New Starts

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Dean POV

My alarm clock blared in my ear and it caused me to jolt awake. I sighed before quietly turning it off making sure that Sam wasn't awake on the other side of the motel room. He just rolled over still covered in the off white covers and continued to sleep like I had hoped. I tip toed over to my dresser and pulled out my ratty old coveralls that I need to replace so I could get ready for work at Bobby's Shop and the diner. I quickly pack my book bag with my textbooks, my homework and a change of clothes for the diner, since Ellen doesn't like my dirty coveralls on when I'm waiting/busting tables.

I was almost out the door of our cramped motel room so I could get changed in the bathroom when Sam woke up. Crap. He's never woken up when I've left for work before, he doesn't even know that I work this early in the morning.

"Dean?" Sam asked confused. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before putting on his big framed glasses and I stood there with my back to him in defeat. "What are you doing up?"

"Going to work." I stated as if it was a completely normal hour and normal thing to do.

"It's four in the morning." Sam was starting to get suspicious and I knew that if he found it out himself he would be furious with me for not telling him. So, I did what any person who didn't want someone worrying about them does. Lie.

"Yeah, Bobby just wanted me to come in really early to clean up the garage.I lied straight through my teeth. Sam gave me a you-got-to-be-kidding-me look and I sighed, knowing that he will figure it out very soon.

"Yeah right. You're working the early morning shift at the diner again." Sam's right. I do have to work at Bobby's but that is from six until seven and then again after school. It didn't pay me enough to send Sam to the academy he wanted to go to and put food in the table, so I took up work at the local diner, The Roadhouse. My boss Ellen and her daughter Jo are always nice and they help me out a lot with Sam since our parents died.

"We just need some more cash is all. Now go back to sleep and I'll come pick you up at seven thirty for the first day of school." I turned to leave again and he stood up, nearly tripping when his foot for caught in the covers. I smirked because that kind of did change the overall seriousness of the conversation.

"No. I know that you are working so hard to send me to Norte Dame, so I'm going to go to your school. I'm not going to back down from this either." Shocked, I turned back to Sam. Sam had been begging my dad, John, for three years to send him and he finally got to the year before dad and mom died in the house fire. Sam loves it there so I kept paying for tuition fees with the help of our guardian Bobby Singer, our half uncle. (Even though he doesn't live with us, he has to be considered our guardian since I was sixteen when my parents died).

"I'm not letting you leave there. You love it there." Sam stared at me and shook his head no.

"I actually don't anymore. My friends moved or stopped being friends with me this summer. When I said I was going to hang out with friends, I was really going to be a loner in the library. I want to go to school with you." I stood there awestruck. I can't believe what Sam is saying---I want to believe it, it would mean more free time for me----but I can't.

"You're lying." I'm never trusting what people say the first time they say it, even if it is the person I trust the most. He shook his head no. I want to play it cool and try to seem like I don't want desperately for Sam to switch schools, but I could barely help myself.

"If this is what you want, I'll call into work today and we will head down to the academy to get you out of there and transferred to Ark Well High." Sam nodded and went back to his bed as I did a happy dance to where he couldn't see me. He fell back asleep peacefully with a smile on his face. It seems like his been wanting to ask for awhile, but the first day of school was the worst timing ever.

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