Chapter 25

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I was woken up by someone poking my face. I tried to smack their finger away but it kept getting away from me. I opened one eye and saw Maya standing over me with her finger coming dangerously close to my face.

I grabbed her finger before she could poke me again," What do you want?"

She smiled," Well I obviously want you to wake up. The king has been sending people to come get you for almost an hour. So now that you're finally awake get up, get showered, and get your pretty little ass to the king's room."

I groaned and pushed her off me. I looked around and found the clock. 4:30 pm!!! Wow I was asleep for hours. 

I  got out of bed and grabbed my shower supplies. I felt like Maya was hovering over me so I turned around and she ran back to the bed.

"What are you doing now? " I asked.

"Nothing. Nothing," she said picking at her nails. "Mhmm." I walked out the room and headed to the bathroom. I heard the floorboards creak behind me.

Now Rose you know better than to turn yo black ass around and see what that is. You are not an actress in a horror film. Bitch if you die you stay dead.

I listened to myself and kept walking. I heard it again but this time I went against my conscience and turned around. 

I saw Maya leaning against the wall looking at her nails. "Maya what are you doing now? "

"Nothing. Nothing, " she said still not looking up from her nails. I shook my head and walked into the bathroom. 

I got in the shower and cleaned. While I was rinsing out my hair, I saw a shadow standing outside.  I peeked my head out and saw Maya standing there staring at me.


She smiled and started rocking back and forth on her heels,"So. What's going on between you and the king?"

"Are you serious?" She nodded," Yes, yes I am serious. You were with him last night and now you're going to see him when you get ready. Is there something I should know about."

She said with a smirk," I mean it seems like he can't get enough of you especially since he asked for you again. Did you guys use protection?  I bet you didn't you freaks. That's ok I'll help you through your pregnancy.  I'll be your rock."

I rolled my eyes at her," Can we talk after I get out the shower?"

She nodded and walked out. I put my head up against the shower wall. I need a nap.


After getting dressed and talking with Maya I finally headed to the king's room. I knocked and a man with a paint brush belt opened the door.

"Finally you're here," he said with an attitude, " I thought I was gonna have to come and drag your ass up here. Now chop chop let's get going. "

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to a chair. I sat down and looked in the mirror in front and saw him start toying with my hair.

"Ugh. Look at this when's the last time you got your ends clipped. And this color girl you know better than to be walking around with this dull ass color. I've got my work cut out for me and I only have three hours. Jesus take the wheel."

As much as I would have loved to say something back to his rude ass. Only one of us has hot pieces of metal in their hands and it isn't me. So I just let him to his thing.

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