Milkshakes and Phone Calls

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Dean POV

"Wait. So you have never, in your entire life, went to a party?" I asked Castiel with a hint of laughter in my voice but trying to hide it so I didn't seem mean. This kid has never been to a proper party, only little kid birthday parties which is insanity. You haven't lived in my opinion until you've been to a teenage party.

"Well, I did go to Chuck E. Cheeses every year with some friends until I was eight. Oh and for Gabriel's parties until I was ten." He sheepishly told me. I stared at the shorter boy in amazement. This kid doesn't know what life is!

"So if some friend invited you to one, you just wouldn't go?" I curiously asked Castiel as I received my chocolate milkshake from Ash (my friend from the Roadhouse) and handed Castiel his vanilla one. We decided that rather than tour the school, we should tour the town and a town tour is not complete without one of the Roadhouses famous milkshakes. They are like Heaven in your mouth.

"I didn't have friends to invite me places after I was eight. We moved that year and no one liked me at my old school." Castiel mumbled toward the ground. I felt so bad for asking now. It obviously brought back painful memories.

"I'm sorry, Cas. I shouldn't have brought that up. I didn't know." Castiel looked up at me with a confused look on his face. He looked like a little lost puppy and it was freaking adorable.

What are you saying? You're not gay! Snap out of it!

"Did you just call me Cas?" I did, didn't I? I didn't even notice, it just came out naturally.

"I think I did. Do you not like it?" He immediately shook his head no, saying that he did indeed like the name.

"I like it. I really do but usually when you give someone a nickname it means that you are" He looked at anything except for me and then all of a sudden he stared straight into my eyes with his big blue ones. "Friends?"

"Of course we are friends, Cas. I mean, I bought you a milkshake, the ultimate sign of friendship!" I exclaimed and threw my hands into the air as we sat down on my Impala's front hood. "We can conquer the world together. Oh and just so you know, by the end of this school year, I'm getting you to a proper party." I smiled at the blue eyed boy next to me and started to drink my shake.

"That seems highly improbable." Cas was dead serious too, he really doesn't get sarcasm all that well. I glanced at Cas out of the corner of my eye while snickering at his comment and he seemed to be disappointed about something. I wonder what it is. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He breathed out a heavy sigh, obviously something was bothering him, and glanced at his pure gold Rolex watch on his arm, I'd kill for one of those things. "School's almost over. We need to pick up our brothers." I nodded and we hopped into the Impala so we could make it down to the school to pickup the boys.

"Beat it, dweeb!" A bigger kid with dark brown hair told a scrawny kid that he had pinned up against a locker. He dropped the smaller boy and he took off running forgetting about his binders that were dropped all over the ground. He ran in between Gabriel and I in tears with a huge bruise already forming around his eye. The big kid got him good.

"I can't believe that jerk.The little kid didn't do anything to him." I told Gabriel as we walked out the front lobby doors to the pickup area. When Dean and Castiel weren't waiting there when we got there, I figured that they skipped. It seemed like something Dean would do---he has done it plenty of times before----but it didn't seem like a Castiel move.

"I can't either. But that bully can punch. I wonder who he is." Gabriel stood silently for a moment before easing up a finger and getting a giant smile on his face that reached ear to ear. It was his smile that I have not been able to say no to all day long.

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