Complications and Car Crashes

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Castiel POV


This party is not my territory. I despise parties, I've never been to one before and after tonight I never want to come back to one, even though I'm only a sophomore and high school is supposed to be filled with these.

"Castiel! Drink?" Hugh ran up to me through the crowd holding a red solo cup, splashing a brown liquid as he ran.

"I'm good." I told him, placing my hands in my pockets. He kept insisting and shoving the cup towards me so I reluctantly took it.

"You'll love it, I even slipped in a little vodka from the bar." He whispered into my ear as if it was something I wanted to hear. It was clear Hugh wasn't going to let me leave until after I drank at least a sip, so I took a quick swig and was taken aback by the foul taste and odor. He laughed at my expense and told me I didn't have to drink if I didn't want to.

Either way I took another swig, and soon I was slurring my words and tripping over my own two feet.

Next thing I remember I was in the back room of the house, waking up in a chair with Hugh slapping me, telling me I needed to run because the cops are there. He tossed me his keys which I looked at in confusion.

"You're driving dude!" He called as we raced to his car with about three other kids as well. We all jumped in the car and as I drove away I could barely even see the road.

I must of blacked out because the next thing I know, I'm hunched over in the front seat and smell smoke in the air. The front of the car is smashed against a tree and even in my drunken stupor I was able to assess that this was not a good situation at all.

"Cas! Switch with me!" A boy who I recognized as Cody from school called front the back seat.

"What?" I slurred back, dazed and confused.

"Switch with me! I'm not drunk!" He explained. When I didn't move, he threw open his door and dragged me out of the driver's side door before placing me again in the back seat.

I don't remember the emergency vehicles arriving but I do remember being placed in an ambulance and rushed to the hospital.

The next morning I awoke, completely hungover with Cody next to my bed.

"I told them I was driving." He told me when he noticed I was awake. "I told them I crashed because a deer ran out in front of the car. Since I wasn't drunk, they believed me."

"Where's everyone else. Where's Hugh?" I slurred out. Cody hunched over and shrugged his shoulders.

"Hugh's dead." He whispered. I snapped my head towards him, waiting for more of an explanation. "His leg was crushed and he died due to lack of blood loss during surgery.

"They are not pressing charges on me because they found my story credible and he didn't die because of the car crash. But his death is still on you. You killed him Castiel. You killed your boyfriend." And with that Cody stood up and left the room, leaving me in dumbfounded tears.

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