Chapter 13

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When I got to the nearest bus station, I like I said ditched the car and waited for the bus. It turns out that I'm in North Dakota, which is really far from where I'm from, Indianapolis,Indiana.

The only bus that could take me even close to Indiana was due to start loading at 1:00 a.m. Guess what! It's 10:00 at night, so now I have to sit here for roughly 4 hours. Just great.

That gives Ian just enough time to track me down and take me back.

I walked up to the lady at the front desk and asked her, "Is there was any other buses coming earlier at another bus stop?"

"Hold on sweetie, let me check." While she was typing away on her computer, I took a look around. It looked pretty much like your average bus station but run down. The paint was peeling off the walls. The waiting chairs looked as if they had been gnawed on my what I think was by a raccoon.

"Well, I'm glad to say there is one. If you go all the way down that hallway and take a right, there should be a bus there. Just ask the bus driver if you can just sit on the bus and wait. It should be leaving in 30 minutes."

She looked up at me with a smile. "Thanks."

I walked to where she told me and just like she said there was a bus. i looked through the door to see if the bus driver was there. I knocked on the window and while I was still knocking it opened and hit me in the face.

"OW!" I yelled and grabbed my nose.

"Sorry ma'am I didn't know how close you were to the door," he rushed out. He was actually kinda cute. He was lightskinned with hazel eyes and around my age.

I let go of my nose and asked," Can I come on here and wait until its time to leave?"

He nodded and I walked onto the bus. I walked and sat in the middle of the bus. One tip for sitting on the bus. Always sit in the middle.

If you sit in the back you gotta wait for everybody to get off before you do, and if you sit in the front then you gone see something you won't to see the bus driver do.

I looked out the window and saw people getting on the surrounding buses. I guess I'm not the only one trying to be early on the bus.

I felt like someone was staring at me, so I peeked out of the corner of my eye and saw the bus driver looking at me.

"Um, can I help you?"

He turned away and blushed. "Sorry' it's just that you're very pretty and I was just admiring you."


I turned and looked back out the window. I saw out the corner of my eye and saw him get up and start walking in my direction.

Please don't sit near me. Just be examining the bus.

Of course my luck ran out and he did.

I turned to look at him and saw that he was sitting really close. I pushed him back a little, but I guess he thought for some reason that I was flirting with him because he grabbed my hand and held it. I tried to pull my hand away but he just held it tighter.

"You know that you are really pretty, right?" he asked. "Well yeah' given that you've already said it to me."

He laughed and said," Well I thought you beautiful from afar so I decided to get a closer look. Is that OK?"

I finally was able to pull my hand away. "No it's not OK. Now can you please go back up there and leave me alone?"

"Now if I did that then you would be all alone and we don't want that," he said and was cheesing really hard.

"I would prefer that." "Well I wouldn't," he said trying to grab my hand again but when he tried to grab it I shocked him. He must of thought it was static so he tried again, but this time I shocked him harder. "You bitch," he tried to hit me but then I held my hands up and what looked like lightning shot out. He fell back and was writhing on the ground. I stared at my hands and saw that they were glowing.

I ran off the bus and headed to one that was about to leave and hopped on. This time I sat in the back because all the seats in the middle. I guess I'm not the only one with the middle seat rule.

I looked back to see if the guy had gotten up but he didn't. I could still see him shaking on the ground and then he turned and we made eye contact.

He looked like he as trying to say something to me but he couldn't. Then the bus driver said, "OK guys we're on the way to Chicago. Get ready for a non-stop trip and the restrooms are on the back. Let's go," over the intercom.

Our eye contact didn't break until the bus turned the corner. I turned and looked out the window. We drove past where I left the car and I saw Ian pull up to it. Just our luck we pulled up to a stoplight and being the dumbass that I am, that just so happens to be where I parked the car.

I ducked down in my seat and then he got out the car and walked to the other. I saw him look inside and when he didn't see me in there he banged on the car. I watched him breath in and out, and it seemed like he was talking to himself trying to calm down.

Just then he looked up at the bus and started scanning it as if he had x-ray vision. I ducked down even more and didn't look up until we pulled off. I looked back and saw him still looking at the bus.

I turned around and let out a sigh.

Now just to find a way to get from Chicago to Indiana.

But I know that it's not over between me and Ian. He will find me, one way or another, but that doesn't mean that he'll catch. Because I'll always run until there's no fight left in me.

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