Chapter six- Weeks pass

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(Hey everyone! I hope your liking A freshman and pregnant! I'm Kate and I have been inspired by many of your books, I want to thank you for your reads and if you don't mind comment below and thoughts and theories! Thanks a heap from Kate xx)

About two and a half weeks passed. Me and Todd kept quiet about the whole pregnancy test thing. The day after I found out I as negative Todd surprised me with a bunch of flowers, he wanted to make sure that whatever would of happened he wouldn't of left me.

Something that really has been bothering me is that I'm late for my period. My period never really has been regular but I'm eight days late. I though about telling mum so we can book a doctors appointment but I thought she would suspect to much.

I didn't tell Todd either it was my secret for now.

Two more days past and I finally made the decision. From the fact that I had morning sickness and crazy cravings.

But I think I know the answer.

I walked to lawson's after school with a twenty dollar note in my pocket. I walk in pick up the better quality looking test place it on the counter and I see that it is the same woman from last time.

I hope she doesn't notice me, but she does

'Another science project missy?'

'The names Laura and in fact yes' geez I feel so moody all the time. One minute I'm horny has fuck and the next I feel so lost getting beaten up by a fat old cashier

I take the brown paper bag and head home

It only took about 5 minutes to get home. As I turn the corner of my street I see that mums not home so I start to run home so I can get this over with before she returns back from work

I head straight upstairs to the bathroom.

I took the test, the instructions were a lot easier to read this time, but all you had to do was pee on the stick.

So I did.

About 15 minutes past with me checking my news feed on instagram anxiously waiting for the answer.

I sigh, picked up the test and then I was in shock.

Two lines. Positive

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