Chapter 21- Arthur

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{Hola guys its kate, I hope your enjoying this book. Make sure to comment, vote and follow. It helps me alot and encourages me to write more :)}

"Dad? Is that you"

"Yes Laura its me, Arthur your father" His eyes light up everytime I speak

My heart is pounding out of my chest when it is revaled to me that my father is no acholoic or druggie. He looks to be a wealthy man, intelligent and friendly.

"I cant believe that I am actually seeing you for the first time in 11 years. I didn't think I was ever going to see you,"

"Me neither, until I changed my life around."

It feels as though my life has just been turned around. I am confused as whether he is a acohloic or was one? Why did my mother say all the horrible things about him. He looks fine to me.

"So umm, do you have break soon? we could have a late dinner."

What shoukd I do, my father whom I havent seen in 11 years is asking if I want to go to dinner. For a second I actually forgot about him leaving me and my mum. But I think to myself that maybe he has change, and myabe he wants to start again.

"Sure, its not busy tonight so i can come off early," 

I come out of the little cashier cubicle and head to the locker room, I turn to face my dad, Arthur when he looks surpriused to see my massive, pregnant shaped belly.

'Umm, I will explain later"

"okay," he cheerfully attemps to say.

Arthur drives us to a nice resturant when there is awkward silence the whole way. I want to text my Mum but I decide againist.

We arrive at a little mexican resturant, I order a burito and Arthur gets the same.

"So, hows life?" he finally says

'Its okay. Schools great, I got into the great science competition for the counrty. Its were a student from specific schools compete in a  variety of science equations and uexperiments. I am always chosen to do it."

"Thats great, its good to hear that your exceling in school,"

I have to break the elephant in the room, he keeps on staring at my belly.

"I am a week away until my second trimester,"

"I'm glad to hear that you kept the baby and your'e not upsetr about having one,"

"Yeah I am dissapointed in myself too, but it is what it is and me and Todd are happy to raise this child,"

"So the father is in the scene,?'

"happily yes"

"Thats good to hear,"

We tralk endlessley until the resturant closes about how he has a bussiness and my preganacy story. He apologises many times but I want to ignore them. He asks how mother is and I explain to him that shes on bed rest and not too well. Finally I check my phone and it is alread ten thirty. I have several texts from Mum wondering where I am.

"Sorry Arthur but can you take me home, I should of been home an hour ago,"

"Yeah sure, and please call me dad"

"Okay,... Dad"

When I arrive home, Dad doesnt follow I let myself in Mum is sitting on the couch angry as ever. I explain to her how I met dad and ther dinner and his bussiness. Despite her anger in me not calling her she eventually gives in and I go to bed around 1.

I dont bother to check my phone, I am completely exhasuted. I put some hand cream on and the moment I hit the pillow I am asleep.


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