Chapter 33- Baby THJA

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"Shit Holly, are you okay?"

"Not really, I think, I think my water just broke..."

"Now? Okay, Shit, okay calling ty"

Holly is now sitting down on the wet grass clutching her stomach in pain, there are no strangers around. I call ty and he doesn't pick up the first time, straight to voicemail. I try one more time and on the third ring, he picks up"

When I answer you can hear holly screaming in the background.

"Hey lau... What's going on?"

"Holly's water just broke; we need to take her to hospital like now!"

"Umm... okay I'll be right there,"

"Wait where you are?" he asks

"Yokine reserve, the park near the froyo place"

When he hangs up I debate whether to call an ambulance, but he will only be 5 minutes away and the hospitals not far.

"Agh!" holly starts to scream again, but the contractions are quite a time apart. I sit down next to holly holding her hand as she squeezes mine really tight.

When ty arrives, 7 minutes later, we both assist holly to get up into her car. The lights are in our favour and get at the hospital quickly, ty runs through the ER and a group of people bring out a bed for her.


"How is she doing," I ask the midwife assisting holly in her long labour.

"Honestly, not that great the baby is a month early and its bum is at the cervix, the wrong way around" "The obstetrician is looking towards more of a C-section, even though she has continuous contractions"

"Thank you,"

By now Holly is 2⅟₂ hours through labour, and going through dramatic pains. Ty and Holly's mum are in the room, and I'm outside giving them some 'space'. Her water did break but the contractions aren't moving the baby along. Also Todd was going to come by pick me so I can get holly's hospital bag since no one was at home to pick it up.

I feel my phone vibrate and its Todd saying he is at the hospital.

"Hey lau just at the entrance by the way, I've got food"

I get up peek my head through Holly's room and say bye.

"Hey, Todd's here so I'm going to go and get your bag okay?"

"Yup, but first come give the soon to be mom a hug!"

As I walk over holly shuffles her bum to the edge of the bed to give me a hug. I lean down and we hug...


"So everything seems okay, or not?" Todd enquires,

"Well, the baby is in an awkward position and too early to come out though, bout 5 weeks premature,"

"I think the baby will be fine,"

"Yeah well let's hope so"

We drive down the highway, and get stopped by most of the lights finally we arrive at holly's tiny house; I find the spare key and walk straight to the nursery.

I find the blue bag sitting on the bed and put it on my shoulder.

Todd takes us back to the hospital after a stop at in and out burger. I get the usual, a double cheeseburger with extra cheese.


Once we arrive back at the hospital, more family members of Holly and ty are waiting. There has practically been no movement; the position of the baby is getting worse. Also holly is avoiding a c-section as much as possible, for now when all the family is talking down at the cafe I thought I might go comfort her.

"Hey how are you holding up?"

"Oh hey lau, hmm not feeling too good. But thanks for bringing the bag over," She says

"Don't worry," I smile, "So what do you think is the problem?"

"Not too sure but I have contractions, but then I don't feel Thayer moving or kicking. Don't have that good of a feeling at the moment, like something is wrong"

"Well we are hoping for the best"

After talking for a while the midwife comes in, plus holly hasn't had a contraction in the past half an hour.

"How are you feeling Hun?" she asks

"Okay," she mumbles

"The doctor has decided that the contractions are now longer apart and your water has been broken for too long, we are deciding a caesarean. Is that okay for you and your partner?"

Holly hesitates, "Sure, I honestly just want to hold my baby boy now, imp utterly exhausted"

"Okay Ill bring in the papers then we can suit you up,"

"Yup," the woman exits the room and holly gets another small contraction, she starts to scream.

Once holly is dressed up in the green scrubs, I hold her hand as the bed moves towards theatre.

"Sorry you have to go now," the midwife informs me

"Sure, good luck holly, next time I see you, you'll be a Mom!"

"Yeah, so excited to finally meet my baby boy,"


"There've been in there for too long, there's something wrong Todd" Holly and Ty have been in theatre for over an hour now, Holly's contractions got further apart and she looked even worse before she went in.

"Just keep our hopes up okay?"


Another half an hour passes and we finally see holly; she comes around the hospital corner in a wheel chair holding hands with Ty. They both look flushed and lost, but then I realise there is no baby


Thayer Hunter June Anderson, Stillbirth at 6.43 pm, 14th of December, 2013.

Unfortunately Thayer was lost during the c-section. No known cause is valid at the moment, but there was a very low chance of him to survive. Both holly and Ty are in shock and deep grief.

It has been 4 hours after, and Todd and I are home. I didn't want to wake up alone from the night we just had so Todd slept over. The ride from the hospital to home was pure silence.

{Hey guys, sorry for not updating, I broke my arm! and its really hard to write, hope you enjoyed member to vote, comment and follow!}

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