Courtyards and Oak Trees

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Castiel POV

I sat down at the corner table of the courtyard waiting for Gabriel to come out, reading my book. I really don't like courtyards, they are where the most horrible moments of my life has been.

(FLASHBACK: Last Year at his old school [bullying involved: POSSIBLE TRIGGER])

"Asstiel!" I heard Metatron call across the courtyard. I just rolled my eyes and continued on minding my own business, not caring about that assbutt Metatron. "Hey! I was talking to you!" He came up to where I was sitting, knocking my book out of my hands. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" By this point, a lot of the students in the courtyard are staring at us. None of them doing anything though, just like always.

"I don't want any trouble." I told him, bending down to pick up my book. He grabbed my hair and smacked the back of my head against the bottom of the table I'm sitting at.

"Yeah? But I do, you fag!" I stayed there with my head against the table wanting to scream in pain because of the impact.

"Just please stop." I whispered through the silent tears. My head is throbbing right now. I've never felt anything so intense. I stood up to try and get to the bathroom where I could call my mom to pick me up, but his goons wouldn't let me pass.

"That's not going to happen. Want to know why?" He kicked my knee in from the back causing it to buckle. I yelped in pain and fell causing even more attention to be drawn to us. "Huh?" He kneed me in the stomach so hard I nearly throw up. "Do you?" He picked me up by my hair again and threw me back down against the table. My nose exploded into pain and I saw stars across my vision. There was so much blood around my mouth and coming from my nose that I could barely breathe. Either way though, I turned around toward him and tried to pass which caused him to shove me against the wall.

"Break it up you two!" I heard a teacher yell. He restrained Metatron but not before Metatron could yell to the entire school that he caught me kissing a boy from another school named Jonathan. Immediately, everybody was laughing at me. In that moment I became the laughing stock of the school.


Every day since then I kept my head down. Distanced myself from all people except for a select few of my brothers and sisters. And my mom and dad of course.

"Castiel. Castiel!" Gabriel was waving a hand in front of my face trying to get my attention.

"Yeah?" I rubbed my hands on my face and collected my thoughts.

"Dean was wondering if you wanted to hang out, just you, Dean, Sam and I for lunch." I nodded and grabbed my backpack to head to where ever Gabriel is taking me. We ended up in a secluded area on the other end of the courtyard. It was surrounded by overgrown trees, showing that it hasn't been used in years.

Once you step around a few broken branches, the space opens up to show two forgotten lunch tables and a gorgeous old oak tree with purple flowers growing all around it. The tree was breathtaking.

"Pretty cool, right?" Dean asked motioning all around him. I smiled and nodded to him. We all took a seat around the lunch table and everyone dug into their lunches that they brought. "Are you guys busy tonight?" Sam asked even though his mouth was full. I thought about it for a minute but couldn't think of anything that Gabriel and I were doing tonight.

"No, why?"

"Because, I've got to work at the Roadhouse after school since the garage is closed for the week and my friends are going to hang out thee and bug me. I was wondering if you two wanted to go and hang out with them." Dean explained to Gabriel and I, but he was more staring at me the whole time. I was trying my hardest not to blush every time I felt his eyes on me, but I could tell half the time, it didn't work.

"And afterwards everybody's going over to Charlie's to watch some movies." Sam chimed in, giving Dean a questioning look at the same time. He must've noticed Dean's stare too.

"I don't know..." I said because I never really like social outings. I'm a very awkward person and I don't like to show that to people.

"Come on, Cassie! It'll be fun!" Gabriel pleaded. Dean had a puppy dog eye look on his face that was too damn adorable to resist.

Why does he have to be so handsome?

"Sure, since you asked Gabriel." I told him even though it was Dean's sea green puppy dog eyes that got me to agree.

"Great." The bell rang to head to next class, so we all reluctantly got up to go to class.

"Later guys." I called to Sam and Gabriel as they walked the opposite direction of Dean and I.

"See ya later, Castiel." He stated before walking off toward his locker. As he passed, his hand brushed up against mine which caused myself to smile like an idiot.

That feeling stayed with me all the way through the rest of classes and right up until I was at the Roadhouse.
Hey guys! I know that this is a short chapter, but if I kept going through the whole Roadhouse and movie day it would've been insanely long. Next chapter will have some definite Destiel scenes though so yay! Anyways, thanks for reading and please don't forget to vote if you liked it and tell your friends! Bye!


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