girl that has no family or friends and the only thing that would get you somewhere in your life is not your brains, but your beauty. 

Why do you think I picked you out of all the other little servants running around here? Hmm? Because you're the prettiest of them all. That's the only thing you'll ever be. A pretty face," he finished his eyes still black.

Keep it together Rose. You will not cry in front of someone like him. He doesn't deserve your tears.

"You know nothing about me. Nothing. So don't act like you do," I said trying to keep my voice from cracking.

"Oh but I do know about you. Ever little thing there is to know. You're not a mystery Marie, that's the name you told me right. How dumb do you think I am to not know your name. Like I said I know everything."

You will not give him the satisfaction of knowing he caused you pain. I put my head down hiding my face, and asked,"Is that all?"

He looked at me, confused that I didn't give him the reaction he was expecting. "What do you mean,' Is that all?'" His eyes returned to their original green color.

"I mean can I leave now?" I asked. 

He released his grip on my face and stepped back from me. "Yes. I guess you can." 

I nodded and walked out his bathroom and headed towards his door. 

"Rose wait." I stopped right as my hand touched the doorknob. 

"Yes?" I said over my shoulder.

"I didn't mean what I said. It was the angry side of me that was talking. Come here," he spoke gently.

"I'd rather leave," I said starting to turn the doorknob, confused and hurt.

I felt a rush of wind and the door was pushed closed by his hand. His body was pressed up against mine, "I said come here."

"Well, you're here now so I am here," I said under my breath.

He turned me to face him. I tried to turn my face away but he kept me in place. 

He inched closer to me and once again I tried to run away but he held me firmly in place. 

"Don't run from me," he growled and then connected his lips with mine.

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