Chapter 32- A day off

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(Okay if you didn’t notice I added a bit to the last chapter so if you haven’t read that go back! Hope you enjoy!)

Me and Todd quietly eat our breakfast he made, every other minute him teasing me about how he can eat eggs.

"So what do you want to do today, since its Saturday!”

"Another round of last night? A replay even?"

"No seriously," I laugh.

"Umm, I don’t really know. I was going to go to the park or zoo or something. Just for use two, then maybe pop in the store to buy some more supplies"

"I don’t mind the zoo, but I don’t think I'll be walking for too long,"

"Yeah don’t worry, the zoo isn’t that interesting"

After breakfast Todd and me both clean the dishes and start to fantasize about our little family. I go into Todd's bedroom, go towards my own draw with all my spare clothes and try to pick something out for me to wear. Firstly I pull out a pair of boyfriend jeans. That once fit me. Finally I found something that would fit me. I maxi dress in a light yellow with kind of Aztec prints, it was loose and comfy. I chucked a pair of toms on too.


We arrive at the Zoo, and Todd pays for everything, I don’t know how much it was but he was more than willing to pay. We walk in pick up a map and discuss where we want to go.

"We are not going to the bird savannah Todd! I hate birds!"

He just laughs, it a cuties way.

"Okay, maybe we skip the birds" he winks

When heading to the safari animal, I see a woman struggling to control her three children. One of the little girl heads up to me and starts to point at my belly.

"Why are you so fat?" I laugh, she continues "You ate to much ice cream'"

Before I answer the Mother comes up behind the girl and grabs her arm.

"Sorry, she’s the naughty one out of the three," she says pointing to the three children around the same age.

"It's okay, she was a bit curious I guess,"

"Or rude," the woman murmurs

I recognise her children again, two girls one boy all looking the same with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Are they triplets I ask?"

"Indeed they are, are you having twins?"

"Oh no, just one"

We laugh and then the woman leaves and me and Todd start to walk around the zoo. 


"You stay here Lau, Ill go get the car"

After three long hours of walking, we finally finished our route and decided to head to babies'r'us for the 30 week shop.

Todd brings the car around closest to the entrance, gets out and helps me up into the car. 

"Thankyou," ON the ride to the store, we have causal conversations with the odd break out into song. When driving past a local church, we both see a bride and her party get out of a carriage and assembly go into her ceremony. I just stare out the window and Todd and me don't mention anything

Once we arrive at the store, Todd parks in the closets spot to the store. I get out and Todd grabs a trolley for me. When we walk in, a young blonde lady handing out flyers greets us both. She passes a flyer to us and we walk pass her.

"Okay so we need, more bottles, a table changing thingy and more clothes! We got to get more clothes!"

"Don’t we have enough clothes for the baby?"

"Yeah, umm no."


We trace through the aisles of the store, make the trolley heavier by the minute. Many people gave us bad looks or death stares but she didn't seem to notice. The more I look at Laura swing her blonde hair when she walks and the smile she always makes. I’m now really leaning forward to getting her a ring and actually proposing to her, but things keep getting in the way. Last time it was the whole soccer thing that put me off, but now I don’t know what’s really stopping me. Laura keeps holding me up all these toys and clothes, I don’t really care but I love her so.

"Todd, who is more unisex?" she holds up two onesies, one with puppies on them and the other has an anchor on it. 

"I actually like the cars," I point to the onsite beside the trolley

"But a girl doesn’t loom that cute if she has cars all over her,"

"Hmm, okay well I like the puppies more. But the anchor one is pretty cool,"

"Um, lets just put both in" Lau chucks the two onsies in the trolley

We turn the corner down the 'book' aisle and Laura starts to read the different subjects on breastfeeding or not. A minute in, someone comes down the aisle and seems to know Lau.

"Hey! Laura!" she shouts

"Oh my god holly? HI!" the two girls communicate in their special way

"How are you Laura?"

"Yeah, well just really busy. How’s baby Thayer?"

"Yeah good," after a while the two girls notice that us guys are standing there, like a third wheel funny enough.

"Oh Tyson! This is Todd?"

"Yeah Todd," I answer and we awkwardly shake hands

So after, the two girls decide to finish shopping then go to the ice cream parlour. She said we could 'tag' only as well, but since I'm Laura’s ride.

At the counter the girls actually split and we paid separately. The woman at the counter scanned all the objects and she wants very enthusiastic. She reached to the last few items and I paid once again.

"Okay, that comes to $846.90 dollars thanks, was that in savings?" Laura didn’t notice the price since she was babbling onto Holly, but I wasn’t hoping my card wasn’t declined.

It wasn’t.



Me and holly head over to the parlour and the boys head home, I grab my favourite two scoop ice cream of orange choc chip and red velvet on the bottom. Holly gets a one scoop of lemon sorbet. We sit at the bar stools and started to talk.

"Well, Thayer has been kicking alot lately! Like moving so much" Holly moves her blue streak in her hair behind her ear

"That’s good,"

After finishing our ice cream we head outside to walk back home, until holly stops in the middle of the pathway.

"Ah!" She screams!

"Laura what the fuck was that?" she’s holding her stomach and bending her knees down.

"I don’t know? What was it like?"

"I cramp, it hurt like fuck"

"We can go to the doctors if it gets worse,

Both holly and me walk a little further she stumbling behind. Holly stops again. I turn around and I see a wet puddle on the floor

 (Hi! hoped you liked! honestly I really liked this chapter and it was kind of fun to write! Please vote, comment and follow! Hope you enjoy ox)

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