Why wont you talk to me?

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It's been 3 days since karens party and I actually think I like her, I mean... I felt she was a little weird at first but looks can fool you. I decided to try and make plans with her for this weekend, maybe me, ker and the kids could go on a shopping spree at the mall? I mean It wouldnt hurt right? So maybe i'll run the idea accross Lay'ah to see if she's up with it. I got up from the bed while Roc ws still asleep and went directly into my daughters room. I peeked over her crib and she was playing with her big panda bear. "hey, mama" I smiled at her and picked her up. "mommy" She grinned. I took her from her crib and put her weight on my waist. " you want some froot loops?" I asked. her FAVORITE Breakfast in the world, haha she gets it from her daddy. I think it's cute but roc doesnt. he claims he has to share his cereal too much, that selfish nigga. psh. As we walked to the kitchen and I fixed Lay'ah a small bowl of froot loops, I heard rocs foot steps approching. "guess who's woke mama?" I gasped in my kiddie voice and kneeled downm. "daddy!" Lay'ah gave me a look with a shocked facial expression. "daddy!" she yelled . And the man himself walked in. "well hello there" I winked. Roc nodded at me and walked right past as if he either didnt see me or he just didn't care that I was around. "Uhm... I said Hi?" I scoffed and turned towards him. "good morning wife, good morning Lay'ah" He nodded and picked her up. I sat back on the counter and scoffed. Did I just miss something? I mean he's been acting weird ever since the party. "baby you okay?" I asked. Roc looked back at me as he walked to the back room with Lay'ah. "yeah. Im fine" he said blandly. I know roc, Ive known him since we were just fuck buddies in high school, I know when he's mad, I know when he's angry, I know when he's irritated and I know if it has something to do with me. but in this case I wasn't too sure. "you're not fine roc, You've been acting weird since that night, What's wrong? " I asked. "Nothing Dominique. Im cool. Trust me." Yeah okay whatever roc. I could literally sense that something was going on with him but I couldnt put my hand on it. I then just Decided to leave him alone because I didn't care to piss him off even more. I just rolled my eyes and turNed the opposite way and then the phone rang. I walked over and.answered it but didn't say hello. I just they're waiting for someone to respond " Rocky, Alex misses You." The voice carried over to my ears....it was Karen. I scoffed as a look carried over my face. Not one that was disappointed but confused. What does roc have to do with her son? Roc has his own family ans daughter to consist of but being the bitch I was I called him in. "Roc..... it's for you" I said waiting for him to answer the phone. He walked in slowly and looked at my pissed off face. I then put a fake smile on and handed him the phone. " hello " he answered. "Baby Alex misses you" I heard her say with the loud volume on the phone. " Karen, stop it. We're nothing. " he said calmly and he turned to look at my facial expression. "But I want something special. " I heard through the phone. Roc scoffed and shook his Head. His face filled with guilt towards me. "I can't give you that. I already have something special Karen." He said and I grabbed the phone. I looked at it and her voice began to speak. " but rocky I can make it better " she said and I put the phone to my ear "Karen. This is Dominique. My husband is married to me and me only .. we have a daughter and he's unconditionally satasfied. Now I'd advise you to stay away from him from now on." I said with a calm, stern voice. " Karen gulped and her Voice got weary. "Okay." She said and I hung up. " I can't believe you! I mumbled walking past him. "Believe what? I didn't do anything." Roc pleaded walking after me. "Exactly, and you didn't wanna tell me about Karen? This girl is calling our house!" I raised my voice. "Okay Dominique, im sorry!" He said as I picked up lay'ah. " sorry got shot . How would you feel if I kept this type of shit from you? " I asked.  

Roc shook his head. "Watch your mouth around her" he said looking at Lay'ah in my arms. "Oh don't you give me no damn ultimatums." I adjusted lay'ah and walked out to get some fresh air. "Dominique !"  

He yelled as I left. "Done!" I replied and continued walking I then dialed hazels number, I mean me and her are best friends now so maybe she can help me cool off.

Can't miss what you could have had ( 1st sequel to I F-U-C-K-E-D MY B-U-L-L-Y)Where stories live. Discover now