Chapter 15

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I started to think  about where i was going to stay. Maybe I can go to my friend Jahaan's house. But that's a far walk. Ugh.

I got up off the step and started to walk. while I was walking I started to think about what it was like the day of my kidnapping. 

It had started off as any other day. 


I woke up to my alarm ringing and i turned and slammed the snooze button down. I looked at the time and it said 4:30 am. I stared at the clock wondering if I could set it to 5 o'clock and still have enough time to get ready before I have to walk to school.

When the clock hit 4:32 i finally got up and decided to get ready before I fall asleep without setting the alarm. I went into the bathroom and turned on some music before getting in the shower. My song Deja Vu by Post Malone and Justin Bieber came on so you already know that I started to belt it out.

I grabbed my shampoo bottle and used it as a microphone. When the song went off i started to wash my hair. My other song Distraction by Kehlani came on but I knew if i stayed in the shower too long the water would get cold. I finished showering and i got out and brushed my teeth.

As usual the mirror was fogged up and I had to wipe it to see. When i looked in the mirror i saw that I had raccoon eyes. I grabbed my face rag and started to clean my face. 

I left the bathroom and went to my walk-in closet and started to look for a outfit.  I finally found the perfect outfit- a black tank top, blue leggings, and my jacket. I decided to wear my Victoria Secret underwear because they were comfortable and who was going to see them other than me. 

I got dressed, did my makeup,and headed downstairs to find my mom in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Now that's not something that happens often. Usually you'd find her in bed still sleeping. So it must be a special occasion for her to be up and cooking. 

She must have noticed me because she turned around and smiled. 

"Morning Rose. Did you sleep well?" "Um, yeah. What are you doing up so early mom?"

"Well I just decided to make you breakfast. Don't want you going to school on a empty stomach."

Isat down at the table, "Well you don't mind any other day, so why today?"

"Something big and exciting is going to happen today I can just feel it. Can you?" You know in the movies when the mom turns her head to a 40 degree angle and smiles. Well if you do that's exactly what she did. 

I just looked at her and nodded my head. I didn't want to say anything else in case her head started to do a whole 360. I looked at what was on the table and saw what looked like the amount of food rich people have in the morning. I decided to grab some eggs, bacon, and chocolate chip pancakes rather than all the other things on the table.

For some reason I felt that she may have poisoned all the other food because she knew I didn't know what they tasted like and wouldn't know if it was poisoned or not. After I ate, I told her goodbye and started walking to school. I used my shortcut, the alley, because I didn't feel like going the long way to school.

When I got to school it was crowded like always. Another long boring day. I'm already ready to go. I got to my locker to find my best friends Kyle and Jahaan already there. 

Kyle's mixed with black and white so we call him Oreo and he's 6'1". Jahaan is mixed with Puerto Rican and black so you know he real pretty. He even has bright blue eyes and dimples and he's 6'3". If he wasn't one of my BFF's I would've been done snatched him up.

"Are you ready to start this oh so exciting day we have ahead of us?" Jahaan asked me,while I opened my locker.

"Nope. But I might as well get it over with." 

I closed the door and we all walked to our classes.


The day passed by in the a blur and the next thing I knew, I'm being kidnapped from the alley and taken states away from here.


Now that I think about no wonder my mom was acting so creepy that morning. She looked happier than she'd ever been and that's because hours later she knew I was going to be out of her life. I mean I know me and her aren't exactly all that close but damn. Arranging for me to get kidnapped was fucked up.

What if it wasn't Ian who was paid to get me. 


Is that what Ian does? Goes around kidnapping girls from alleys because their bitch of a mom wants them gone.  

By the time I stopped thinking about Ian's job profession, I was in front of Jahaan's house. I knew I could just knock on the door because he lived alone. I mean hey he makes enough from his job to live on his own so why not. I decided to do my signature knock which is basically just banging on the door like I was running from the cops. 

"Shit. Hold on. Damn I'm coming. If you're here to ask about Rose I don't know-" and that's when he opened the door and saw me standing there. 

"Well I guess my knock is going to have to change since someone else has used it," I said with a smile. He looked down at me in shock. 

"UM EXCUSE ME ARE YOU GOING TO LET ME IN?" I yelled at him. He finally snapped out of his daze and let me in. As soon as he closed the door, he grabbed me and pulled me into a tight bear hug. Then he took me in the living room and pushed me on the couch.

"Where have you been Rose? We've been looking for you everywhere. We thought you had been kidnapped or something," he said while pacing. 

"Oh there's so much I have to tell you, but you might want to sit down."


* pic is of their breakfast table

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