Chapter 32

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"What's my surprise brother," Ian said not noticing that I was in the room. I cleared my throat. He turned to look at me and looked at Cain with a smile.

"Is Rose my surprise? Well thank you brother, " he started to walk toward me but Cain pulled him back by his collar.

"No. She's not your surprise. Something else is," Cain said. He pushed him further into the room and sat him down on the couch. I scrambled up off the bed and stood next to Cain.

Ian started to laugh,"What? No hello Rose. Come on Rose, I don't bite Rose. Well I don't bite hard anyway," he winked at me. 

I moved behind Cain. "There will be no biting anyone brother." There was an long silence. Cain was staring at Ian," Get up." Ian got up off the couch and Cain pushed it out the way. 

He picked up the table and placed it on the bed, leaving plenty of space in the middle of the room. Ian started to look around and rub his hands against his pants leg. "Sooooo? What am I doing here? You told me there was a surprise waiting for me, and since it isn't Rose... what is it?" 

Cain moved over to him,"Oh this is your surprise." Cain punched him in the face and threw him on the floor. "What th-" Ian started to say but Cain jumped on him and started punching him over and over. I backed up towards the door and stopped when Cain turned his head to look at me. His eyes were pitch black and I'm not even sure if it was Cain that I was looking at anymore.

"Don't you dare move. This is what you wanted," he growled out, voice deeper than usual and laced with anger, and then went back to pummeling his brother. I stood there in awe watching all the blood leak out of Ian's bloody lips and onto the floor. 

All of a sudden I felt the air rush out of my lungs and I fell to floor holding my throat. I can't breathe, I wanted to yell out to Cain but I couldn't. I looked over and saw that Ian's swollen eyes were right on me, watching me choke to death. Cain turned to check up on me and saw what was happening, so he turned Ian's head away from me.

I felt the air rush back into my body and I gasped. Oh sweet air, how I missed you. Cain threw Ian up against the wall and held them there with I guess his mind. Ian started to spit out blood on the floor," Wow I'm loving surprise brother, is there more or is this it?" 

He started laughing and peeked at me from the corner of his eye,"Are you enjoying this Rose? Huh? Seeing me all bloody and beat up," he spit out some more blood," I bet its turning you on over there. Huh?"

Cain punched him again in the stomach and Ian grunted in pain. When he stopped he looked at his brother and smiled a full bloody smile,"I see she got you wrapped around her finger older brother. Huh? She put you up to this? Gave you that sob story and you just ate it up and decided to be her knight and shining armor. 

If only she knew how bloody your armor actually is," he peeked at me again," you don't know anything about him truly Rose, not yet. It'll come out soon, I promise." 

Cain stuck his hand over Ian's mouth,"Why do you keep running your mouth, I bet if I rip your tongue out I'll finally get some peace and quiet," there was a knock at the door," but don't worry, we'll finish this later. Come in." Ian fell to floor, Cain had let his hold on him go.

There was a knock on the door,"Enter," Cain said. Three guards entered and picked Ian off from the floor. They took him out the room,"Where are they taking him?" I asked Cain.

"Don't worry about it," he said walking into the bathroom to wash all of Ian's blood off of him. I headed to the still open door when I heard the shower turn on. I walked outside the room and sat down on the floor. I had never seen Cain act like that before. 

Well it's not like you've known him for a long time anyway. Hell, you don't even know what his favorite  color is or when his birthday is. 

I heard the shower turn off but I still didn't move, I didn't want to see him right now. I know I wanted Ian to get hurt but that didn't mean that I wanted to see it happen. Ok, I kinda did but still not like that. It was like Cain was in a total different dimension than I was. 

I heard Cain's feet against the floorboard and he came to the door. I felt him look down at me but I didn't meet his gaze. He sighed and sat down on the floor beside me. "How are you holding up," he asked me.

"Fine," I whispered.

"Are you upset?"

I shook my head no," No just a little overwhelmed I guess. I didn't know you were capable of that." He reached out and grabbed my face, making me look him in his eyes. 

He sighed," I'm a king Rose and a king has certain expectations he has to live up to. Being ruthless and heartless is something that goes along with the job. Plus me being a hybrid and my feral being the type of person that he is, my temper is bad."

I nodded my head in understanding," I know. I saw." I turned my head and stared down the hallway. 

"What all can you do?" I asked.

"I can read minds, teleport, control things with my mind, I have a heightened sense of smell, sight, and other abilities that I haven't gotten yet."

"When will you get more abilities?" 

"When I complete the mating process with my soulmate. The bond will make me even stronger and give me abilities I can't even imagine, so my mother would tell me when I was younger. But I don't believe that I mean what else can I possibly possess?"

I nodded my head, taking in all that he said," You know Ian told me he could do all those things when I first met him, is it just something the royals can have?"

He scoffed when I mentioned Ian's name," He lied, the only thing he can do is control things with his mind and that's only when he is looking at his target. And to answer your second question, yes and no. 

Yes because most of us royals have abilities but we usually have one or two. No because with me being a hybrid I have way more, which just means I have to have a whole bunch of control since some abilities are emotion based."

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes until he broke it. "You know I'm not done with him right; that I was just going easy on him because you were in the room, because what I have in store for him would give you nightmares for days and I don't want that. But you now what else I don't want?"

I shook my head.

"I don't want you to be afraid all the time wondering if he's pull you away. I don't know how many girls he has done this to, but I don't want it anymore. I know you don't know much about me being a the true leader I am but I want you to make me a promise,"I nodded my head for him continue," I want to promise that when you find out the truth about me, the dirty and gritty side of me, that you wont try and leave me-not that you would go anywhere because I wouldn't allow you to leave-neither of us would allow you to-not that the thought wouldn't be put into your head and I wouldn't blame you if you thought about it and- did I make it clear that you wouldn't be going anywhere unless you want to see the real me  up front and personal in your face and I don't think you want to see that- anyway where was I?"

I arched my eyebrow at him and scrunched my face up," I don't know you lost me a long time ago, and as exciting as this conversation was," I stood up and dusted the imaginary dust off," I think it's time for a nap." I walked into the room and laid down on the bed. I felt the bed dip behind me and a arm wrap around my waist," Have a good nap Rose."

"Cain," I whispered.


"What did Ian mean when he said there is more blood on your armor than I know about? I mean it's not like you tell me anything about  your past."

"It's better if you just don't know, for your own good."

I closed my eyes and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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