Dates and Game Rooms

377 18 2

Dean POV

"This is boring." Castiel told me as he nonchalantly put a fry drenched in ketchup in his mouth. He wiped his mouth off with his crumpled napkin that's in need of replacing and stared up at the ceiling.

"I know. We already did this last week." I responded to him, drinking some of my half drunk chocolate milkshake, boredly staring at the same rip in the leather booth seat next to Castiel's head for the fifth time today.

I glanced around the diner to look for something to do. There wasn't much in here besides one beer stained green pool table  missing half the balls and a broken down jukebox that hasn't worked in twenty years.

"I've got an idea, let's head to my house to watch a movie or two." Castiel suggested from across the table. I smiled at him and wiped the tiniest bit of ketchup off from the corner of his mouth with my thumb.

"Would your parents be okay with---you know---us?" I nervously asked running my hands together beneath the table. I don't know much about Cas' family, so that means I don't know if they're homophobic or not.

"They are very religious people so to answer your question---no. But if I say we're studying for school they won't care. We just can't act coupley." He explained. I don't think this is a good idea, if we make one wrong move it could be horrible for our relationship.

"Are you sure, Cas? We could just head back to my motel room. Sammy and I just moved into a new one last night and this one---"

"I'm sure, Dean. Nothing bad will happen." Castiel cut me off mud thought and shoved the rest of his ketchup with a side of fries into his mouth.

"Okay. Let's go to your place then." I uneasily told him, refusing to look him in the face. I slurped down the rest of my milkshake and slid out of the booth.

I left twenty dollars on the table for the bill for Jo to see later and pulled Cas by the hand out of the restaurant.

"So, where exactly do you live?" I asked putting my Impala in gear after getting in.

"Just a few roads over. You'll take a left of the parking lot, continue past the old park and take a right on the third street you see. My house is four houses down on the left side then." He told me as he tapped along to the beat of Imagine by the Beetles which was playing on the radio.

"You're really good with directions." I told him, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the open road.

"My dad always make sure all of my siblings and I know where we live when we move somewhere. It's pretty much the first thing we do." Cas explained as he stared causally out the window at the passing scenery of the park. "Is that a treehouse?" Cas pointed off in the distance towards a run down part of the park.

"Yeah it is. Actually, my dad, Sam and I built that for all the kids in town a few years back. It was used a lot until that section of the park became infested with snakes. The snakes aren't there anymore but no one wants to take a chance. I don't remember the last time someone has even been in there. Sad, I know, but it makes me happy looking at it. It reminds me of my dad." I say the last part with a hint of tears. I could feel them welling up in my eyes. Even thigh my father was an abusive drunk at some points, he was also kind and loving.

"What were your parents like?" I pulled into Castiel's street with a sharp turn. The houses ok this street are bigger than the whole motel I'm staying in. "If you don't jmind answering." He quickly added turning suddenly towards me with his hands up as if he could physically soften the blow.

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