Chapter 24

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"OK, I can fix this. It's not that big of a deal right? Right? Right?" the frantic cook asked all of us. 

I looked around and saw everyone with a "Well, it was good knowing you" look on their face. I stepped forward," I think you could make him something else instead of whatever it was that you accidentally burnt."

The frightened cook just shook his head. I walked closer to him," I can help you if you want." He nodded his head and reached out for my arm.

"Well what do you think we should make?" he asked. "I don't know you're the chef think of someth- wait I know what to make him."

I went over and got out the ingredients.

It was time to serve the entrees. I made sure to go out last with the king's tray. When I got towards him he looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"I see you just can't stay away from me Marie." I rolled my eyes," Yeah sure I can't. "

I placed his tray down and tried to walk away quickly. He pulled me back my arm and asked," Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

"Nowhere, your highness," I said quickly. "Mhmm," he said, he pulled off the lid and saw his food.

"What is this," he asked pointing at his food. "Oh, it's your sandwich. You know the one you asked me to make you the other night. Well, here you go," I said trying to remove my arm from his grasp.

He tightened his grip in response," Do you take me as a joke? Do I need to show you what happens to people who think they can? Huh Marie?" 

I shook my head violently and his grip intensified even more to the point where I thought my arm was going to snap in two.

"I just figured that you would want something different from what everyone else is having."

We looked around at everyone else's plates and saw what looked to be just a spoonful of food. "At least with the sandwich you'll actually get full, unlike everyone else." 

He let go of my arm and said," You're free to go. But before I forget, come and see me in my office after dinner." I nodded my head and went inside the kitchen.

As soon as I walked in, I walked straight into the nervous cook. "Did he like it? Is he upset? Am I gonna die? Oh, I'm gonna die. I knew he would hate it," he rushed out.

I placed my hands on his shoulders to calm him down," Calm down, he liked it." He let out a sigh and relaxed his shoulders. "Whew. OK, let's get to preparing the dessert," he said clapping his hands together.

The kitchen came back to live and every cook start rushing around getting everything prepared. 

I walked over to where Maya was standing. "Nice going Rose," she said. "It was nothing, but guess what?"


"The King told me to come to his office after dinner. I don't know what for though." Her eyes lit up with excitement," OMG dude! I told you he likes you.

I mean why else would he be everywhere you turn and now he wants to see alone. In his office. In private. You got him hooked and he doesn't even know your real name."

I shook my head," Yeah he's totally into me Maya," I said sarcastically. She nodded her head," Yeah I know." I rolled my eyes.


Dessert went by smoothly and after it was over I ate something really quickly and headed towards the King's office. I knocked on his door and heard a faint 'come in'.

I entered and sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. He had yet to fully acknowledge my presence from whatever he was reading, so I decided to look around his office. 

It's a well decorated office and it fits him. When I got tired of looking around, I turned to look at him. His medium length dark brown hair fit his face well, nice lips, structured face, and his gorgeous green eyes that I just realized are looking directly at me. 

My eyes widened and I turned my head away feeling my face flush. "A picture last longer," he said laughing.

I rolled my eyes, "Why'd you call me in here?"

He stopped laughing and turned serious. "I have a job for you." "A job?"

He nodded," Yes a job."

"What kind of job?"

"Tomorrow night I am going to a club for business and I need someone to be a distraction so that everything goes smoothly. If all goes well, it'll be a simple in and out job."

A chance to get out of the castle. Hell yeah. "I'll do it," I said. He stood up and put out his hand to shake," I'll see you in the morning." I put my hand in his and was suprised by how warm it was. It fit perfectly in mine. You're looking too hard into this.

I pulled my hand away and went to the door. "Oh and Marie?" he said.

I turned around to face him," Yes." "Tomorrow night, whatever you do don't leave without telling me. "

"Ok," I said and left the room. I went to my room and plopped on the bed not bothering to change. 

What have I gotten myself in to?

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