Chapter 34

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I opened my eyes and saw that my hands and feet were tied to a chair. I tried to wiggle my hands free but whatever he tied my hands with tightened everytime I moved.

I looked around the room and saw that the only furniture in it was the chair I am in and a desk with a dimly lit lamp. 

"Hello, Cain can you hear me? Help me please."

"Cain can't come to the phone right now but you can always leave a message with me, Rosey," Ian said somewhere in the room.

I looked  around for the source of his voice. "You see Rosey, Cain underestimated me and my 'hide and seek' skills. I always used to beat him when we were kids I don't know why this would be the game he chose, not really bright that one; especially letting you stay in the castle during our little game being the disobedient person that you are.

The door was hexed to cover your scent and you broke it when you opened it. I had no clue that you were even still here.

I thought Cain would be smart enough to take you away from the castle given that he sent everyone else away.

I should thanks though for opening up the door. But your screaming for Cain doesn't even matter because I'll be done with you by the time he eventually finds you and what he finds won't be a pretty sight."

He stepped out from the shadows and was now standing on front of me. I shook my head confused," Why are you doing all of this? What is there for you to gain from taking me? Why are you so obsessed with me?"

Ian laughed and started to circle around my chair,"Who are you Mariah Carey? What's with all the questions but since you're not going anywhere soon I might as well answer one to ease that mind of yours.

I'm gaining an emotion I've never seen from my brother before. Fear. I've never seen Cain scared or afraid before, not even when we were younger.

He always intimidated everyone into submission by his appearance and demeanor. Never had anything to be afraid of. Until now," he stopped in front of me and peered into my eyes,"Until you. I knew when I first saw you, that you were special. I just didn't know why. But now I know. You're my brother's mate. His other half, the only thing he's afraid of is losing you.

I mean you haven't even known him that long and you already have him wrapped around your pretty little fingers. I can just see his face right now when he finds out you're not in the room anymore. Ha.

There's so much about my brother that you don't know that I know even if you had spent more time with him, he still wouldn't have told you everything for your 'own good' he'd say."

I thought back to the conversation I had with Cain earlier and him saying that me being in the dark was for my own good.

"I can see the wheels spinning in the brain of yours. Let me guess he told that, but I bet he didn't tell you anything about his past. All the blood he's spilled back in his ripper days, all the hearts he's literally ripped out and broken. He's a merciless king and doesn't care about his actions, as long as they can better himself."

"And you're any better? You kidnapped girls from their homes and played mind games with them until you were satisfied with them and brought them here to work for him, with him having no knowledge of how they really got here. If anything I'd say you guys are equal in the whole merciless thing if he's really as bad as you say," I blurted out and next thing I felt was a smack to the face. Well my lip is busted now. 

"I didn't ask you for your opinion on whose worse than who. I was just giving you a little background info on my brother before I kill you and then him, that's all."

I gulped,"Kill me?"

He came in front of me and pulled out a knife from his pocket. "You see when people find their mates and they do the deed it makes their mate bond stronger,"

He stopped right behind me and leaned into my ear,"So what to do, what to do? I'll let you decide."

I took  a deep breathe,"Well I, you know honestly, would really enjoy being let go and being able to walk out of here."

He started to chuckle," Nah I think you look really nice all tied up and desperate in here. I like this look on you. But I think I could make it even better."

He pressed the knife into my arm. I cried out the moment when he broke skin and the blood started to run down my arm. "It's already improving, he laughed." He switched over to my other arm and did the same.

I scoffed through clenched teeth,"So what you're going to torture me? That's all? I've felt worse." Why did I just say that?

"Oh really," he asked," well since this is what nothing to you let's move along, shall we? Let's just say that every person that's sat in that seat has broken. You'll be no exception."

He walked around me and stuck the knife in my leg. I screamed and could feel my eyes start to water.

"Are those tears I see?" he asked taunting me.

I blinked the tears away and looked up at his face," You wish."

He tsked,"Hmm it'll be fun breaking you down Rose. You'll be crying, No, begging for your life soon. I guarantee it."

He walked away but not without pulling the knife out of my leg causing another cry to be ripped from my throat.

He walked back over to the desk and placed the knife down. He picked up some object that I couldn't make out. But by the creepy smile etched on his face I know that it's going to bring nothing but pain.


It's been what feels like an eternity of pain but I know that it's only been probably 30 minutes.

He's done everything from stab me again and again in the arm and leg, pull off some of my nails, and burn me with a lighter he fetched from his pocket. I'm slowly losing consciousness from the blood loss and the blinding pain. I can tell he's getting furious by the second because I have yet to do anything but cry out from pain.

I guess the poor souls he's tortured before always broke when he first started. 

Thankfully he hasn't gone above the neck, and ruined my pretty face but I know he's saving the best for last. 

He cracked his knuckles, "Huh you're harder to crack than I thought. But I know what willlllllll make you break?" 

I scoffed,"Do youuuuuu?"

He laughed and bent down in front of me,"Yeah I do. You remember your little friend right? Jahaan."

I started to shake a little,"What about him?" I said preparing myself for what he was going to say next.

"Well you already know he's dead, I'm pretty sure my brother has already informed you of that, but what I didn't mention to him was that he cried for you the whole time. At first it was for you to come help him, and then they turned into crimes of hate. He cursed your name for getting him into the situation that ultimately led to his death."

Tears started flowing down my face, and he started to mockingly wipe them away. " Don't cry just yet. That's not alllllllll. You want to know what his last words were?"

I shook my head no, silently begging him to stop talking. " He said that he wished you were in his shoes instead if you weren't dead already."

I started crying even harder not even trying to hold back. "No!" I cried out," he would never say that! He would NEVER say that! Don't you speak ill of the dead! Don't you lie on his name!"

He started to laugh," Don't speak ill of the dead? Hon I killed him, I'm pretty sure I can talk about him. I'm glad to see an actual reaction from you that I like.

Now let the fun really begin." He started clapping and his smile couldn't have gotten any bigger.


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