Cell Blocks and Isolation

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A/N: Woah, another update already!? That probably has a lot to do with that fact my powers been out for a couple of days due to a wind storm, so I haven't had much else to do besides read and write. Whelp, I hope you enjoy the chapter and I will get you another one soon. Bye!
Castiel POV

Dean's not allowing me to visit him. He's awaiting his fitness hearing right now, which means that Crowley's lawyers want to try him as an adult for assault charges. He says he doesn't want to deal with people until he's out.

"Cas?" Gabriel asked quietly from my doorway. I just continued to stare out my window at the gray sky and think about Dean.

"Yeah, Gabe." I finally muttered, not peeling my eyes away from the huge rain clouds that were ready to cry.

"Mike and Luci want help bringing up some boxes. Care to join?" He asked, even though he knew I would say no. I stood up from my desk chair and walked over so I could plop down on my bed.

"Call your boyfriend to help." I told him, putting a pillow over my eyes so I could block out the lights from the hallway that Gabriel was letting in.

"This isn't going to help, Dean." Gabriel told me as if I didn't already know.

"I know, but what will?" I didn't really expect an answer. Not even Dean knew how to help Dean.

"Talking to Crowley might. You could get him to drop the charges." I laughed once at the idea. Crowley will never budge, and he can't say to drop the charges either. His jaw's broken, he can't talk.

"He can't even talk!" I hollered at Gabriel in anger, throwing the pillow at him. Gabriel dodged it and let it hit the wall behind him.

"Go to school and dig up some dirt. Better do it today too, before everyone gets scared thinking he'll come back." That actually makes sense. If I can dig up a secret on Crowley, maybe he would drop the charges. Maybe he won't mention anything about my secret either.

"I guess it's worth a shot." I told Gabriel, sitting up on my bed and fiddling around with my slippers on the floor until I got them on.

"Get ready then. School starts in an hour." I groaned and reluctantly stood on my feet before stretching.

"I'll be down in a few minutes." I told him and he left shutting my door behind him softly.

I quickly throw on one of Dean's hoodies----his red one that still smells like his cologne----- over my pajama top I've been wearing the past three days, not even caring about the smell, and grabbed a pair of jeans off the floor to change into.

"CASTIEL! BREAKFAST IS READY!" Lucifer called up the stairs. My stomach growled and I realized that I haven't eaten since before the arcade three days ago. Suddenly overwhelmed by a need for food, I skipped doing my hair and practically ran down the stairs.

"Woah, Cas. I think you need to shower first." Michael told me, plugging his nose as he passed me at the bottom of the staircase.

"No time, Mike." I mumbled as I slid past him and into the kitchen to grab my breakfast.

"Pancakes, smelly boy." Lucifer told me as he shoved a plate full of pancakes into my chest. There were completely burnt to a crisp and I stared at Lucifer, my face begging for an explanation. "First day in the new house. I'm still getting used to the stove." I sighed and tossed the pancakes in the trash before grabbing my keys and heading out the front door.

"Cas! Your book bag!" Gabriel yelled after me from where he sat in the dining room.

"Don't need it." I called back as I slammed the door behind me. I unlocked my car and hopped into the passenger seat, suddenly with no intention of going to school whatsoever.

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