Chapter 26- Another Week

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"Morning sunshine,"

My mom tries to cheer me up after a marathon of vomiting.

"Make sure you take your vitamins! You don't want to forget,"

"Ughh," I groan still half asleep and smelling like lasts nights Mac n' cheese

"Got to head to work, I've packed your lunch, a salad and fruit. Plus remember I'm not picking you up today because you have your group to go to at the church. The soon to be teen mom support group? Remember,"

"Ugh," I groan again not bothered about anything Mom just said.

I briefly hear the sound of the car starting and drifting away from the drive.

I pick up my phone to check the time and I see an old message from Zach and that its 8.00.

I open the message and de jua vu from the other night appears through my mind.

I was really proud of Todd today,

What for? Still curious on what Zach means I text him back

Sorry Zach I don't know what you're talking about? Talk at school got to go

I go in the shower for a de cleanse and when I get out he didn't text back so I pick up my bag and head out the door to school.


"Hey Lau how was your appointment yesterday?" Rose asks enthusiastically

"It was okay, just more medicine. The usual," I see Rebecca approaching towards me and rose, breaking away from a conversation with David.

"Hey Hun," she goes in for the hug

"Hi, how are you and David going?"

"Well umm," I and rose just stare at Rebecca because we know something bad is going to be said.

"We got up to base three,"

Base three? What's base three? oh yeah I remember base one is pecking and hugging base two is passionately kissing and groping and base three is ... sex?


"You had... S" she cuts me off blushing as red as a tomato

"Shhh lets go into the bathroom,"

Rebecca leads us into the bathroom me and rose behind in such shock.

Luckily when we get into the bathroom no one is in there

Rose starts

"Rebecca you had sex! With David! Didn't you get a hint from Lau," She stops suddenly indicating my pregnancy,

"Sorry," she admits

"Don't worry I'm used to it,"

"Anyway, Why? When? Where and Who? And did you use protection?"

"Now I can finally speak." She huffs "Well because, we wanted to, on Saturday, his house, David of course and yes we used a condom!"


The bell rings much to my annoyance,

"Got to go, but this conversation is not over." I say gesturing my hands like my Mom


First two periods go for what feels like a really long time, and at break Rebecca avoids us so it was just me and Rose. Same again for lunch too

"So we choose a name for the girl"

"Ooo! What is it? Please don't say it's a surprise I want to know!"

"It's not a surprise," *Laughs* "The name is Thea Beatrice Mae,"

"Oh how pretty, baby Thea." "So have you chosen a name for a boy?"

"No not yet, I was hoping you could help. We are choosing three names; I like Percy, and James as middle names,"

"They're nice; I think Percy James works better than James Percy."

"Yeah same,"

After several suggestions we decide to go online to go on a baby name maker where you put the middle and last names in and it will give you a few names that flow with it. I think it was called baby genie.

"Umm," Rose starts,






"Hmm I like that one, keep going"




"That's nice! It's unique, and it flows,"

"Percy Sutton James Scott,"

"I like that combination," Rose adds

"I'll think about and ask Mum and Todd, but for now I got to get to food,"

"Okay, I will see you tomorrow,"

I head off into my last two periods which go surprisingly fast, and I still don't bump into Rebecca. Then I take the bus to the local church to go to a group which I really don't want to go to.

After a short bus ride a find the church and head inside.

Most of the girls there are young... but not as young as me. Some of them have had their children already but most of them are into their second trimester.

I take a seat and soon after a girl that looks familiar walk in.

"Holly?" she turns and faces me. That's when I realise my friend from kind garden is now pregnant and looks like she is having a hard time,

"Laura? Laura Ann?"

"Yeah that's me," she comes in for the hug and I hug her back and we start to observe each other.

"So your preggs?" I ask looking at her belly, which is much smaller than mine.

"Yeah, same with you?"

"It's more than obvious"


"So umm do you want to ditch and go have dinner with me?"

I look around the room, staring at the girls that are ready to give a depressing lecture.

"Why not"

A freshman and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now