Chapter 33

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I was woken up because I felt somebody jumping on the bed. "Ugh stop."

"Nope," I heard Mason say. I peeked an eye open and sat up and grabbed Mason to stop his jumping. "What are you doing in here?"

"Well Cain was supposed to watch me but-" I cut him off, " Where's your brother?" I asked looking around the room.

"Rude much and which one?"


He nodded," Oh he's with Ian. Hr said that they were going to play a game. I  asked if I could play too but he said I was too young to play. So here I am with you for my entertainment."

I laughed at his statement,"Entertain you?"

He sighed like it was it was the most obvious thing in the world,"Duh entertain me. Not the other way around, that's why I woke you up. It was boring watching you sleep and I couldn't find the remote so I decided to wake you up. Now on to the entertaining ma'am, I'm not getting any younger."

I rolled my eyes and mushed his face. I got up and went into the bathroom for a quick shower. I came out and saw that he had found the remote and was watching The Amazing World of Gumball.

I went in the closet and got out a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. Today is lazy day. I headed to the door and I heard Mason's little feet run across the floor and to me.

He grabbed my hand and tugged me. "Where are you going?"

I laughed and tried to pull my hand away," To go get some food for this 'entertaining' that I'm going to be doing today."

Mason started tugging me again,"Nope you don't need to do that we can just order in room service."

I laughed and shook my head freeing my hand. "Room service. I can just go and get it. It's not that big a deal." I put my hand on the doorknob and was about to open the door when I heard Mason yell.

"NO! OK! Cain said that I was not allowed to let you leave the room while he and Ian play their game. He said we have to wait," I nodded my head and he grabbed my hand, this time I went with him.

I sat down on the bed and thought over what he just yelled at me about. For a little kid he's pretty intimidating. What could Cain be doing to Ian that is so bad, I can't even leave the room. 

After a moment of silence I glanced at Mason and his eyes were glued at the TV. I cleared my throat,"What game did your brother say they were playing?"

"He said they were playing extreme hide and seek or something extreme and that we can't leave the room or we would be ruining it for them and we might see something we don't want to see," he turned his gaze onto me," and I don't about you but I for one can go without being scarred for life." He turned to look back at the TV.

"So wait its only me, you, and those two in the entire castle," he nodded," then how are we supposed to be ordering room service?" He tilted his head to the side,"I didn't think about that huh, let's go."

He got up and went to the door, but I pulled him before he could twist it. "Me first," I turned off the light and cracked the door open, peeking outside. I saw that the hallway was empty and slowly opened the door.

I grabbed Mason's hand and we walked out the room. I listened for anything and I was still nervous when I heard nothing. It's quiet but is it too quiet?

We silently crept down the hallway to the opening and we slowly peeked our heads around the corner looking both ways. When we saw no one was down either hall we went to the right towards the direction of the kitchen.

I thought I heard something behind me but when I turned around nothing was there. I picked up Mason and sped walked to the kitchen. I slowly pushed open the door and entered. I set Mason down on a chair and quietly opened the pantry pulling out a bunch of snacks.

I placed them on the floor and slowly opened a bag. I was taking no chances in getting caught especially by Cain or was Ian worse? No. Definitely Cain.

I grabbed all the stuff that I could and put it into the bag. I grabbed some cups too and handed them off to Mason to hold. I guess he didn't have much of a grip on them because next thing I knew they hit the ground with a soft thud.

Ha. Chill. They're paper but they didn't take away the fact that both the older brothers have enhanced hearing and probably heard that from wherever they are. I quickly got all our supplies, including the cups, and put Mason on my back with his arms around my neck.

I heard what I thought was footsteps coming down the hallway so I let Mason down and we ducked behind the door. I heard the floorboards creak from outside the door. I could feel whoever it was peering through the window and down at us, but it was too dark for them to see us.

I guess they thought they heard something, after what felt like forever, and they walked away. I waited a couple of minutes before I grabbed the stuff  and Mason. I quietly opened the door and raced down to Cain's room. I opened the door and placed Mason down on the floor and gave him the bag. He was about to speak when he looked up behind me. "What?"

He pointed behind me and I slowly turned around to see Ian standing behind me with a sadistic smile on his face. The next thing I saw was darkness.

*short chapter I know more next time.*

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