Chapter 20

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The sun peeked in through the curtains. I stayed up all night just staring at the ceiling.  I thought about all the events that led up to this and thought about how stupid I was.  I started to think about what Jahaan could be experiencing right now. All the things that he has forced me into doing doesn't even compare to this.

Was he being tortured? Starved? Would it have been better if he wouldn't have came with me?

I heard the door crack a little bit and I looked over to see a girl about my age peeking inside. She was very pretty, with blue eyes and long brown hair. "Can I help you," I asked.

She fully opened the door and said," Master Ian told me to come get you. He said to bring you downstairs and show you were you are supposed to be working." I sat up on the bed," What do you mean where I'll be working?"

She came closer to me and sat down on the bed, " You really don't understand what's happening? Do you?" I shook my head no.

"Did he even tell you why you were here?" 

I shook my head again and told her about everything that had happened," He told me that we were mates and that I basically belonged with him, when in reality he should've said to him."

She shook her head in disappointment. "I can't believe he still says that to lure girls to come with him back here. If his older brother, the king, knew that he was tricking girls like this..... I can't imagine what he'll do to him. Especially, with this not being the first time he's done this."

"Well he told me that I was sold to him and that he was going to bring me back anyway, since I had ran away and-" "Wait, you escaped? What was that like?"

"Um, well it was all that successful since I came back, but this time I have way worse than I did the first time." I started to think about Jahaan again and how he was doing. Then I thought about what she said.

"Wait, Ian has a brother." She nodded her head excitedly.

"Yeah, and he's so handsome and way better looking than his brother. He's the oldest lycan. Well, at least to me I don't know you're tastes. What did Ian tell you about himself?"

"He told to me that he was the king of the lycans and that I was his queen." She rolled her eyes and said," Well then that's just another lie he has told. His brother is the king, not him.

Even though he likes to think he is but he's actually just a prince. Their father wouldn't dare trust him with the throne anyway. I bet the only throne he's going to sit on is his toilet.

Hell, his brother doesn't really even trust him with anything other than going out and getting servants. Anyway, right now we are in his brother's castle. Now come on, we've been in here too long."

She got up off the bed and headed toward the door. She opened it and turned around to find me still sitting there. "Come on we need to go, unless you want to run into Master Ian." I shot right up off the bed and headed towards her. When I reached her she started to laugh," I knew that would make you get up. Now let's go."


She showed me all around the castle except the dining room since something was happening in there. She told me about what I was supposed to do- which was serve the food,clean some of the rooms, and babysit if necessary. "Babysit? Who would I be babysitting?" 

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