Chapter 23

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I was awoken by Maya smacking my face lightly. "Wake up sleepy head. It's time to go and do our chores for the day." I groaned and covered my face with my arm," I don't want to."

I heard her sigh," Well you have to. Now either get up now or do you want for me to go get the king to come get you up." I shot right up and glared at her, "Shut up," I said getting up.

I went to the closet and noticed that it was now full of clothes. "I guess someone came in last night and put some clothes in there."

"Can we even wear any of this?" I asked. "Yeah, just not during dinner time, that's when we have to wear the uniform."

"Where can I find out what my chores for the day are?" "They are going to be posted outside the kitchen door on the wall."

I nodded my head and grabbed an outfit. I decided on a track suit and put on white Jordan's. She started to leave,"Wait, Maya. Where's the shower?" 

"Follow me." We walked out the room and headed towards the end of the hall," Here you go." I entered and went into an empty stall and took a shower.

I walked out the bathroom and went back to our room. I sat down at the vanity and put my hair into two buns . I stood up and looked at myself once more in the mirror and let out a breath. Ok let's do this. 

I headed up the steps and toward the kitchen. I almost made until I bumped into someone turning the corner and was knocked down. "Hey watch where you're going.

If you had made that quick of a turn without looking both ways in a car, we would've both died," I said while getting up, without help I might add.

"Well we aren't in a car, are we?" said a voice belonging to a person I was hoping to avoid all day. 

I looked up and saw the king's smug face. "It was a metaphor, now if you'll excuse me I have places to be," I said trying to walk around him but was stopped by him grabbing my arm.  

"And where is that?" he asked spinning me to face him. "Well," I said tapping a finger on my cheek," since I'm being held captive and forced to work for you, with of course no pay, I might as well go do the work I'd rather not do if I want to live.

Now if you'd be a dear and let me go so I can go and do my job, that would be great." I said finishing with a smirk and an eye roll. 

He pulled me closer," I'm so so sorry for keeping you from your work, but don't forget who has the authority around her," he squeezed my arm," Am I clear?" I nodded my head and pulled my arm out of his hand. 

I started to walk away. "I'll see you around Marie," he said putting emphasis on Marie. I rolled my eyes and kept walking towards the kitchen.

When I got there I looked and saw the chore list chart. I looked for my name and saw beside it were two things.

Clean the living and dining rooms and to clean the master bedroom, including the bathroom and anything that is on the balcony.

I walked around until I found a closet that said 'Supplies' on the outside. I grabbed the supplies I needed and closed the door. I guess I'll just start with the living and dining rooms. They shouldn't take too long.


Boy was I wrong. I guess I underestimated the size of the living room and totally forgot the size of the dining room.

It took me two hours to clean both rooms each. I can't believe I just spent four hours cleaning only two rooms, and a majority of the time I was trying to scrub stuff off the carpet. For a bunch of supernatural creatures they sure don't care about cleaning up after themselves. 

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