Chapter 28- 28 weeks

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About one and a half months have passed and it is the start of November. Rebecca eventually got over David. It was the whore of the school anyway, we just let it pass with ice cream and soppy movies.. Anyway latley I have been hanging out with holly more and encouraging her to engage with the father, whom convinentley is now her boyfriend. Me and Todd have saved up lots of money to fund our child for a minumum of one year. The nursery is done coloured with a moon yellow and sweet ornaments of jungle animals. We all decided that when Todd came to live with us that he would sleep in my room, as long as nothing happens. My father has spolit our little munchkin by putting a ton of money away for its education. Talking about my father, my Mom is gradually forgiving him, they won't get back together for now but they are getting along which is good. My father is coming round today to check up on me and also come deliver some parcels he ordered.

"Hey Lau, how are you and the baby?"

"Yeah all good, went to an appointment last week and still the same as before,"

"Thats good," he grins. "Is your Mom in?"

"Um yes she is, just in the bathroom I think."

"Okay, well Umm." He starts to stutter "I was wondering if I could talk to both of you? It's important,"

"Um, sure Is everything okay?" he has been acting werid latley

"Not exactualy,"

"Mom!" I shout making sure she can hear me from the other side of the room.

"I'm coming!"

She rushes into the kitchen in a red dress, no creases and perfect like always. 

"Oh hi, didn't think you would be here this early."

"Oh yeah well I have somethinng to tell you guys, as a family"

"okay, lets go to the living room."

We all head to the living room me leaving my phone on the kitchen bench for no distractions. Arthur sits in the rocking chair away from me and mum on the couch.

"So Whats Up?" Mom asks intentivley

"Well, geez this is going to be long," he procastinates

"C'mon christmas is nearly here,"

"I have another biological daughter, her name is Tara"


"What? How? I thought we were done with keeping secrets," 

I am speechles, another daughter. My half sister? I have been the only child for 11 lonley years and now I find out that I have a half sister.

"When Laura just turned two I had a 'one night fling' with a girl from college. It was nothing, I just wanted to get away from our arguements and I was angry so I went to find someone. After our night we didn't talk at all. It was only about a year until she got in contact with me to say she had a daughter and it was mine. I didn't believe her because I didnt want to and I continued life ignoring my own daughter and mother of my daughter. It was only till guilt everyday took me and I left you two, for another woman and another life. Once I had left I gave this woman a load of money so she could fund our daughter. But once again I left them. I wanted to start a life again and forget about my two daughters. 10 years after I finally was able to control myself. I decided I wanted to be apart of my daughters lives again so I found you laura, and  thought I could make it up  to you guys and then I found tara. And now Tara is in a foster home and I am playing nice daddy when all I have left is guilt."

By now we were all crying, sobbing as tears fell down our cheeks. I had never seen Arthur show so much pain. One moment I wanted to comfort him but the next I was so angry about the affair. I couldn't take watching my Mother break in my arms. 

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