Chapter 19

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I started to consider going back to his place. I know, I know. 'Why would she go back to the person who kidnapped her? And not only did he kidnap her, he was paid to kidnap her. And he has barely met any of her demands.' But when you think about, he took me away from two people who never wanted me anyway. A mom who hated me, and a father who would follow behind my mother even if she was leading him to hell and still have no problem with it.

I finally came to a decision. "OK, so I......"

"OK, so I will go with you," Ian started to smile wide," but only of Jahaan can come with and you have to follow all of my rules." Ian smile faltered a little bit but didn't go away. " If that's all that it takes for you to come back, then OK." He grabs me and squeezes me tight and then pulls back and kisses me on the cheek.

"So why don't we go tell Jahaan this happy news," he said rising from his seat. I pushed him back down and said," How about I go tell Jahaan myself?"

Before he could answer I ran out the room and into the kitchen where Jahaan was washing dishes. I stared at his naked back admiring his tattoo that he got a year ago. He turned around and jumped when he saw me.

"Damn girl, make a noise when you enter a room rather than just standing there staring." "Well it's not my fault that you didn't hear me walk in here. That's yours."

He rolled his eyes an put his hands on the counter. I went and sat down at the table and motioned for him to sit but he waved me off. We sat there for a minute in silence before he said," Are you going to tell me what happened in there or not?"

I replayed the events to him and at the end he just rolled his eyes. "So you just signed me up for something without consulting me? How you just gon do that?" he said with an irritated look on his face.

I scoffed,"It's not like you haven't done that to me before. Matter of fact you do it to me all the time. So you have no right to even get mad at me for doing something that you always do." He rolled his eyes for like the third time now, "But you know me and him don't get along and what about my house," he whined.

"But you're going to go because you love me too much to leave me all by myself with him, right? And we can always come back to the house when we need a break from him, ok?" I asked him with a pout. He looked at me and it seemed like he was contemplating what I was saying. Which made me pout even more. And here I thought our love was real.

He looked at me and nodded his head in agreement. So I ran over and gave him a hug and peppered kisses on his face. I heard a growl behind me and turned to see Ian standing in the doorway. "How about we never do that again, yea?"

I nodded my head and went upstairs to start packing up my clothes and I heard Jahaan go on his room to get his. I did all that running from him just to running right back to him. Does that make me weak?

No it does not because when you think about it, he hasn't done anything to hurt me. When I finished I walked out and met up with Jahaan who was now wearing a shirt.

We walked downstairs to see Ian already standing at the door. When he saw us he said," Well let's get going. It's going to be a long drive." We headed to the car and got in after Jahaan locked the door.

When we got inside the boys started arguing about the radio station. This is going to be a long drive.

We finally got to North Dakota after a long 15 hours in the car with these to we stopped to get something to eat. We all,eventually, agreed on going into White Castle.

When we were entering I noticed something was off with the way everyone was looking at us. Maybe they all know who Ian is. Or they just like something that they see? I told the boys that I was going to the bathroom and told Jahaan to just order my regular for me.

When I got done doing my business, I went over to the sink and started to wash my hands. I looked into the mirror and saw bags under my eyes.

Well that's what happens when you ride in a car for 15 hours filled with nonstop arguing. I looked back down at my hands and when I looked back up, everything went black.

When I woke back up I was handcuffed to a bed in a dark room. I looked around when my eyes adjusted and realized that it was similar to the room that I was in the first time Ian took me. What is going on?

I heard the door creak and Ian popped his head in. "Finally you're awake," he said with a creepy smile on his face," I thought I was going to have to force you awake."

"Why am I handcuffed to a bed? What happened back at White Castle? Where's Jahaan? What's going on Ian?" I asked frantically. He started to laugh,"Calm down Rose what's with all the questions, but I will answer them.

You're handcuffed because I just want you to be. To answer your next question, back at White Castle I had one of my female members go into the bathroom and knock you out and bring you here. And well Jahaan, let's just say that he's somewhere that you don't want to be."

"What do you mean he's somewhere that I wouldn't want to be? What have you done to him?" "That's something you don't want to know," he laughed again," it would have been better for him if he would've just stayed home. But no you just had to have him with you." He came and sat on the end of the bed. "Why are you acting like this?" I asked him.

He looked at me with an astonished look on his face. "Did you really think that I would listen to any of your rules when I have some of my own." He went to touch my face but I flinched away from his hand. He grabbed my face anyway and squeezed hard, " Oh poor Rose. Poor, poor Rose.

Her life is just never going to go right, is it? Let's all feel so sorry for her. Boohoo." A tear came out my eye, "But I'm your mate." I thought that would make him feel remorse for what he's done, but it just seemed to fuel him on.

"Awe, are you upset?", he laughed once again," I can't believe that you actually thought that we were mates. You are not my mate, you are just one of the many girls who were sold to me. Nothing more. I just told you that so you'd be comfortable around me, but there's no need to lie about that anymore.

I really just came to find you so that I could just bring you back here. You know, I should actually congratulate you for being the first girl to ever escape here, so a handclap to you. But you're downfall was what brought you back here.

In all honesty you didn't really even have a choice on if you were coming back. I was just going to kill your friend and bring you back by force, but you made it easier by coming willingly."

I just looked at him with a blank stare. I couldn't believe that I was so stupid, and now I dragged Jahaan into it but either way he was going to kill if I said no. He got up from the bed and headed towards the door.

He was almost out the door when he turned and said," You might want to get some sleep. You're gonna need it." With that he turned out the light and walked out, leaving me to sit in the dark with my thoughts brewing.

* pic of Jahaan's tattoo

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