Chapter 36- Hospital

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"What the fuck is going on?"

I actually don't know. My head is spinning so fast, probably from all the alcohol I consumed, right now Zach is crawling over me and I see Todd at the corner of my eye.

"What the hell?"


"Someone fucking answer me!"

Todd barges over to Zach pulls his hand back and hits him straight across the jaw.

Then I pass out.


"Where am I?"

I wake up in a crisp sheeted bed, smelling like a a brand new car that's been drenched with tequila.

No one answers back, just the constant sound of beeping from.. a heart monitor

I'm in the hospital

I reach over to the side of the bed and find the nurse button. I press it and what seems like forever a nurse comes in.

"Wha.. why I'm I hear?"

"Hi Laura I'm Taylah, I'll be your nurse for the duration of your time"

"You are slowing recovering from being intoxicated. It had put a lot of pressure on the babies, plus.. Z"

"Babies?, I'm having one kid"

"Oh, right. You don't know yet?"

"Sorry what?! why are you talking like this? what 'babies' "

"Laura, your ultrasounds haven't been clear enough to see your whole uterus. The babies condition was covering the outside, however we have found there is another fetus behind. You're having twins"

"What? this can't be true!"

"I'm afraid it is so, congratulations"

"Oh man"


Todd's POV

"How is she? Like with the news about.. you know twins?!" I ask the nurse as she comes out of the room, she said that it would be too confronting if I went in.

"Laura is coping fine, all the alcohol could of done some serious damage to both of the babies. You're extremely lucky, Todd. Right now she is just recovering from the shock of the news, you can see her if you want"

The nurse smiles and leaves.

Right now I have so many thoughts, from the fact that I took a big punch at Zach, to the news of having twins?, And to top it all off the parents are all on there way now so that's not going to end well.

I decide to go in earlier to see Lau, I don't want to be there once the parents arrive.

"Hey baby,"

She turns to her side, facing me while putting a smile on her face.

"Hey," she mutters

"How are you feeling?"

"Shocked more than anything."

"What about your head?"

"What about it?"

Laura moves her hand to the back of her head to instantly feel pain

"Ow?!", "how did I do that?"

"When you passed out, you hit the coffee table on the corner and cracked your head open"

"Fuck, that actually hurts."

"Well you did crack your head open."

She playfully smacks me on my elbow, where pains strikes due to the recent injury from zach.

"So how zach.. and you?"

"Zach got hit pretty hard by me and a few others before we got split up, he has a black eye, broken rib and 9 stitches in his foot"

"What the fuck? wow! he could of died Todd!"

"I know, and we could of lost BOTH of a kids. It was stupid mistake from both of us, and for now we keep moving on."

"I don't know how todd. Zach loves me."

I look into her eyes, desperately looking for some form of comfort.

"But I love you much more Laura Ann"


2 days later - (21rd of December)


When I arrive back home I am greeted with most the family, and a few balloons. Todd walks me in and constantly smiles.

"Congratulations!" they all scream.

I feel as though I look surprised, but then I realise why everyone is so happy. Their congratulating me about the babies.


I go around and give everyone hugs

"Okay Laura, we have a little suprise for you!" my mum says enthusiastically

I loom over at Todd and he's also grinning widely.

"Okay... what is it?" I smile

"We will show you"

She walks me and Todd upstairs, and down the corridor, maxwell following us.

My mum leads us into the nursery to find a new looking room


The room is spilt into two sides, both imitating the baby colours. One side is a mellow yellow the one we chose together which originally for only one child. It has a touch of jungle animals around the edges and a new mobile.

The second side is filled with a sweet baby corn blue colour with a tough of light red. The theme is 101 Dalmatians, with a quilted pattern. Reminding me of maxwell and my favourite Disney movie.

I turn to Todd and give him a massive bear hug and kiss.

"Thankyou so much! this is better than I could have ever done"

"Best early Christmas present ever!"

Todd smiles and starts to recognise the work of Arthur and my mom


The next day of school was the last day left before we broke off for Christmas break. It was confronting at first, but the word about the twins had already been spoilt.

Most of the people were congratulating me, but then some people thought I was a shit ass mother because I got heavily drink with two kids.

The tension between Zach, Todd and I has settled down. But Zach did come and apologise to me, which I thought was a pleasant gesture after all the injuries Todd gave him.

Connor was over excited to be having a baby shower for two children! Rose and Rebecca were the same, just even more happy to be the aunts of twins now.

Other than that everything kind of went back to normal, my head was recovering well just got the stitches out

yesterday and all.

But it came to me, in 28 days me and Todd will be the physical parents of two children.


(Hello people, been a long time... but I have exams?? is that a good excuse? Haha, okay hoped u liked the chapter kind of a big plot twist I had planned from the beginning :) I hoped u liked it :) remember to follow/vote and comment! love y'all Kate x)

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