Chapter 30- The urge of school

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Since school started again for the year, it has been really hard. Work and the weight on my feet. I cant even get through 2nd period with the urge to sit down and lay my swollen feet back. But anyway, in two weeks is christmas than 4 weeks after that is my due date. The 25th of january. They say baby will come earlier since its bigger and all. But I'm still plodding on hard enough as it is. Tonight after school, I'm going to meet holly up at the mall for an update then going to dinner with Mum, Dad... and Tara. Even though after the whole meltdown Mum had to consider Tara and once again she gave in. 

Also today I'm meeting up with connor before school, because he wanted to help plan the baby shower.

As I litteraly groan and crawl to get out my bed, maxwell attacks me with joy.

"Maxwelll," I groan forcing him off me. 

I eventually get up, throw up for a bit, shower and choose an outfit to wear. Since maternity clothes are meant for older woman.. I'm stuck wearing a pair of boyfriend jeans and a plain stripey T-Shirt that shows off my massive and annoying bust.


I arrive at Rico's around 8.05 just as I expected. I see connor waiting inside and drinking what looks like an esspresso. Gay men and their coffee.

I sigh.

As I walk into rico's I pass the table and chair where Todd told me about the condom and how it was out of date. Ignoring my thoughts I walked straight passed and into Rico's


"What do you think Moon Yellow or Aqua for the table cloth" I have been listening to Connor talk about where presents should go the unisex theme. Ugh its getting annoying, but I'm glad he is here to practically plan it for me.

"Yellow, thats what the nursery is." he jots the note down in his notebook

"Okay and on the cake... what do you want the theme to be?"

"Uhh, I dont know,"

"LIke cute animals maybe, thats unisex?"

"Yeah that would be cute,"  He also jots that down 

"You know having a unisex baby shower is really hard?" he comments

"Didnt notice,"

After I while of repeatitive questions, I click the top of my phone to see the time. 8.32

"Hey we gotta get to class con,"

"Ugh! and just when we were getting somewhere," he sounds like my spanish tutor

"Yeah, I guess"



I haven't seen Laura in ages, we have both been working lots but since the whole anchor beach thing.. we haven't been so lovey dovey I guess. I know tonight I wont get to see Laura since shes busy and I'm looking after the twins so another night without Laura.

But I also have been avoiding Laura. I while back before she got pregnant I enrolled for this soccer school which had all the awesome facilities and it would lead me to a great college and everthing. But the thing is that its all the way in New Jersey. We have relatives over there so if I got in I actually could go. Then one time from coming home from practice I took the mail in and there was a letter adressed to me. It had the schools logo in the corner and my full name printed across the middle. 

I knew the letter either said I had got in to the school or I failed, so I opened it. 

Then all my nightmares where on one letter. It explained how I did get in but by skin of my teeth and how I was unique and everything. Then it explained how the school wanted me as soon as possible because they did not want me to miss out on teams. I couldnt even wait a semester, If i didnt make my descion in a month, I was put off the waiting list immediatley as a "Participant of failure". Although it was my dream to move to new jersey and attend a high class school, I had more responsibilties now and I promised laura I would stay no matter what so, I threw the letter away.  


Today at school Zach has been avoiding me and David won't talk about anything but Rebecca. So I ended up heading to some extra tutor classes so I am ahead before the baby comes. 

While heading to class Jayson the school jock bmuped into me.

"Hey, are you like laura's friend" he said in a low hoarsley voice.

"Yeah I'm her boyfriend why?" 

"Just cause she knows I girl that I banged the other day and I was wondering if you could get her number, I think her name was Rachel or sumthing,"

"Um it's rebecca and I can get I number... I think,"

"Thanks man," 


After 6th period ended I was completely exhausted, everyday just getting harder and harder. 

I decided if I got home quickly I could go have a nap for half an hour before I went to the mall. So I did. 

Once I got home I sat back on the couch and I was completley knocked out.


Luckliy I had woke around 35 mintues later just enough time to freshen up before I catch a bus up to the Mall. I dont change much, just a cute green khaki jacket and a cream scarf.


The mall isnt normally busy on a thursday night, but today it was. Probably christmas shopping. As I search the food court for Holly I find her sitting with her phone eating a massive cheeseburger. 

Just before I get to her table she sees me and stands up to greet me with a hug.

"Hey," she mumbles with a mouthful of cheeseburger

"Hi, how are you?"

"Well and big, yourself" By now we had both made ourselves comfy on the lighting padded chairs that was oviousbly not meant for pregnant people.

"Yeah okay, everthing is just so tiring you no?"


Me and holly talk for a while and enter a few shops just before we nees to sit down again. She tells me how her and Kace (her boyfriend) choose a name for their boy. Thayer Hunter June Anderson. She mostly got the stay but overall it was a joint descion.

After looking in every baby store, I check the time and its already past 6 so I tell holly I need to leave.

"Hey, I have to go to dinner, drive safe!"

We hug goodbye and I head my way towards the carpark. 

{Hi Guys! Long time no write, well sorry about the late update but I've been busy! Working and home work all that stuff you do when you get old, haha. Well thanks for reading make sure you vote, comment and follow! Ta Kate xx}

PS: Thayer is pronounced "Tay" (But with a 'h' sound) "er"

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