Chapter 35

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I shook my head no, silently begging him to stop talking. " He said that he wished you were in his shoes instead if you weren't dead already."

I started crying even harder not even trying to hold back. "No!" I cried out," he would never say that! He would NEVER say that! Don't you speak ill of the dead! Don't you lie on his name!"

He started to laugh," Don't speak ill of the dead? Hon I killed him, I'm pretty sure I can talk about him. I'm glad to see an actual reaction from you that I like.

Now let the fun really begin." He started clapping and his smile couldn't have gotten any bigger.



"Where to begin? Where to begin? I mean what more can I really do to you? I mean you're bleeding all over the floor, nails right beside your foot." Ian said.

"Nothing else you do to me will phase me anymore. I feel nothing anymore after you just spit on Jahaan's name like you did." I spit out.

"Ohhhh," he cackled," I don't have to physically harm you to hurt you. No, I'll just go after the other people you seem to care about. Isn't your little friend's name Maya?

Oh she's pretty, nothing on you, but pretty. I bet she'll look even better when I'm done with her. Busted lip here- you'll be twinsies-, black eye, broken nose, oh and her heart ripped out of her chest for caring about you."

I scoffed," Yeah, you won't be able to find her away she should be long gone," not even bothering to glance in his direction.

"Did you forget that I am a werewolf and can easily track her down. I can pick up her scent right now."

Damn it.

He snapped his fingers as if he made some sort of revelation.

"Or better yet, how about little Mason. Your little baby that was protecting you."

My head shot up," Don't you dare touch him, he's just a child, and you're little brother. How sick in the head are you?"

He shrugged," I never really liked him anyway. That brat had the audacity to try and stop me from taking you. Pulling on my arm, scratching my arm, so I threw him into a wall and tossed him into the room closing the door.

I think I saw blood, who knows who cares, but back to you. As intriguing and somewhat fun this was, I do have a life to get back to so if you're not going to fight back bye."

He plunged the knife into my stomach and pulled it out, this time aiming for my heart but missing it.

I guess this dumbass doesn't know anything about anatomy, because I felt the knife scrape against my bone. 

I could myself slowing slipping out of consciousness from all the extra blood loss. As I felt myself fade away, I heard him very faintly say," Now you're broken."

Those words made something inside of me snap and I could feel my body heating up with some kind of energy. 

I've felt this way before. On the bus.

The light that was on started to flicker until it popped.

Though there was still a glow in the room. I could see Ian staring at me in horror. I looked down at my body and saw that I am the thing that that's glowing. 

"What are you?" I heard him shriek.

I looked up at his face and smirked,"Not to sound cheesy but I'm pretty sure your worst nightmare."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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