Glens-Dale Seduction

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Threw the eyes of roc, 

It was 3 days later that we finally decided to get lay'ah back.  Her little break from daycare was up and Dominique had Decided to pick her up from my mothers since I wasnt feeling too good, i had a headache for 2 days straight that just wouldnt bother to leave me alone.

I was lying in bed just watcing tv and waiting for dominique and Layah to get back home when I drifted off to sleep. These past nights with this headache have sent my ass over the edge. I mean I couldnt help it, I was excausted. 

Right when I got into my nap I heard a knock at the door. I thought It was just apart of a soon to be dream but there I heard it again. The headboard of  my bed began to shake with the knocks. I swear this person was knocking like they were the damn police. 

I rose up from my bed with the most irritated face, "I can Never get No peace!" I murmered. I hate interruptions when Im trying to sleep. Unless it's sex, Then I dont want tot be bothered. It's Just The way Ive Been for years.

I marched towards the door and opened it when i saw her face. "Hey" She smiled . My vision kept on adjusting ,Just to be clear I wasn't going crazy. It was her..... . In all emotions , I wanted to curse her out. I wasted my time in even getting up and out of my bed to answer the door for her. "karen, What are you doing here?" I asked all drowsy. "I just wanted to stop by and see how you & layah were doing." She smiled. "And Dominique?" I asked. 

Karen smiled "Yeah, Her too Of course. May I come In" She asked. I looked outside and it was pouring raining ... I saw that karen was shivering a little so The human side of me let her in. "Look. What do you want? I have a head ache..." I looked at her in uninterest. "i got a Job " 

karen got excited and she jumped up as if we were in some type of high school musical shit.  "great, Where" I asked in a dull tone. "Glens-Dale"  

just then I remembered about that night we opened that gift for layah... it told us about  Glens-Dale. 

"Im The principal of the entire program" She bragged.

I started to think, "wait, so you're the reason that Lay'ah was highly reccommended for a free scholarship?" I asked.

"of course, I love her as if she was my own." Karen laughed.

"but she's not." i explained.

Karen looked me up and down, That look that I get from all the females who want to fuck me. "We can work on that" She said In a soft voice. she took her pointer finger and traced it around my pecks. 

"no we dont, Karen stop it" I told her in a firm voice. 

"but baby, you didnt Invite me in for no reason right?" She asked.

"you invited yourself in, Now get off" I sadi louder and grabbed her wrist, I pushed her away from my body and she came back as if nothing had happened. "Come on roc. " She smiled just grabbing on my dick. "Would you--- STOP!" I yelled harshly. My headache was now turning into a migrane . I pushed her off and grabbed her arm tightly as I opened the door to let her out. She turned around at last minute to grind on my up up and down. "You're Crazy!" I yelled throwing her out of the house and slamming the door in her face. "Glens-Dale!!" she yelled on the opposite side. "Fuck you & Glens-Dale!" I yelled . I Turned back around and walked back to my room. "fuckin' Thot." I scoffed. 

I sat on the bed & just thought for about 20 minutes. Right when dominique walked in with lay'ah.

"honey Im home" she yelled , closing the door bhind herself. I jumped up and took a deep breath. Lay'ah came Running to the bedroom . "daddy!" he yelled and ran to me.. "Baby girl!" I smiled. I picked her up and Kissed her on the cheek. "how was grandamas?" I asked. she just giggled and gave me a hug. Dominqiue walked in and smiled as She was me suffacating lay'ah kisses on her belly button. "Light skins" She mumbled. followed by a small laugh. "You're Lightskinned yourself" I looked up at her. "Layah crept her way off of the bed and ran into her bedroom to play with her toys.

"so" Dominqiue laughed. 

She went into the kitchen to wash her hands before cooking dinner as I followed. I didnt know how to tell her but I had to try. "aye." I said as I walked into the kitchen behind her. "what?" She asked. 

"If i tell you, you have to promise not to get mad at me" 

Dominique turned around as she dried her hands. and looked at me. "why would I be mad at you?' she asked.

I figured Id Just tell her how it was and be truthful. "Karen came over"  I confessed

"Okay &" 

I took a deep breath. "I might have got Lay'ah Thrown Out of Glens-Dale Before it even started." I explained. "how?"

I opened the fridge and got a hawaiian Punch Juice. "Karen is the new Principal of the program and she's the one that gave Lay'ah The high reccommendation for a free scholarship to this place."

"& What does that have to do with her being thrown out?" Niq asked me. she folded her arms and sat back against the counter. "I told you not to get mad" I looked at dominique. she laughed and shrugged. 

"Im not gonna get mad, Just tell me." 

"well... She came in the house since it was raining outside & she took the gesture the wrong way... she tried to convince me to have sex with her, because of the reccommendation she gave Lay'ah. but I kicked her out the house...and she was screaming out Glens-Dale." I explained.

Dominique laughed ultra loud and looked at me. "was She Mad, Or nah?"  she asked. 

"oh she was pissed." 

Dominqiue shook her head and shrugged. "I'll just have to call her, Maybe tell her that what she did was not acceptable, Oh & Lay'ah IS Going to Glens-Dale Acadamy, whether this Karen bitch likes it , Or not"

I scoffed in disbelief. "Straight Like That?" 

Dominique Nodded. "Straight Like That"

& she continued to prepare dinner.

I went back into Lay'ah's room and held her in my arms. "you didnt have a nap did you princess?" I asked. Lay'ah Didnt respond. she just let her head fall on my chest as if she done worked a full-time job.

as I made my way back to the kicthen, I heard dominique talking.

"Hi Karen, This is Dominique, Roc's Wife, I heard about the behavior you put upon my husband today and Im not pleased. He's faithful to me as his wife & to Lay'ah As His daughter. It was completely out of line for you to try and disrupt our family while I And my child were away. It shall never happen again. If I hear or see otherwise, There will be hell to pay. okay? Okay. & As far as my daughters free scholarship, you dont call the shots anymore on who goes to the program and who does not. I'll just call the owner & founder of it all and my daughter will still continue to Take on the next 24 months at Glens-Dale Acadamy. Play with it if you want to. You have a good day now. Bye-bye. "

she said as she hung up the phone, I'm assuming she left a message and I was in total shock. "well well well! I didnt know you were bout that life" I laughed. Dominique rolled her  eyes. "you knew I was bout that life since high school. " She chuckled. She walked over to me and saw that Lay'ah Was asleep on my chest. "anything for my little diva" She smiled and kissed lay'ah On the forehead.

Maybe Now Karen will think twice huh.

Can't miss what you could have had ( 1st sequel to I F-U-C-K-E-D MY B-U-L-L-Y)Where stories live. Discover now