Chapter 22- Birthday girl

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9.36 am

Today I woke up happily, knowing it was my 15th birthday and I am in my second trimester being 14 weeks. Lucky for me it was a saturday so Mum invited some relatives over. I told everyone to not buy any gifts for me but unisex gifts for the baby. Other than relatives, Rebeeca, Rose Connor and zach are coming over too. After waking up, i brush my hair and teeth, choose an outfit and head downstairs. 


Everyone screams. Including- Mum, Arthur, Uncle Cole, Aunt Lillian, Cousin zoe, the twins, Maria and all my friends.

As much as a am glowing red, I am gifted with many presents all wrapped in baby paper. I open them all mostly nappies or onesies but a special and unique gift from Arthur.. My Dad. I unwrap the expensive looking paper to find matching silver bracletes.

"One for you... and one for the baby," Arthur says to inform me

"You shouldn't have, these are so beautiful!"

"Just like you," he grins


After pancakes for breakfast, the adults talk by themsleves and the twins play with my old toys peacefully. All my friends had planned a big girls day out for me and then apparently later tonight Todd was going to take me somewhere special.

Throughout the day, me and the girls go shopping, get pampered, watched movies and went for a light lunch. We also picked out a really nice dress for from Forever New, in a size 14. The boys had also gone out to watch a soccer game because Todd's birthday was in less than a few weeks.

When I arrive home my friends leave and I start to get ready, I curl my hair partially messy and tie half up and half down. Because Todd is only on his P's he has a curfew so Arthur offered to take us in his very expensive BMW. 

Todd arrives not late or early at 7.30, he complements me and gives me a kiss as I hop into the car and I thank Arthur for taking us.

The car ride wasn't that long, only about half an hour. It mainly consisted of all the good memories that we've had in the past 8 and a bit months. Arthur drops us off at this tall building and we agree to meet him back here at 10.30. 

We ride the glass elevator up to the 23rd floor. The glass doors open to an amazing view of Connecticut City, the old and the new. As a walk out I find myself wondering why I’m moving and I realise that the restaurant moves around in a circle so you can see the whole city.

The waitress leads us to our table, and that night romance took place.


"And we danced all night to the best song ever!"

My alarm sings to me before I jump out of bed to vomit on the seat of the toilet. After a daily routine I choose an outfit, however I feel something move in my stomach. Then I realise the baby is starting to kick!

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